Monday, August 31, 2009

The Red Carpet Treatment

We all can't live the lives of those who frequent the Red Carpet, but maybe just once we can treat our spouses as the VIPs we know they really are...

This is a date night meant for a night in...the best part is that it probably doesn't deviate from your normal plans too much. I know that a lot of couples tend to just kick back and watch movies for time together. This night will be no different...except for just a few details.

Step 1: Plan with your spouse to watch a movie that evening.
Step 2: Before he gets home, get all the details in place.

"VIP Parking"

Put up a little sign in your garage, near the driveway, anywhere it's obvious as he parks the car.

"The Red Carpet"

  • I bought this large, rectangular plastic table cloth at the dollar store to use as my red carpet.
  • Cut out gold and black stars from cardstock or you can find these at party stores. My stars came from iParty.
  • I took my living room curtains down and rigged them up to provide a more exciting entrance. The "VIP Entrance" sign you can easily make yourself (mine came from iParty.)

"Concession Stand"

Sign, Stars, and Popcorn Tubs from iParty--again, you can easily and cheaply make your own!

"VIP Pass"

I found this lanyard/all-access pass at iParty, too. Yes, I single-handedly keep that store from going under. I really should get paid for promoting their products!

Additional Important Details:
Hopefully you will get a chance to set up your living room/TV room ahead of time so that the following is possible:

  • When he/she gets home or before you start your evening together, direct them to your bedroom where they'll need to change into their "evening attire". (For example, I'd have my husband's tuxedo suit sitting out for him on the bed). Then, get into your best attire quickly (a dress for you lovely wives out there and suits for you hunky husbands...c'mon, who walks the red carpet in pajamas? hello?!)

  • Meet them in the bedroom once they are ready and hand them the "VIP Pass". Tell them, "You'll need this to get in tonight..."

  • Direct them where to go, but have him/her wait just a minute so you can get a head start. You'll want to be at the end of the red carpet flashing your camera like a papparazi...(adds to the effect, you know...) Oh, and have some music playing too...something upbeat!

  • So, when they make their entrance, you're snapping photos w/ flash, music's playing, they're surprised, and you're excited that you've put on this big spectacle JUST to watch a movie at home.

I would set this night up for a time when his/her favorite new show just came out on DVD and they've been dying to watch it...This will add to the whole idea of them being VIPs at this "Movie Premier....on DVD"

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Women's sexual health

Women's sexual health

BBC Sex | Relationships | Sexsuality and Sexual Advise

Women: What Men Want to See in Your Profile

How do you get to that special guy with all the other women vying for his attention? Fear not! We asked single fellas what they want to see in women's profiles, and here's what they said:

1. Photos
It's no secret that men are visual, so photos are an obvious requirement. And research shows men are 14 times more likely to check out a profile with a photo. But what do they like to see in those photos?

"A smiling face" says Norman, 32, of Winooskie, VT. "But not a fake smile, or one that makes her look like she's on mood elevators. Just a natural, engaging grin."

Dave, 26, likes to see hair. "I can tell a lot from your haircut. If it's really done up, you're probably prissy or high-maintenance. If looks more natural, you're probably laid back and practical. And if it's under a hat, you probably have something to hide!"

Eyes are important, too. "A direct gaze is nicest," says Roland, 45, of Evanston, IL. "I like feeling as though she's looking me in the eye."

"A body shot is nice for an alternate photo," notes Carl, 50, of Novato, CA. "I don't need to see her in a bikini or anything, but a photo that gives me an idea of her physique is helpful."

2. Headlines
Your headline is your online introduction. It's a great opportunity to give him a glimpse of your personality.

"If you're fun-loving, let that show through in your profile. This one got my attention," says Daniel, 43, of LaHabra, CA. "'Rizzzzz Weasels rip my flesh! Is that catchy enough? I was also thinking maybe ... Fuzzy snow bunnies.' It shows her personality and that she likes Frank Zappa."

Bookish? Try something that only the well-read will get, like a quote from Shakespeare or something in Latin. "I'm a big reader, and I like dating women who are literary, too," says Barnie, 38, of Cambridge, MA. "So a quote from a major literary figure or work, or a reference to a book is a great lure."

