Saturday, October 31, 2009

{Love Birds}

The winning pumpkin has been tallied!!! I bet you really want to know!

{ The love birds will be taking home the prize.... }

Congrats to Kara Finley!!
She wins a customized rubik's cube!

What a fun contest this was! Thanks again to all those who submitted pumpkins and to those of who you voted! I'll be thinking of another fun contest, perhaps with a Christmas theme...let me know if you have any good suggestions!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Prisoner Strip Search

Today's idea comes from one of my followers, who wanted to remain anonymous. It's a bit risque...but what's romance without a little intrigue now and again?

She came up with this idea for when her husband returned from a week long training excursion. Her husband is a wildlife officer.... Yours, however, does not have to be for this to be fun.

She writes,

Wildlife officers have paperwork they have to do each month called monthly's. So I made a little booklet with instructions on how to do this "monthly" search of me.

I left it on the bed with a mint. It said:

Prisoners are subject to strip search each month. Todays prisoner is A3278BF.
*Prisoner must comply with all spoken orders.
*Touch anywhere you think they might be hiding drugs.
*A thorough investigation is imperative.
*This prisoner is crafty, may require smelling or licking of upper body.
*Exercise your authority and do whatever is neccessary to ensure prisoner is clean.
*This search can be done laying down or however you see fit.
*Prisoner will arrive in only a jumper and handcuffs for added convenience (I used some bib overalls.)
*Handcuffs can be removed if easier to complete exam.

Clever idea, right? What a lucky hubby she has.
For you, I have a free PDF download of this little "report sheet" for your "officer".

Download PDF HERE

To spice this up, here are a few things to try:

- mark your prisoner # as a tattoo somewhere on your body
- hide small "weapons" in underclothing to be found by the "officer"
- don't forget handcuffs!

PS--When asking for my husband's thoughts on this idea, he provided me with two thumbs up. I think your husbands might like this one, too. ;)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Movies & Popcorn Printables

If you don't have time to give your love the Red Carpet Treatment (one of my previous posts), then get a load of these.... free printables from The Toy Maker!

The perfect solution to having no time and energy to plan a spectacular date...

You can pick up the downloads HERE. Enjoy!

Has anyone seen any good movies lately that you recommend for couples to watch? If so, let us hear it...

Have you VOTED for the best pumpkin in my last post yet?

Monday, October 26, 2009

Carving out a Winner!!!

The polls are now open (well, the comments section is, anyway). So, pick your FAVORITE pumpkin picture and leave a comment with its corresponding number. The submission with
the most votes, wins!

May the best pumpkin win!

(remember, the only criteria was that this activity united the family...something they did together...or otherwise family-oriented!)

(I feel that this one needs explanation--she and her hubby grew this pumpkin together!)

I was very pleased with the variety of the submissions--so thank you to all who sent me your pictures!

(That goes for everyone...not just those who submitted!)

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Saying I'm Sorry

Let's face it... marriage can't always be lovey-dovey. Sometimes, you're going to make each other so flippin' mad... and, yes, I know the feeling. (I think some people think that my marriage is an exception to this because of this blog...think again!)

But, sometimes we get out of hand and an apology should be in order. Those words don't come easy for me, so I look for alternative more creative ways to express my apology. Perhaps you can benefit from some of these, too!

Here are two other cute ideas:

*Tie a small note around the collar of your pet and have it deliver your apology. While the person you're saying sorry to might not want to see you right now, who can resist that cute little cat face or puppy dog eyes?

*Chicago's "Hard to Say I'm Sorry" has some perfect lyrics..."After all that we've been through, I will make it up to you. I promise to."
Find something to use as a makeshift microphone and when he/she gets home, have the music blairing while you lip-sinc to the words. If they aren’t laughing (or trying hard not to) in 30 seconds, then surely you've done something beyond repair. (maybe buying them a new car will work.... kidding.)

Now, don't go looking for reasons to make your spouse mad just so you can apologize---I know it's tempting after fun ideas like these, but give it time....I'm sure something will come up. I wish you the best when it does. :)

Monday, October 19, 2009

Fantasy Football

Football season is now in full swing and men everywhere are turning their attention to the TV. (well, my guy, anyway) Instead of turning into a football widow, try turning date night into a fun and sexy afternoon or evening watching the big game!

Here are a few ideas to spark some romance, bringing a whole new meaning to your husband's “Fantasy Football”.

Throw him a Tailgate Party

  • Put your camping chairs in front of the TV.
  • Get some manly appetizers and drinks: (chicken wings, chips/salsa, soda, etc.)
  • Let him explain the game to you (if you aren’t a football buff yourself).
  • Throw around an inflatable football (available in the LAB Boutique) during commercial breaks.
  • Wear his team’s football jersey….(pants optional) or his team’s colors if no jersey.
  • Get some shot glasses marked “1st Down” “2nd Down” “3rd Down” and “Touchdown”. At each down your team gets, each of you take a shot of whatever you’re drinking. (mmm...Root Beer shots for us!)

