Thursday, April 29, 2010

ScribbleIt Giveaway Winner!!

Congrats, Janaca!
Please email Cammie at and let her know what you'd like to order (vinyl only) using your $25 gift certificate!

Didn't Win? Don't Worry---ScribbleIt has terrific prices and special deals on her blog for anyone wanting to decorate on a budget!

I've got more giveaways coming up soon...stay tuned!

Oh, and check out Love Actually's feature and interview on THIS blog today!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Body Shop Date Night & Roleplay

Ladies, start your engines!!

This is an idea that your guy just might love. The hubs and I created this idea from scratch and both agree that there are just a few small things that take it from mediocre to great (or "freakin' awesome" as my husband so delicately put it).

Obviously this is a roleplay idea and is intended to be sexy. But, for obvious reasons, I've tried to keep the suggestiveness to a minimum for this post. However, when it comes time for you to use this idea, you're gonna need to rev it up a little bit. Luckily, there are about a MILLION connotations/twists you can put on vehicle maintenance terminology. (google 'vehicle maintenance services' if you need ideas based off actual services). You'll find out why you need to do this in a bit..

Here's how it all goes down:

Stick a little "maintenance notice" in his car as early as you'd like prior to this date night. (could be the same day or a few days prior).

In preparation for the date,

- Wear some jean or khaki overalls...or anything that looks "auto shop technician-y"
- smudge some grease (mascara works great) on your cheek
- wear your hair up in a loose raggy ponytail (if applicable)
- brush up on your "car talk" and just spout stuff off like you know what you're talking about (this is useful during the "inspection" portion of the night)
- Gather some Gadgets: clipboard, tire pressure gauge, flashlight, a shop rag, (anything that could be useful during your "inspection")
- Put up some door plaques on your bathroom/bedroom doors. You may have to
change the inspection garage and maintenance shop mid-date if you're using your bedroom as both of these).

When it comes time for the date, welcome your customer to your Body Shop and invite him to "drive his vehicle into the inspection garage". You'll then explain that you, an experienced technician, will do a comprehensive inspection to identify any problems with his vehicle.

This is where you get creative. Use your gadgets (examples above) to measure, inspect, and do whatever the heck you want to do. You can make him stand a certain way, make him flex his muscles for you to measure, etc etc. (sounds corny, but seriously...this can be hilariously fun). Take notes on your clipboard during the inspection, without letting him see.

Then, when the inspection phase is through, prepare your invoice. This is where you want to write the "good stuff" using sexy connotations of auto shop lingo. (My example is boring, so don't copy it!!) Get creative!

Then give him the invoice and have him sign and date the bottom. (Put this in a secret'll laugh about it years from now!)

The rest doesn't require much help from me.

Maintenance Shop comes next... (have him leave and re-enter if you need just for the effect) and then do your thing. After, the Car Wash (showering or bathing together...) is the perfect conclusion!

Oh, and, lastly...these might come in handy:

Download HERE (zipped file must be extracted before use)
*download fixed*

Remember, if you download, I think it's safe to say that you owe me a comment! :)

Monday, April 26, 2010

What is erectile dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction is the repeated inability to get or keep an erection firm enough for sexual intercourse. Due to the sensitive nature of the condition, it is difficult to estimate how many men it affects. However, recent studies show 22% of 40-year-old men and up to 49% of 70-year-old men may have the condition.

Causes and risk factors
The most common cause of erectile dysfunction is damage to the tissues, either the nerves, arteries, muscles or fibrous tissue. This is often linked either to disease. Conditions such as diabetes, kidney disease, chronic alcoholism, multiple sclerosis and cardiovascular disease account for around 70% of cases of erectile dysfunction.

In some cases the condition is caused by damage to the nerves and arteries near the penis which can occur during surgery, particularly for prostate and bladder cancer. Physical injury to the penis, spinal cord, prostate, bladder or pelvis can also be a factor. Erectile dysfunction is also a side effect of some common medications, including blood pressure drugs, antihistamines, antidepressants and tranquilizers.

Experts believe that psychological factors such as stress, anxiety, guilt, depression, low self-esteem, and fear of sexual failure cause up to 20% of cases. Smoking, which affects blood flow, has also been linked to the condition.

The penis contains two chambers full of spongy tissue called the corpora cavernosa. When a man becomes sexually aroused impulses from the brain and local nerves cause muscles in the corpora cavernosa to relax, allowing blood to flow in and fill the spaces within the tissue. This creates pressure in the corpora cavernosa, making the penis expand. A membrane called the tunica albuginea helps trap the blood in the corpora cavernosa, thereby sustaining erection.