Men like women who like sports. If you do, you might want to lead with that. "I always click on women with sports analogies in their headlines," says Darnell, 29, of Houston, TX. "Like, 'Looking for a base hit.' or 'In the crease.'"

3. Who you want to meet
Here's the part of your profile where you can really tell him what makes you special.

"I like profiles that give me a glimpse into her essence," says Al, 40, of Binghamton, NY. "Telling me about her ideal day or an epiphany. Things that are unique to her."

Thom, 27, of Portland, OR., agrees, adding, "I want to know her interests—not just what, but why. How did she develop her love of winter sports? Why does she dig mysteries?"

"I don't want to hear about your past," says Dov, 34, of Bradenton, FL. "I want to know what you want in the future. Your goals and dreams. If they're similar to mine, I'll contact you!"

Women: What Men Want to See in Your Profile

Expert Flirting Tips

Some people are natural flirts, but what if you're not one of those people? We've compiled 10 expert tips on flirting that even the most timid of singles can use.

10. Flirting is an attitude
A good flirt is self-confident and not afraid to take risks. Be enthusiastic and positive — it works!

9. Start a conversation
The best opening line is saying hello. Talk about the surroundings, ask a question, ask for help or state an opinion.

8. Have fun
Be playful, light-hearted and spontaneous. Show your vulnerability.

7. Use props
Never leave home without a prop. Props are natural conversation starters. They encourage conversation and others will be compelled to start talking to you. Great props include dogs, kids, unusual jewelry, a fabulous scent, a sweatshirt with your favorite passion, unusual ties, hats, or an interesting book or newspaper.

6. Be the host
Change your behavior from guest to host. You are not a passive person waiting around for romance; instead, you're the welcome committee.

5. Make the first move
Move closer to the person you want to meet. Say hello.

4. Listen
You have two ears and one mouth because you should listen twice as much as you speak. Listening is a true art. Your flirting partner will be drawn to you. Everyone loves to be heard.

3. Eye contact
Please look your partner in the eye gently (no more than a few seconds) and then glance away. Don't stare — it's a turn off.

2. Compliment
Compliment your flirting partner. The best compliments have the element of surprise. The "flirtee" will know that you really noticed them. Remember, your compliments must be honest, sincere and genuine. When you receive a compliment, the best response is a simple "Thank you!"

1. Smile
It's contagious. Smiling makes you so much more approachable. A smile lights up your face and draws people to you. You'll be a people magnet.
Expert Flirting Tips

How Much Does Chemistry Count?