You don't have to go out and buy these....get some clear ones at the dollar store and mark them with a sharpie!

Plan your own half-time show!

During half-time, tell your man he’s been chosen for the football draft for “Team _____” (insert your last name).

Set up a basement or large room in your house as a football field. Use masking tape as yard lines and get an inflatable football. Play a version of flag/tackle football against each other with these rules:

1. Each person has 3 flags (ribbons, cut fabric, etc.) attached to them. The point is to try to steal the other person’s flags before they steal yours!
2. Tackles are perfectly acceptable and count as downs. Sneak a kiss for every first down.
3. Whenever one scores a touchdown, the next person has to take off a piece of clothing.
4. After each touchdown, give the scorer a chance to score a field goal. (kick the football in between your arms (held up like field goal posts).
5. Call “timeouts” so you can enjoy a football snack or makeout...

If you really want to kink spice up the “strip football” aspect of this, you can buy or make your own underwear like THIS which say:
Joe's Tight End (on back of underwear) or Joe's End Zone.

At the end of your game, surprise him with an MVP certificate and trophy (a king-size candy bar or something he’ll actually enjoy).

You can download my design HERE or HERE.

With a date like this, how could your husband NOT think you are THE coolest wife on the planet?! This date will go down as a touchdown in his playbook for sure!

Feel free to comment with any further suggestions!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Sex/Sexual Health - Enjoying Sex

Is sex better when you're in love?
Some people prefer sex as part of a long-term relationship while others find familiarity a real passion killer. Psychosexual therapist Paula Hall takes a closer look at casual and committed sex.

Casual sex
The term 'casual sex' implies there's no commitment to the other person. Although this doesn't necessarily mean there's no sense of responsibility or care, in a casual encounter you're more likely to focus on the here and now. You can enjoy the moment without much thought about what your partner thinks of you or what you think of them. Without the emotional complications of a relationship, you're free to concentrate on physical satisfaction.

Sex with a stranger - for many people, unfamiliarity is the key to casual sex. They find the mystery exciting and, if there's no chance of meeting again, inhibitions can be cast aside. It offers the chance take on a new identity and act out a secret fantasy with little fear of rejection.

Element of risk - danger is generally part of casual sex. There's a sense of being naughty, of tasting the forbidden fruit. Some people deliberately add to their sexual encounters by choosing public places or partners they feel should be off-limits.

Why casual sex can be attractive
Psychological reasons
- some people pick up messages during childhood that casual sex is wrong (and therefore more exciting). Others have been left with a fear of intimacy by their experiences.

Physical reasons - when we take risks and feel fear, the sympathetic nervous system is stimulated. Breathing becomes faster, blood pressure rises and adrenalin is released. Our body enters a state of high alert. If you add sexual messages at this point, the body will respond faster.

Sex when you're in love
Italian scientists have discovered that the biochemical state of falling in love is similar to obsessive compulsive disorder. The yearning of couples to be together and learn about each other in intimate detail is overwhelming. They grab every opportunity to show affection and get as close as possible to one another.

During this period sex can be very exciting. There's still some of the mystery of casual sex and also some risk. The difference is that sex is more mutual when we've fallen in love. It's about giving and sharing ourselves physically and emotionally. As well as sexual satisfaction, we can expect to feel emotional fulfilment. Sex becomes the ultimate act of intimacy.

Sex in a long-term relationship
Those Italian scientists say the brain returns to normal after six to 18 months. It seems it's not physically possible to stay in that manic state of obsession with a partner for much longer than that. It's then that we either fall out of love or the relationship matures.

When a relationship matures, sex matures. You now have the advantage of knowing each other well. Fear of rejection is replaced with trust and security. This allows you to move into a stage of experimentation and mutual growth. You can take the time to fine-tune your skills as a lover.

So is sex better when you're in love?
Sex can be exciting whether or not you're in love, and at any stage of a relationship. I believe sex in a loving relationship offers an opportunity to grow together and become great lovers. It may not be possible to recapture the mystery of casual sex but there's a much higher chance of all-round fulfilment.

From casual sex to long-term love

Casual sex : risk, mystery, urgency and focus on physical satisfaction.
Early love : mutual feelings, yearning, giving, affection and focus on physical satisfaction and emotional fulfilment.
Long-term relationship : knowledge, trust, skill, experimentation and focus on deepening physical and emotional satisfaction.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Chinese Date Night

Dim the lights, clear the furniture away, leave the forks in the drawer, and enjoy dinner on the floor with chopsticks for this Chinese Date Night.

This is a themed date night which may require a little planning and perhaps a trip to the party store, dollar store, or a stop by the Love, Actually Boutique (when it's actually ready--not quite yet!)

