Monday, October 19, 2009

Fantasy Football

Football season is now in full swing and men everywhere are turning their attention to the TV. (well, my guy, anyway) Instead of turning into a football widow, try turning date night into a fun and sexy afternoon or evening watching the big game!

Here are a few ideas to spark some romance, bringing a whole new meaning to your husband's “Fantasy Football”.

Throw him a Tailgate Party

  • Put your camping chairs in front of the TV.
  • Get some manly appetizers and drinks: (chicken wings, chips/salsa, soda, etc.)
  • Let him explain the game to you (if you aren’t a football buff yourself).
  • Throw around an inflatable football (available in the LAB Boutique) during commercial breaks.
  • Wear his team’s football jersey….(pants optional) or his team’s colors if no jersey.
  • Get some shot glasses marked “1st Down” “2nd Down” “3rd Down” and “Touchdown”. At each down your team gets, each of you take a shot of whatever you’re drinking. (mmm...Root Beer shots for us!)

You don't have to go out and buy these....get some clear ones at the dollar store and mark them with a sharpie!

Plan your own half-time show!

During half-time, tell your man he’s been chosen for the football draft for “Team _____” (insert your last name).

Set up a basement or large room in your house as a football field. Use masking tape as yard lines and get an inflatable football. Play a version of flag/tackle football against each other with these rules:

1. Each person has 3 flags (ribbons, cut fabric, etc.) attached to them. The point is to try to steal the other person’s flags before they steal yours!
2. Tackles are perfectly acceptable and count as downs. Sneak a kiss for every first down.
3. Whenever one scores a touchdown, the next person has to take off a piece of clothing.
4. After each touchdown, give the scorer a chance to score a field goal. (kick the football in between your arms (held up like field goal posts).
5. Call “timeouts” so you can enjoy a football snack or makeout...

If you really want to kink spice up the “strip football” aspect of this, you can buy or make your own underwear like THIS which say:
Joe's Tight End (on back of underwear) or Joe's End Zone.

At the end of your game, surprise him with an MVP certificate and trophy (a king-size candy bar or something he’ll actually enjoy).

You can download my design HERE or HERE.

With a date like this, how could your husband NOT think you are THE coolest wife on the planet?! This date will go down as a touchdown in his playbook for sure!

Feel free to comment with any further suggestions!

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