Monday, July 13, 2009

Love Debit Card

You know how they say you can never have too many credit cards? {Oh, they don't say that??} Well, I DO! And, I'm about to add a new one to your love's wallet!

*download link below*

There's two ways you can do this.

First, you can use this as a quick and easy date night idea. Make 6 cards and then sit down together and write on 3 each (to give to each other). Set an established expiration date. (This way they don't turn into love coupons which tend to be forgotten about.) This is nice because you can get something fun out of this, too!

Second, you can sneak it into his/her wallet for a fun surprise!

This could be especially useful for couples in a time when money is tight. Put it in your love's wallet with some kind of written sentiment:
“Who needs money? We’ve got each other…and our account is (or, "our investments are") growing everyday..."
"I know money is tight, but I felt like splurging...on you!"

Many thanks to Jena
for providing the inspiration for this idea!

You can download the Debit Card PDF file HERE. *Please comment if you download!

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