Friday, October 9, 2009

Three Things.

Hey all!

Three things.

First, I hope you like the new design. I think it's fantastic.... thanks to Carolynn from My Blog Makover!

You've got to check out her site---lots of cute and FREE layouts (you know my feeling on cheap and FREE stuff) and she has terrific prices for blog makeovers. She was so great to work with on my design as well.

Here are 3 of her SUPER CUTE and FREE layouts that Love, Actually is sponsoring...

Second, I have only 3 submissions so far for the PUMPKIN CONTEST! Keep em' coming!! It's worth a personalized rubik's cube if you win!

{Click image for details.}

Third, I have a new button design as well.... If you currently have a LAB (love, actually blog) button on your site, please update it with the new one! If you don't have one, feel free to grab the code on my sidebar! I thank you in advance for helping me spread the word about LAB...and your friends will thank you later! :)

Oh, and (I know this counts as 4...) please take the time to comment when stopping by the new posts twice a week. I appreciate those comments more than you know... I'm gonna try to respond more in the comments section as well...
And that's all. I'm done. Have a great weekend!

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