Monday, September 27, 2010

Life Report Card

Although we don't get graded for being a good husband or wife, it's nice to occasionally to receive praise for ordinary things. The next time you notice your spouse "making the grade" in the subjects of life (that you may often take for granted), let this report card do the talking.

Design a report card on your computer or hand design it on notebook paper, or you can use my freebie below. Think of life "subjects" that your spouse excels in. (Note: This is not the time to dish out failing grades for things they aren't good at.) Think positive.

Report Card LAB
Display the report card proudly on your refrigerator for your spouse to see. You can even leave a message next to it that says, "Great job! I'm so proud of you! Let me take you out tonight for getting such good grades!­­"­

You can download the blank version HERE.

Report Card Blank

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Wanted: Your Spouse

Sometimes we all just need to feel wanted. Your spouse is no exception. Here's a way that will really demonstrate how much they are "wanted."


How do I get one of these posters, you ask? You make one! Even if you have to crumple up a brown paper bag, paste a picture on it, and use a permanent marker to create the “wanted’ poster look! (not a bad idea, huh?) Or you can just use your computer. Either way, you’re going to need a few posters—not just one.

Tape the posters up all around your home. Before your spouse even sees you for the first time that evening, make sure they've seen several posters. Make sure there is some kind of reward (whether explicitly stated or not).

Friday, September 10, 2010

"Capture My Heart" Date Night

On this date, you and your spouse will battle for each other's heart...literally! Think of it as a twist off the familiar outdoor activity, "Capture the Flag".

You’ll need:
2 nerf guns
2 heart shaped objects (or a medium sized heart-shaped paper for last minute planning)
Black clothing
Theme music (Mr. & Mrs. Smith soundtrack, possibly?) Optional.

First, agree on a reward for the winner be it a massage, a certain meal, a household chore, etc.

Then, get yourself into battle mode as you both split up to hide your heart-shaped objects. Sneak around the house so your spouse won't suspect where you've hidden it. Have a starting point for each of you on opposite sides of the house and yell when you're ready to play.

The goal is to find the heart-shaped object they've hidden before they find yours. If you get hit with the nerf gun, you’re down for 30 seconds. So, duck and cover and sneak around as much as possible.

May the best man or woman win!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Psychiatrist Date

Surely there are times when you wonder what in the world is going on in your spouse's head. Here's your chance to play psychiatrist and really find out just what is going on in there!

Here's how:

· As an invite to your date, call your spouse during the day to let him or her know that their psychiatrist just called and that they'd be making a house call tonight at 8:00 pm.

· When it's time for your date, have a sign on the door of the room which you'll use as your psychiatrist office. The sign could simply say, "Dr. (Your Name), Psychiatrist". Welcome them into your office with a warm greeting and invite them to sit or lay down (in a comfortable reclining chair, couch, etc.).

· Start with a warm up exercise including massaging their temples, face, neck and shoulders.

· After the warm-up, instruct your spouse: "For today's session, we'll be doing an exercise called "What If". This will allow me to understand you better and accurately identify any conditions affecting your mental health. Please answer all questions honestly." (Google "what if questions" for examples.) While your spouse sits or lays in a comfortable position, sit in a chair next to them with a notebook or clipboard in hand. Ask them a series of "What If" questions including questions you may actually want to know their response to as well as some funny questions. As they answer questions, randomly say to yourself (but out loud) things likes "interesting", "hmm...", "I see", etc.

· At the end of your session, let your patient know that they need a lot of help and that this prescribed medicine should help. (Recycle a used prescription bottle or even an old Advil or Tylenol container. Fill with skittles, m & m's, red hot candies, etc.) Your label could look something like this:


Friday, September 3, 2010

Lovin' Your Student Spouse 101: Repetition

Repetition is known to be a great way to learn. With that mind, let me remind you of these two posts previously seen on Love Actually:

Jumbo Smarties - This post includes 4 printable card downloads!

Scoring an "A" in Romance - a smorgasbord of ideas for student couples on a budget!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Lovin' Your Student Spouse 101: Essay for Love

Nobody likes it when midterms and those big paper deadlines roll around. To show your student spouse that you "share their pain" draft an essay for them along these lines:

"Why I Have the Best Husband in the World"


"Why My Wife is the Smartest Woman Alive"

... anything you want.

Print it out in essay style complete with page numbers, your student number, due date, title page and perhaps a "works cited" section where you can make up books or sources where you got the information for your essay...this is where humor could come handy).

Your title page could look like something like this:

The rest of the essay is up to you! If you run out of things to write about, don't be afraid to double space this essay!

Staple it and slip it in his/her backpack before they leave for class. This time it'll be you trying to make the worries. Your the teacher's pet..... A+ guaranteed!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Lovin' Your Student Spouse 101: Old School Lovin’

It's back to school time again, but this time, study buddies are mandatory for all classes...and you won't be sent to the principal's office for kissing in class!

The bell has rung. It's time for class. Make sure your classmate has their backpack on as you head into 1st period. Being the good study buddy you are, you've already stopped by the office to pick up their class schedule. As you compare your schedules, you'll realize that you're in the same classes together. What are the odds?

class schedule

· Art: For the criminal sketches, one of you will pick a person that you both know and without revealing their name, describe physical features while the other person draws them. After the picture is complete, reveal the name of your "criminal". Then, switch roles. (Don't forget to display your drawings on the fridge!) If drawing isn't either of your strong suits, try your hands at modeling clay or play dough.

· Music : You could play Rock Band if you have it, practice a dance that you learned from You-Tube, play any musical instrument that you have at home, or even just listen to some favorite songs that you haven't heard in a while.

· Home Ec: This would be an excellent time to make your "lunch" together as an assignment or even do a household chore together that needs to get done.

· Lunch: If you didn't make lunch together in Home Ec, you could have lunch already packed in a lunch box complete with a sandwich, apple, and milk carton. How about a little treat and love note from home?

· Math: Learn about math in the real world by doing Sodoku puzzles which you can find free online. If you didn't have dessert packed in your lunch box, perhaps you could learn about pi (3.14) and pie charts while eating pie!

· Physics: A hands-on demonstration is one of the best ways to learn, especially when you're learning the laws of thermodynamics. Classmates will give and receive a massage to learn how heat is generated by friction.

· Phys Ed: This class has been scheduled last to prevent students from being sweaty in other classes.

After your final class, present your classmate with their report card rolled up like a diploma. Make the report card very simple. The grades (one in particular) are all that matter.


Class Dismissed.