Chemistry. What is it? It’s that… well, thing. That “I need to see this person again” impulse. Or that “We click” feeling. But what causes it? Does it need to happen naturally, or can you create it? Does it die over time, or are there tricks to keep the sparks flying? To explore these questions and more, we gathered together a group of real people and experts to delve into this titillating topic. Here’s what they had to say—see if you agree, and glean a few tricks on generating more chemistry in your own dating life.
The Subjects: Joyce Catlett, MA, mental health specialist and author of Sex and Love in Intimate Relationships
David Givens, Ph.D, anthropologist and author of Love Signals
Sean and Alison, 36-year old newlyweds who met on and are now living in Rancho Cucamonga, CA with their blended family
Michael, 35-year-old single man from Denver, Colorado
Pamela, 29-year-old single woman from Seattle, Washington
Q: So how do you define chemistry?
Alison: Chemistry is like cookie dough and vanilla ice cream: When it works, it works.
Sean: Chemistry is the igniter, the catalyst for the relationship.
Pamela: I think chemistry is an animal attraction between two people that is purely physical. The connection appeals to the five senses: The way someone looks, smells, tastes, the feel of his or her body, the sound of that person's voice. The reaction to one's chemical match is often excused or explained as overwhelming and uncontrollable. It’s the "throw-down factor."
Michael: To me, chemistry is a connection, a bond or common feeling between two people. In my opinion, it starts very early in a friendship/relationship. Positive or negative chemistry is often one of the first feelings two people have about each other. It can be verbal or nonverbal, conscious or unconscious—yes, just like you were hit over the head with it!
Joyce Catlett: If you’re talking about chemistry as something that stimulates love or sexual attraction (or both), brain chemicals are definitely involved. In Why We Love,Dr. Helen Fisher found that levels of the chemical dopamine rise in a person who is infatuated, particularly as the relationship starts to take on more meaning.
David Givens: Chemistry is basically when the pleasure centers of the brain are engaged. The pleasure you get from chocolate, a martini or a rollercoaster is basically the same. The brain doesn’t differentiate. While chemistry isn’t everything, many of courtship's most powerful signals are unheard, untouched, and unseen. Operating chiefly through unconscious channels, these invisible aromas, tastes, steroids, sterols, and hormones strongly shape our feelings about each other.
Q: How do you know you have chemistry with someone? Are there “symptoms”?
Alison: You know you have chemistry when it is easy. And the only goal you have for the day is to get back to that person.
Sean: I knew I had chemistry with Ali when I would spontaneously smile when I was with her or even just thinking about her.
Joyce Catlett: Symptoms? Rapid heartbeat. Shortness of breath. And sensations of excitement that are often similar to sensations associated with danger. As one researcher said, “Adrenaline makes the heart grow fonder.”
David Givens: You can tell when there is chemistry between people because the sympathetic nervous system gets aroused. Blood pressure goes up a little, the skin may flush, the face and ears will turn red and there might be a feeling of weakness in the knees. It’s that combination of basic psychological arousal combined with a feeling of pleasure.
Q: Can you create chemistry with someone you’re not initially feeling it with and, if so, how?
Michael: I think you can build chemistry, but personally, I like chemistry to just hit me. It’s much more fun that way. I enjoy suddenly realizing “Hey, I may be interested in her” and then WHAM! Makes me smile just thinking about it.
Pamela: Nope. It cannot be created. Unfortunately, it's one of the few things in life you can't learn and can't teach. You, as a couple, either have it or you don't.
Alison: Actually, I think chemistry can grow. Some people may be reserved at first, not showing their true selves. Over time, their personalities show and chemistry develops.
David Givens: Yes, I think you can create chemistry. Ordinary courtship goes over a period of weeks and months, and it builds up and adds up and eventually you get this kind of chemical bonding. Eye contact and discussing personal subjects can accelerate this chemical bond.
Joyce Catlett: Sometimes alcohol, which takes away inhibitions, could make it easier to be attracted to someone. But it’s an artificial “high,” only a temporary tension reliever. The chemistry you felt might very well disappear.
Q: Can you tell if you have chemistry with someone online or on the phone, or do you have to meet in person to know?
Ali: I think you can tell whether you have compatibility online. You can’t tell that you have chemistry until you meet the person. I got tingly when I first saw Sean, until then I wasn’t quite sure if I should even be going out on the date.
Sean: Actually, with Ali, I could tell there was a potential for chemistry online. I could tell based on her physical appearance, grammar, and tone in her bio, in emails, and then especially on the phone. However, I could definitely tell there was chemistry, and not just potential, on the first date.
Pamela: Online? Nope. Doesn't stimulate any of the five senses. Phone? Sure. The sound of someone's voice can be an incredible turn-on. Ever notice what suckers we are for people with Australian accents?
Joyce Catlett: I think chemistry would probably be less strong online or on the phone because research has shown that eye-to-eye contact is important in transmitting emotions. The exception would be for a shy person, who has trouble relaxing in social situations. Online contact would be less stressful for this person, and the more relaxed state would allow the chemistry to emerge.
