Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Creative Couple Photos

I don't know if you ooh and ahh over the latest couples photography these days, but I do. Makes me wish I could go back to our dating/engaged days and capture it all in a whole new way. But, just because we are "old married folk", doesn't mean we can't act like newlyweds and capture some great moments of life in creative ways. 

Often times, it's planning how to pose for pictures that is the hardest. Having a plan of what you want is a good idea.  {Trust me, our biggest arguments usually occur during our annual couples photo shoot. Sad, but true. We are smiling, but we usually aren't happy for those few minutes..ha!}

So get your your camera, tripod, and favorite editing software ready.... here are:

Lauren from Busy Bee Lauren and her hubby on a picnic with a polaroid.
I really really really want a picture like this.

Hostess with the Mostess shows you how to MAKE this flashy little heart prop...this could be cool (and a little less "valentiney") in black & white, too!

This would be an AWESOME photo for any of you married/engaged college-goers or college alums! My friend, Rhiannon over at Hey Gorgeous featured this photo from Onelove Photography. In my case, hubby and I would both be holding true-blue BYU signs... :)

I-love this I-Phone Kiss... Did you even know there was such a thing? There is now. I found this HERE through SugarDoodle. There are other versions floating around the web in color...this was just my favorite!

Fairytale Photo...I think so. (found via Tumblr) And guess what? You can snap this one right in the middle of your Bookstore Date. And then you'll live happily ever after...

Barefoot & Fancy Free....  I really love how playful this picture is! If I couldn't see their feet on the ground, I'd think that their shadows actually are leaping into the air for a kiss... (source)

Groom Sold Separately spelled this one out for us, but it's an easy photo to take for yourself. Just grab your scrabble game and a mini tripod...oh, and while you're at it, how about a little Scrabble Date?

You can make each other happy, when skies are gray... How sweet is this? (super sorry...I have no credit to this photo? anyone want to help me out?)

My husband is always asking for pictures where we don't just "stare at the camera and smile". He would like this one from ISPWP Wedding Photos. It's gonna be a tricky one to shoot, though!

I looove photos that capture a real-life story about a couple. In my case, we'd have a bottle of Pepsi and a bottle of Coke side-by-side to showcase our our ongoing battle over which beverage is better. You can draw inspiration from many other sweet, fun-loving shots from Ashley Therese Photography.

...too cute for words --- from Candice K. Photography

From Post Cards & Pretties, this one's a little nerdy, retro, funky....and perfect!

You do the math. Brilliant photo found via Perfectly Practical Bride.

...this Sunset Smooch comes from my own collection of photos (yup, that's me and the Mr.) Sunsets are perfect opportunities for candid, lovey-dovey photos.

AND, finally....this one from sj2 photography, how simple and sweet with the ampersand prop! It's a perfect photo from engagement through 100 years of marriage to celebrate you & the one you love!

This photo session is over... time to start yours! Good luck!

Monday, April 23, 2012

The "Posh" Winner!

Well, Well.... we have a Winner! ..and a posh one, at that! :)

Thank you again to April Johnson from Perfectly Posh for such a fun giveaway last week.

Our winner is.......

Not wanting the fun to end, April set up an online shopping event just for you!

1. Go to: GoGetPoshed.com
2. Click on "Shop Now"
3. Click on the blue "shop now" link next to the "readers of Love, Actually" event.

Hurry! The party ends at: 4/27/2012 12:00:00 AM.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

His & Hers Heart Pillows

There are times I see something so cute that I just can't pass up the chance to share!

This is one of those times. 

How DARN cute. 

A Beautiful Mess blog has a tutorial and more pics for you!


Have you entered the giveaway yet? do it now! 

Monday, April 16, 2012

Mr. & Mrs. Smith Date Night - Nerf Gun War

Looking for a little action on your next date night? Why don't you give this one a shot? 

Click HERE for the full date!
(I'm sending you over to my other blog)


Pssst: Have you entered the giveaway yet? You'd better do it, HERE!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Perfectly Posh Giveaway (His & Hers Massage Soaps)

Hey y'all! 

I'm coming at ya today with a super fun giveaway from April at Perfectly Posh (also the newest sponsor of Love Actually!)

Perfectly Posh offers unique products that are made purely for pampering, whether for an evening off to spoil yourself, or even to add a touch of romance for you and your hunny!

Let's go with a posh giveaway to match that last option! Allow me to introduce you to.... 


These are SOAP Massagers that smell amazing on their own...but they were designed to smell even better when combined! I'm thinking, "Forget about the smell....I get a massage!"   ....either way, sign me up.

You KNOW you want them, too! You just might be in luck! 

Here's how to enter the giveaway: 

<---------- 1. Be a FOLLOWER of Love Actually 
2. Check out the Spring/Summer Catalog and comment with another product you love and your email address.
(one comment only, please.)

Bonus Entries:
3. "LIKE" Perfectly Posh on Facebook HERE
4. Post a Facebook status update about this giveaway with the link to this post
(comment for each separately) 

Okay, you know what to do! Good Luck! 
Giveaway ends Saturday, April 21 at midnight EST.


Oh, ppsst...here's a little secret. When you "like" her facebook page, you'll be automatically entered for a giveaway of all 3 Footsie Products when the page reaches 100 likes! SWEET! 

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Bed Is For Rest Time

I wrote this when I was just about to go to bed.  Bed is supposed to be a place of rest and recuperation but it wasn’t like that for the Hub last night: I turned over in my sleep and slapped him in the face.  They say we do the things in our dreams that we would like to do in real life but don’t have the courage to attempt….

Before you start feeling sorry for him, let me tell you that I am not the only violent sleeper in this marriage: more than once he has dreamed he’s in a fight and has punched the wall.  Sometimes he wakes up with a bruised hand and wonders why; sometimes I wake him up by yelling at him that he nearly got me that time.  Then he mutters, ‘Curses!  Foiled again.’  Maybe we should think about separate beds; or arguing less.  No: when I suggested it we argued more.  B could also be for ‘Arguments’. 

We are great squabblers over stupid things: the door’s not quite shut; whichever one of  us closed the curtains left a gap; the pillows are the wrong way round on the bed; one of us ate all the cheese & onion crisps and left crumbs in the sheets.

It used to bother me but now I think it works like a whistling kettle: a little tension is released each day so we avoid burning up and exploding. I have known the break up of couples who never argue; by annoying each other each day we are actually saving our marriage. That’s what I’ll tell him next time he moans that I didn’t take my empty cup into the kitchen. Right before I throw it at him.

I wonder if it’s the squabbles that make me punish the Hub in the night, when we are both asleep? Apparently, I often yank his pillow out from under him so that his head crashes to the mattress. It wouldn’t hurt when awake but he tells me it’s a shocker when you’re dreaming that Demi Moore has at last seen the light, begged you to dump the missus, and you suddenly find yourself flat on your back with a humped-back woman hogging the bed. The humped-back woman is me cuddling his pillow and imitating a 3D chevron.

Then there is the matter of the duvet: the poor love is under the impression that, because he sleeps in the same bed, he’s entitled to a share in it; he has delusions of equality. Men think the funniest things, don’t they? He’ll be wanting more than a quarter of the mattress next.