Friday, July 3, 2009

Saturday Spotlight: {Blush}

Okay, I know it's not Saturday...but, since it's 4th of July tomorrow, I figure you'll all be out blasting fireworks and such. Thus, I hereby declare today Saturday Spotlight day!

So, I hope you all know that I diligently try to keep this blog as G rated as possible (okay, maybe it gets a little PG-13 sometimes), BUT.....I have a blogging friend who had a great post about a topic that is very applicable to my blog as well. Read on...

Ashley over at A Daily of Dose of Dieting posts simple, daily tips for heathy living and dieting.

And how does this apply to all you lovers reading this blog?!

Well, since you ask....healthy living is so important for romance! It boosts your confidence, helps you look and feel more attractive, and keeps you feeling healthy and young so you don't turn into an "old hag" (forgive the term) so that you feel like romancing your spouse for years and years!

That's all I'm gonna say before I send you over to Ashley's blog...
Check out this post first: {blush}
Then, browse around her blog...and let her know you were there!

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