Q: How long does it take to know if you have chemistry with someone? Five minutes? When you kiss? After getting intimate?
Joyce Catlett: It may take only five minutes. Simply spotting an interesting person at a cocktail party from a distance could start the chemistry perking.  Many people have also reported that the first kiss was how they knew they were falling in love.
Pamela: If the first kiss isn't fireworks and hot flashes in certain regions of the body, then move on. Intimacy is the ultimate chemistry test. And that feeble excuse of "The first time is always awkward"? Not true!
Michael: Chemistry is the start or end of it all: Good chemistry equals move forward, bad chemistry equals keep looking. I don’t think the first kiss is the magic threshold, nor is the being intimate. In my opinion, you should already have chemistry at that point.
Q: Can you be “just friends” with someone and then get hit with a wave of chemistry that makes the relationship change direction?
Pamela: From experience, yes. It was a friendship for eight years, and now my desire for him is like a virus, forever coming back to haunt me when I least expect it. Keep in mind, as you grow and discover yourself, your "tastes" change. What appealed to you at twenty might not/probably won't appeal to you at thirty.
Joyce Catlett: This often happens to coworkers who have been “just friends” but suddenly find themselves involved in an affair while working on an important project together. This type of interaction has been found to increase feelings of attraction.
David Givens: Yeah, that’s pretty common—where you’re around someone for years and never realized that you have a feeling of attachment for the person, and then something happens. It’s usually an event, or it can simply be that you two have been doing the same thing together for a while, which puts you on the same wavelength.
Q: Are there times it might be prudent to ignore a “chemical” reaction? Like it might be just a “sex thing”?
 Michael: For me and most guys I know, the “chemical reaction” should be ignored pretty often. Do you really want to be that guy—the Neanderthal who’s always checking people out and on the prowl? That reaction is there—hey, we’re guys! But you gotta keep your Neanderthal in check.
Joyce Catlett: There are times it might be prudent to ignore it. One has to do with the well-known cliché that opposites attract. People tend to have strong sexual attractions to people who have traits complementary to their own. In addition, both people may feel deficient in the specific trait that they admire in the other person. Later on, however, the very qualities that are so attractive in the initial phases of a romance may come to repel us. The quiet man may increasingly resent the fact that his gregarious wife never lets him get a word in edgewise, while she may start hating him for being so non-communicative.
Pamela: Unfortunately, I'm experiencing this situation right now. I believe his quote was, "We should stay away from each other. We are poison to each other." Ouch! And yes, the sex was the best ever, for us both. He would back that—I'm not being delusional here. Unfortunately, when we aren't making out, we're usually fighting. Some people might call that passion. Others would call it ulcers waiting to happen.
Q: What’s more important to a successful relationship, chemistry or compatibility?
 Alison: Chemistry is most important, by far. You can be compatible with a lot of people. Chemistry is the rarer of the two.
Michael: Chemistry is vital, but not as important as compatibility. Chemistry is the connection that you have with someone. Compatibility is a partnership of similar goals. I feel that if two people have chemistry and are not compatible, the relationship won't last very long. If two people are compatible, they can find their chemistry.
Sean: If you don’t have chemistry, you’re just wasting your time. Compatibility cannot overcome a lack of chemistry.
Joyce Catlett: The combination of chemistry and compatibility—a mix of friendship, affection, love and sexual passion—is the ideal that most people are seeking. Obviously, it is also the most challenging to achieve over the long term.
Q: Does chemistry fade with time? Is there any way to bring it back?
David Givens: Usually after one to two years it starts to wane—the actual chemical levels in your body die down. There are ways to keep the thrill alive, though, like going on vacation with your partner to some exotic place or doing some kind of physically thrilling thing together. An increase in adrenaline levels can help people feel closer.
Michael: Chemistry can fade if you don’t pay attention to it. If communication is minimal due to responsibilities such as time-intensive careers, kids, money etc… life’s demands can contribute to couples misplacing their chemistry. But I think you can find it again.
Joyce Catlett: Chemistry doesn’t necessarily have to fade with time. What makes it fade is not familiarity, but the fact that many couples get into routine ways of being together and habitual ways of making love. Also many partners give up their independence and their old friends, and start to act out of obligation. They forget that they are two separate individuals and this detracts from the sexual attraction they initially felt. To remedy this, I think it’s important for couples to reminisce, during times of conflict, to the time when the sparks of passion first began to fly between them. It helps them reconnect to the feelings they enjoyed during the early phases of their relationship.

