Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Looking for ideas for your next date idea? How about watching Fireproof? {A heroic fireman in a failing marriage takes up his father's challenge to be part of a 40-day experiment designed to teach both husband and wife the real meaning of commitment. PG}

Michelle over at Her Cup Overfloweth invited her hubby to watch it with her...

And in case your wondering, here's my personal review of the movie. It don't think it should take any awards for best motion picture, but it definately made some awesome points about marriage. The whole idea of "not leaving your partner behind" was really quite inspiring and touching. It also demonstrates what spirituality and faith can do to help a marriage. I've kept this pretty general to not spoil it if you have not seen it.

Have you seen the movie? What did you think? (Just don't spoil it in your comment)

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