Wednesday, July 28, 2010

“The Dating Game" Date Night

When you find your relationship getting stuck in a rut, surprise your spouse with a new you...well, three new yous! You're both sure to get a laugh out of this dinner date based on TV's "The Dating Game" where a bachelorette would question three bachelors who were hidden from her view. At the end of the questioning period, she would choose one to go out on a date with.

To create a little anticipation, you can either give a card like the one below to your spouse or email it to them at work or school as a hint that Date Night is going to be fun tonight!

You can download my free invite by clicking the links below.
FOR HER - (if hubby is planning date)
FOR HIM - (if wife is planning date)

· Choose who your three bachelor or bachelorettes are going to be (based on generic personalities...however stereotypical they may be). Once decided, dinner will correspond to the selected person. Be sure that you have three dinner options ready based on your spouse's pick! The possibilities are endless. Here are some examples:

Bachelor/Bachelorette Personality


Barbie (stereotypical "valley girl")

Burger and Fries

Foreign National

Cultural Food: Italian, Chinese, Indian, etc.




BBQ & Baked Beans

Animal Lover

Vegetarian food

School Teacher

Bagged Lunch

· At the start of your date, have your spouse sit down while you act as the announcer for the game show. Explain the rules to them. Give him or her the list of questions and a notepad (just in case notes are helpful). Then, announce the name of the bachelors or bachelorettes and where they are from. Then, hide yourself and have your spouse start the questioning while you act the part of three different personalities. (Change your voice to help with the allusion. Remember, as much as you'd like to ham up these characters, make sure they all have appealing characteristics. If your spouse decides against all three, then you've got a problem!)

· Your job is easy. You'll basically have a script written for each question asked to each of the bachelor or bachelorettes. For example, when your spouse asks, "What is your idea of a perfect date?" you'll respond with a different answer for each:

Bachelorette #1 (Cowgirl): "I'd take me and my cowboy to the rodeo. Yee-haw!"
Bachelorette #2 (Teacher): "Prom! I'm chaperoning, but that doesn't mean I can't dance!"
Bachelorette #3 (Barbie): "Umm...I'd, like, go shopping or like, get pedicures together."

· Example Questions:
If we were marooned on a desert island, what would be the first thing you'd do and why?
If you could go on a vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Your house is on fire, what do you grab as you run out?
What color best describes your personality and why?
What do you wish you could change about yourself ?
You are driving and get lost, what do you do and how do you handle it?
If you were going to be famous for one thing, what would it be?
What is your idea of a perfect date?

You can Google "dating game questions" for ideas on more creative questions.

Well, what are you waiting for? Let's get this show on the road!

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