How Much Does Chemistry Count?

Monday, August 24, 2009


This date could make for a fun evening getting to know your spouse's "alter-ego".... with little effort, planning, or money!

So, hop on computers at different houses, two different computers in the same house, or take it public to an internet cafe!

Meet in a private chat room and have a conversation over the internet... Each of you can make yourselves up to be someone totally different and "get to know" each other... This may sound like a weird date, but you may be surprised at how it adds a whole new dimension to your least for that night! C'mon...spice it up, folks! ;)

Maybe after a few chats, you'll feel ready to "meet" each other in person! Ooh..this could get exciting!

I plan on doing this with my husband soon. I'll be giving him this Cyber-Date Invitation:

You can snag the Word file of this HERE.
{Fonts may not transfer, but the rest will.}
Digital Design Credit: JadyDayStudio, Blooming Friendship Kit

Then, I'll have him set up on the laptop with some hot cocoa (while I use the desktop).

Keep in mind that this date is great for all types of situations.

  • It can be a quickie date at home for nights when going out or getting a babysitter just isn't an option.
  • It's great for long-distance relationships, too! (just mail the invite for added effect...)
  • If you have two laptops, it's a fun way to get out of the house without having to spend money (since you'll be sitting at an internet cafe).
  • Enjoy lunch or dinner at Panera Bread while using their free wi-fi to chat.

As always, I'd love to hear your suggestions and/or comments. Let me hear it, people!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Budgeting Tip for a Nice Date

Today I wanted to offer a quick tip for all those who may be a little strapped for cash and put dating on the back-burner as a result.
I found this little piece of advice in Redbook’s (Lisa Sussman) "500 Great Dates"
Skip a week at the grocery store and use all those things that have been taking up shelf-space in your pantry and freezer instead. You’ll find that you can probably feed your family for at least one week with what you have on hand…. And if you don’t have a stockpile, then get a few days worth of mac & cheese, HB helper and save the rest of your grocery money that week to put towards a nice date that weekend!

After all, marriage (and every relationship for that matter) is about give and take......And remember, dating is cheaper than marriage counseling!

Bon appétit!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Romancing the Alley

When was the last the two of you hit up the bowling alley...alone?

Of course, this next time won't just be regular old you know, adding twists to everything is right up my alley. Here are a few ideas you should try the next time you bowl together:

  • Before the game, each of you write down your guess of what your score will be (This keeps it fair in case one is a better bowler.) On the back of your score card, each of you will write what you will give the other as a reward for winning. Then, put the card somewhere safe (where neither of you can change your guesses). After the game, write down your actual score and figure the difference. Whoever wins gets to claim their prize (written on the back of the other's score card).

Download HERE

  • Assign a romantic value to each strike and spare. You could make each strike worth a kiss to be redeemed right then. Each spare could be worth a hug. Make sure you keep score! If either of you are good, this could be a very PDA-filled game of bowling...but WHO CARES!

  • Empty a small bag of Skittles or M&Ms into a cup or bowl. Assign different styles of bowling to the different candy colors and then have each person pick a piece of candy at the start of their turn to determine how they will bowl that round. (idea submitted by Ethan Estrada)

    Examples for different styles include:
    "Granny Style" (holding the ball with both hands)
    Bowling backwards between your legs
    Placing the ball on the ground and pushing it with your foot (don't kick it...)
    Bowling with your opposite hand
    Using a children's ball guide if available (not to be confused with alley bumpers)
    Having your turn bowled by your spouse
    Bowl normally

    This helps level the playing field and decreases the level of seriousness of the competition..especially when one of you may be better than the other!

  • Instead of entering your actual names for scoring, make up cute/silly/dorky nicknames for each other. Don't forget to enjoy a snack and hit the arcade for a game or two before heading home!

    This is the one date that I wish for you to Strike Out! Have fun!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Motivating Your Man

Today's post is an answer to a question posed multiple times to me from my followers. I chose to answer this on the blog instead of personally, and I hope those who posed the question won't mind. I believe that there are a lot of guys who think the same way and other women may sometimes wonder the same thing. The question goes something like this:

"My husband doesn't believe in this lovey-dovey stuff. He doesn't think we need to date now that we are married. What should I do?"

To answer the question, I first want to quote Lisa Sussman from Redbook's 500 Great Dates.

"One of the differences between newlyweds and "oldly-weds" is that people who've been an item for a while usually stop surprising each other. It's not that you're no longer capable of being unpredictable; it's just that it takes time to amaze when you know each other so well. But what if your guy isn't really the kind of guy to spring a surprise romantic night on you? Sure, he's bowled you over with flowers a few times, maybe the occasional unexpected chocolate…But a full-out-every-detail-meticulously-planned-to-make-you-go-awww evening out? Never!

This doesn't mean that you aren't adored. It may just be that his idea of what constitutes a romantic surprise is different from yours. Maybe he parks his car on the street so you can get out easily in the morning. Perhaps he always buys strawberry ice cream because he knows it's your favorite even though he really prefers cookie dough. In his mind, these sweet little touches are just as unexpected and significant as organizing all the nitty-gritties of a razzle-dazzle wingding date. When you get down to it, planning a romantic surprise, however big or small, is just shorthand for saying "I love you. I think about you. I am paying attention to who you are."

