Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A Slice of the "Big Apple"

Today's idea comes from my sister-in-law, Carli. She's an excellent example of making big fun out of little money! This was for their 3rd Anniversary...but could easily be adapted for any occasion.
For our anniversay, I made:

- 2 fake plane tickets to NYC
- Matching shirts that said "I Heart NY" on the front and on the back I wrote "...and my husband/wife! Happy 3rd Anniversary."
- a Phantom of the Opera "program" and tickets
- a sign that said "Broadway"

It happened to be on a Saturday, so we took the whole day to celebrate.

I gave Ryan the plane tickets around 10 am; we grabbed our bag and boarded the "airplane" (the car). We sat there for a minute and then I made him get out of the car and go into our "fancy hotel" which was just our apartment. We unloaded our bags and grabbed some lunch, which I had made earlier. Then we started our sight seeing trip of NY. We walked around "Central Park" (the park across the street from our house). After, we went to the local zoo with our matching shirts on and pretended it was the "New York Zoo". We took Hannah with us and I made a matching shirt for her too. We got lots of compliments, which was fun!

While we were in The Big Apple, we had to get a pizza we went and got the most authentic one we could find at a take n' bake place and then went and got cheesecake--another thing NY is famous for.

We went to a "Yankees game" (which was a little girl's softball game across the street from our house) while we ate our pizza and cheesecake. Then we finished the night off with a trip to the "opera" and watched Phantom of the Opera in our apartment.

(sorry about the bad quality photo...but these are the "Opera tickets")

It was a really fun night, but with all that sightseeing, it was nice to zonk out in our own bed!

{Thanks, Carli!}
Pretty clever, huh? So now you can experience New York and Las Vegas without ever leaving your town... kinda makes me want to see what else the world has to offer! Any suggestions?

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