Here's what you'll need:

  • Chopsticks (see if you can snag 2 sets from a take-out place nearby)
  • Take-out Boxes (you can usually find these around $1.00 at craft stores)
  • Oriental Music - I just played these sample clips from Amazon
  • Red, Gold and Black accents (decor)
  • Chinese Food for dinner...see below
  • Fortune Cookies (real or paper....check these out )
- You can also look for Oriental clothing (I found the hats below at iParty).
-I saw slippers which matched the hats at Target for $2.50 a pair.

*picture, candle holder, mats, and chop sticks all from Target. (spent $10)

Now, for the food.
There's a few ways you can do this, which I have categorized for your convenience. :)

Lazy - Have "takeout" delivered.
Easy - Have your spouse pickup takeout.
Not-hard - Buy "frozen takeout" (orange chicken from Costco, Trader Joe's, etc.)
Superwoman Style - Make your own Chinese food.

If you want to be "Superwoman", then by all means...try these recipes.

Orange Chicken

Sweet and Sour Chicken

Beef Noodle Bowl

Wonton Salad

Egg Rolls and Fried Rice

After Dinner:

Have a fortune cookie(s) in a take-out box (I would have one real one to eat, and then a paper fortune cookie with your own fortune in it..)

Ideas for fortunes:
"Tonight will be a lucky night for you..."
"A secret admirer will soon send you a sign of affection."
"The time to make love is now..."

I'll let you take it from there....Best of luck!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Fortunate to Have You!

Look at these cute Paper Fortune Cookies... I found them on Angela's Blog, but for a different purpose than how I'll be using them. You can find the tutorial for these HERE.

I would put a few of these little "cookies" in a takeout box which you can find very inexpensive at any craft store or make your own from this template.

Attach a tag to the takeout box which reads,
"I'm so fortunate to have you!"

Of course, I would put my own little "fortunes" (i.e. love notes) inside each cookie for my husband to read.

You could also pop a paper fortune cookie in his/her lunch as a simple and cute way to say you love them...

Come back on Wednesday for a Chinese-themed dinner date at home!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

You are BOO-tiful to me!

Great news, people! You get three posts from me this week, starting with today. I normally don't post on Sundays, BUT... I have an entire week off to spend with my mom who's flying across the country to hang out with her only daughter. (I'm really not excited....okay, just a lot). :) We're gonna spend a couple of days in NYC and then back to Boston so she can experience the beautiful New England Fall!

So, I don't anticipate checking in all that often this week... but before I abandoned ya'll, I wanted to tell you to go grab yourself this FREE download for Halloween....

As it gets closer to Halloween, surprise your hunny with a treat tucked inside one of these cute matchbooks! I especially like the yellow "Boo-tiful" one... for obvious reasons.

You can pick these up until Wednesday (10/14) HERE!

Don't forget your manners---be sure to tell Juli "thanks" for the download!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Three Things.

Hey all!

Three things.

First, I hope you like the new design. I think it's fantastic.... thanks to Carolynn from My Blog Makover!

You've got to check out her site---lots of cute and FREE layouts (you know my feeling on cheap and FREE stuff) and she has terrific prices for blog makeovers. She was so great to work with on my design as well.

Here are 3 of her SUPER CUTE and FREE layouts that Love, Actually is sponsoring...

Second, I have only 3 submissions so far for the PUMPKIN CONTEST! Keep em' coming!! It's worth a personalized rubik's cube if you win!

{Click image for details.}

Third, I have a new button design as well.... If you currently have a LAB (love, actually blog) button on your site, please update it with the new one! If you don't have one, feel free to grab the code on my sidebar! I thank you in advance for helping me spread the word about LAB...and your friends will thank you later! :)

Oh, and (I know this counts as 4...) please take the time to comment when stopping by the new posts twice a week. I appreciate those comments more than you know... I'm gonna try to respond more in the comments section as well...
And that's all. I'm done. Have a great weekend!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Halloween Hunt

Today's idea comes from one of Love, Actually's followers, Lizzy. I appreciate her sending this in---it's such a creative idea and can easily be adapted to fit your needs....

She made "clues" for her husband in advance for this Halloween Hunt. While he was on the treadmill, she slipped the first clue under the door, which read:

Eye of the newt and heart of the bat
A pinch of this and a dab of that
In my witches cauldron
I have prepared a Shower for you,
Wash yourself clean, Then find your next clue!

Then while he was in the shower, she slipped another clue under the door, which said:

With monsters and ghoulish creatures galore…
Do you dare test this old folklore?
I invite you to a ghoulish romantic treat,
Meet me in the living room, *Claighton my sweet
*insert your husband's name

Mood Setters:
*Fire lit in the fireplace
*Black & orange candles all around living room
*carved and lit pumpkins around the room
*2 black-stemmed wine glasses
*Bottle of wine
*A big black bowl filled with kettle corn
*Black silk roses/baby's breathe from a craft store
*Halloweenish movies:"Interview with a vampire" "The Crow" "Goonies"
*Caramel Apples

She had to be quick in setting everything up so he wouldn't suspect anything going on prior to being on the treadmill.