Of course, this warm fuzzy feeling may not be enough to cut it when you want to find a love poem in your wallet, to be serenaded at dinner and the whole extravagant nine yards. So tell him what you find romantic. Just say it outright. Coyness and suggestiveness may not serve you well with a nonromantic. Make it clear what you like, and there will be no room for confusion. Some men don't do romantic things because they think their idea will fail or you won't like it. Let him know what you like, and he'll feel safe enough to do it. So there probably won't be a violinist standing by the next time he brings you tea in bed, but there may just be candlelight and flowers…."

{Pg. 118-120}

So, let's recap. Your husband is not a mind-reader. Ideally, we'd love for each of our men to suddenly knock us off our feet with some huge romantic to-do, but for most of us, it's just not going to happen. Here's the plan:

1. Adjust your expectations.
Don't get me wrong... this doesn't mean you should expect him to never do anything romantic, but make sure your expectation is reasonable and fair. Don't set him up to fail.

2. Be clear.
Tell him what you want and how you'd like your romantic life to be improved. Let him know that romance to you doesn't always mean him planning HUGE events, but that small gestures and/or surprises every now and then are important to you.

3. Cater to each other's love language.
Just as you might like to see more romantic gestures from him, he may like more intimacy from you. (Read about the 5 love languages here). It's about give and take. Make sure you're not always demanding romantic gestures when he's not getting the love he needs. You need to understand and satisfy each other's needs--even though it may not be what you think is most important.

4. Be patient
Realize that he won't turn into Prince Charming over night…offer loving reminders when needed and remember to keep your expectations reasonable.

If you've been through these steps and have not seen much progress, I recommend the following:

  • Read the "The 5 Love Languages" TOGETHER.
  • Have a romance schedule…perhaps something similar to my romance calendar. (Some guys like to know exactly what to do and when. This takes out most of the spontaneity, but it's a good start…)
  • As often as you see fit, print out ideas of simple romantic gestures or date ideas that you'd love to have him do for you.
    Here's what I would do: Print out 5 ideas (for example, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) and staple them all together. Attach a note that says "Hey hun…I'm in need of a little romance. Try one of these." That way, he can pick what he wants to do and there's still a little spontaneity involved for you! (AND--you're not giving him the key to your wealth of ideas...just 5)

That's all I've got---I'm no expert, but romance is much too important (and much too fun) to sit on the sideline. I hope with these tips that romance finds its rightful place in your relationship.

I wish you all the best in your romance endeavors...

~ Cher

PS: This post is not meant as a solve-all solution. Every relationship and every person is different. Please don't take this post as an insult to men; just a generalized suggesion for those who feel the lack of romance in their relationship.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Melting Pot

The idea behind this date night is simple.... it's the details that will take some work.

The Idea: Make your own Melting Pot Restaurant. Eating there is very expensive. When recreating at home, it can be done very cheaply!

The Details


"I'm so "fondue" of you...join me this evening for a romantic fondue for two."
"You make me melt...join me this evening for a romantic fondue for two."
"If your love for me is true, then join me for fondue..."


  • 2-3 fondue pots (or mini-crockpots) - (borrow from friends...OR ask a newlywed couple, they surely got 5 for their wedding)
  • A nice table setting complete with candlelight (I'm talking cloth napkins, a table cloth, wine glasses, etc.)


I like to have three options, but you can simplify or expand depending on your preference. There are SO many different recipes. I'll leave that up to you. Google it.

Oil/Broth Fondue - Dipping foods: meatballs, prepare cubed meats, shrimp, scallops, vegetables, potato chunks, mozzarella sticks, (cocktail, horseradish and teriyaki sauces for dipping).

Cheese Fondue - Dipping foods: cubed french/italian bread, florets of broccoli and cauliflower, bite-sized cooked chicken, bite-size cooked ham, roasted potatoes,

Chocolate Fondue - Dipping foods: strawberries, bananas, peaches, pineapple, mango, apples, cherries, angel food cake, pound cake, cheesecake, cookies, marshmallows, pretzels
{for my chocolate fondue, I like to melt milk chocolate chips with some vegetable oil (1-2 tablespoons) to get to the consistency I like. really easy.}

Romance Helps:

  • Feed Each Other - (with the skewer, your fingers...or, your mouth...) ooh..this could get a little seductive!
  • Take turns blindfolding each other while feeding each other... Create suspense when possible.

Desiree, one of my readers, submitted this photo of the Fondue Night she put together for her hubby. Thanks, Desiree!

If you have a "Fondue Night" photo to submit, please email to ccloveactually AT gmail DOT com.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

{Drum Roll...}

Congratulations to Shahny--the random winner of 1,001 Ways to be Romantic!!!! I have a feeling she's going to put this book to good use being that she's a newlywed.

Many thanks again to Simply Sweet Marriage for allowing me to host this giveaway!! All of you who didn't get a chance yet, you NEED to go check out their site. They have some great stuff going on over there!

If you are interesting in purchasing a product from their store, they would also like to give free shipping to 3 of my followers. The first 3 to contact me using my "Submit an Idea" form at the bottom of my page will get the free shipping offer. Please only contact me if you are SERIOUS about buying. Be sure to include your email address so I can tell you the code. Thanks!

And, on a side note, I just wanted to say thanks to all my followers--old and new! You are all terrific. I sincerely appreciate all of your comments and submitted ideas... This blog keeps growing--more followers and more ideas. I'm trying to think of clever ways to accomodate the growth and convert this little blog into something bigger...but for now, I hope you'll stick with me and comment often! Thanks again!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Romantic Scrabble

Try this the next time Date Night gets rained out...

Romantic Scrabble

The only rule: You can only use words that relate to love, romance, etc.

When my husband and I played, he used "Cher" as one of his words. I called him on it. He defended by saying, "How can I not think of love when I say "Cher"? He triple scored for this one. :)

One of Love, Actually's blogging friends, Ashley from A Daily Dose of Dieting, submitted a picture of what her and her hubby call "Sexy Scrabble"...

Looks like a fun and simple date to me!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

{Picture Perfect}

Today's post has nothing to do with dating or romance directly, but...decorating with pictures of you and your spouse can be a great way to demonstrate your love on the walls of your very home.

I love pictures...However, I'm not one of those people who have tons of photos smothering my walls or in picture frames crowding every available space in my house.

BUT, I have seen a few adorable photo walls that I'd like to share.


I think this would be so cute with engagement/wedding pictures or family portraits.

My friend, Meagan, has this super cute photo frame collage on her wall along with vinyl lettering.

Step into my home! ...this is actually one of my walls...I ordered my vinly lettering from A Wishful Thought.

Who needs frames? Just slap those pics on the wall! I'm envisioning photos of a couple or family...not clouds.

This was taken from

Or, if you're not a fan of your pictures together, how about a collage of places you've been together...oh, the memories...

Found at: Vinyl Letter Decor

Simple & Classy...I like it!


This is just stunning. I love it.


Simple and elegant--plus, there's a tutorial! Click link below.

from Trey & Lucy's Blog

If you have a photo wall or other romantic home decor that you'd like to share, send it my way and I may feature it on this or an upcoming post!

Don't forget to enter the giveaway HERE!!

Monday, August 3, 2009

{Giveaway} 1001 Ways to be Romantic

One of my favorite parts of writing this blog is having people contact me and offer a giveaway product! I LOVE it!

Simply Sweet is a site devoted to strengthing marriage through intimate products and romance. Its goal "is to provide the resources, products, and apparel for husbands and wives to cultivate and increase marital intimacy and make marriage a place of refuge." It sells some fabulous products, cute freebies, and even provides education on various topics applicable to marriage.

So, they found Love, Actually and wanted to offer one of my followers this book...

I "flipped" through it on Amazon and it looks fantastic.

Want a chance to win? Here's how to qualify:

1. Be or become a follower.
2. Comment on this post telling me the next romance or date idea you intend to do for your spouse (one of Love, Actually's ideas or your own!)
3. Make sure I have an email address to contact you at or that I can actually get to your blog from your comment.

Giveaway ends: Monday, Aug. 10 - (9 pm EST)

Also, stop by Simply Sweet Marriage and tell THEM or ME (in a comment) what you think about their site. What do you like best? Is there a product you particularly liked? Please take the time to provide a little feedback. ---much appreciated!