She also gave him a card that said:

Trick or Treat: which will it be?
Come on over, and you will see
Whatever your bleeding heart desires tonight
Will be your wish and my ghoulish delight!

So, may need to make a few changes...but this gives you the base you need! If you've done anything similiar or put your own spin on this version, please let me know by submitting your idea from the menu bar!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Couple's Halloween Costumes

Every Halloween, there seems to be some function that requires a costume. Be prepared this year and go together as a pair....

Here's a list I've pulled together that you might consider:

Cookie and Glass of Milk
Morton Salt and an Energizer Battery (assault and battery)
Hershey Hug and Hershey Kiss
UPS or FedEx Delivery Guy and Package
Barbie and Ken
Burger King and Dairy Queen
Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head
Raggedy Ann and Andy
Aladdin and Jasmine
Bam Bam and Pebbles
Batman and Cat Woman
Batman & Robin
Beauty (Belle) & the Beast
Cinderella and Prince Charming
Donald and Daisy Duck
Dwarf (one of seven) and Snow White
Elastic Girl and Mr. Incredible
Marge and Homer Simpson
Tim & Heidi (from "Home Improvement")
Mickey and Minnie Mouse
Morticia and Gomez (from "The Addams Family")
Peter Pan and Tinkerbell
Shrek and Princess Fiona
Superman and Wonder Woman
Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum
Hugh Hefner and Playboy Bunny
Adam and Eve
Pocahontas and Capt. John Smith
Santa and Mrs. Claus
Sonny and Cher
Christmas Tree and Gift
Ball and Chain
Bee and Beekeeper
Bride and Groom
Cheerleader and Football Player
Devil and Angel
Doctor and Nurse
Farmer and Wife
Fisherman and Mermaid (she's hooked on his pole or caught in his net)
Granny and Grandpa
King and Queen
Nerdy Couple
Pair of Dice
Police Officer and Prisoner
Priest and Nun
Prom King and Queen
Ventriloquist and Dummy
Danny & Sandy (from "Grease")
Dorothy & the Scarecrow, Lion, or Tin Man
Steve and Terry Irwin (from "Animal Planet Show")

And a few that need a little explanation:

Salt and Pepper: one spouse would wear all black and the other would wear all white and contrasting letter on our shirts to the color we are wearing.

Fred and Wilma Flintstone: Fred could have a car, like the one they drive with the feet sticking out, held up by suspenders

Bun in the Oven: Great for pregnant couple. Woman wears box painted like oven and man wears baker's hat and apron!

Caught in Lover’s Lane: Man can wear a button-down shirt buttoned all wrong, lipstick kisses on his face and shirt, pants slightly unzipped, shoes untied or on wrong feet and hair messed up. Woman can wear skirt tucked into back of pantyhose, missing one shoe, make up smeared, hair messed up, buttons of shirt buttoned wrong, etc.

"Boo-Hoo": A ghost (boo) and an owl (who)

Heinz Mustard and Ketchup: Dress in all red or all yellow, with felt M or K on chest, birthday hat painted the same color for top)

There are lots of other ideas on the web, but I thought this was a good list of inspiration. One of these me and my hubby will actually go as "Sonny and CHER"---haven't brought myself to do it yet. :)

Friday, October 2, 2009

Construction Zone!

Hey all....

Just wanted you to know that I've got a new blog design going up (hopefully on Saturday). It's gonna be TERRIFIC!

...SO, things might look a little funny over the weekend. By Monday, it should all be perfect!
Have a great weekend!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Carving Out Some Family Fun!

Does anyone else just LOVE Fall? I do. I love everything about it. Especially.....carving pumpkins. This has always been a pre-Halloween must-do for my husband and I!

This was our first attempt at carving pumpkins together...

(in case you didn't know...our last name is Castle)

...and I think it was the best so far!

I thought it would be fun to hold a Pumpkin Carving Contest to be judged by YOU right here on this blog!

I hope you'll all join in! Here are some more specific details:

1. Email a picture of a pumpkin that you/your family has carved (this can be from year's past... it just has to be YOURS!)

2. Contest runs Oct. 1 - 25. All submissions will be posted on this blog from Oct. 26 - 30 to be judged/voted on. Winner will be announced Oct. 31.

3. Winner will receive a Personalized Rubik's Cube. (Winner must email me 6 digital images which I will use to create the rubik's cube like the one below...)

Submit your Pumpkin Pictures to: ccloveactually @

What are you waiting for?
Hit the pumpkin patch and get carving!

Let the contest begin!