The erection is lost when the muscles contract to stop blood flowing into the penis, and open outflow channels. A successful, sustained erection requires a sequence of events to occur in a precise fashion. Anything which disrupts this sequence can lead to problems either getting, or keeping an erection.

Treatment and prevention
There are a range of ways to treat erectile dysfunction. Doctors will consider sexual counselling for patients who are likely to benefit, but alternatives include drugs, vacuum devices, and surgery.

Drug Therapy

One drug in particular, sildenafil (‘Viagra’), has become an international phenomenon since its launch in the late 1990s. The drug does not directly give a man an erection but it works by boosting the natural mechanism that leads to an erection. When a man is sexually aroused, certain tissues in his penis relax, as mentioned above. Viagra helps by elevating the levels of the chemical that causes the tissues to relax. These effects were discovered accidentally. The drug was originally developed to improve blood supply to the heart in angina sufferers.

In a small number of cases, people who have taken sildenafil have complained of headaches, flushing and stomach-ache. It can also cause some visual problems, including an increased sensitivity to light, blurred vision or an inability to tell the difference between blue and green. Men who are already taking medicines that contain nitrates, such as nitro-glycerine, are strongly advised not to use Viagra as this is dangerous and may result in a heart attack.

Other similar drugs are tadalafil (‘Cialis’)and vardenafil (‘Levitra’).

Penile injections: The injection of drugs such as alprostadil directly into the tissues of the penis to trigger an erection was more common before the advent of new drugs such as sildenafil. The drugs relax muscles and increase blood flow to create an erection. They are also available as pellets to insert in to the urethra (the opening at the tip of the penis).

Vacuum Devices: These work by creating a partial vacuum around the penis, which draws blood into the organ. The devices have three components: a plastic cylinder, into which the penis is placed; a pump, which draws air out of the cylinder; and an elastic band, which is placed around the base of the penis to maintain the erection after the cylinder is removed and during intercourse.

Surgery: There are different types of surgery. Implanted devices, known as prostheses, can restore erection in many men. These can come in different forms. For instance, paired rods can be inserted into the corpora cavernosa to enable the user to manually adjust the position of the penis. Alternatively, inflatable cylinders can be inserted inside the penis and expanded using pressurized fluid. In some cases doctors may attempt to repair blockages in damaged arteries. However, this usually only works if the blockages are not widespread.

What is female sexual dysfunction?

Inadequate sexual function in women is a complex problem that can have many different causes. It is estimated that up to 40% of women have suffered from sexual problems in the last year. This might be caused by physical illness, but is often linked to psychological factors.
The female equivalent of impotence is known as Female Sexual Arousal Disorder (FSAD). When men and women become sexually aroused, their genitals become engorged with blood. In women this normally results in:

.Enlargement of the clitoris and surrounding tissues (comparable to a male erection)

.Secretion of vaginal lubrication

.Relaxation and widening of the vaginal opening to permit intercourse.

FSAD patients have the desire to have sex but their genital area fails to respond in the normal way, making sex painful or impossible.

Causes and risk factors
FSAD can result from an underlying medical condition, such as high blood pressure or diabetes. It can also be caused by irritations, infections and growths in the vaginal area, or reactions to contraceptive devices. Medications used to treat high blood pressure, peptic ulcers, depression or anxiety and cancer may also cause problems.
Another factor is the physical, hormonal and emotional changes that occur during or after pregnancy or while breast feeding, or, very importantly, during and after the menopause. FSAD is also often linked to psychological causes. These can include:

.Inadequate or ineffective foreplay
.Poor self-esteem
.Sexual abuse or incest
.Feelings of shame or guilt about sex
.Fear of pregnancy
.Stress and fatigue

The symptoms of sexual dysfunction can include lack of sexual desire, an inability to enjoy sex, insufficient vaginal lubrication, or, even if sexually aroused, a failure to achieve an orgasm. Women who suffer from Female Orgasmic Disorder (FOD) are unable to achieve orgasm despite being sufficiently aroused to have sex.

Women differ from men in that orgasm is a learned, not automatic, response. About five to ten percent of women never have an orgasm through any type of sexual activity - a condition called anorgasmia. Anorgasmia is most often the result of sexual inexperience, performance anxiety, or past experiences, such as sexual trauma or a strict upbringing, that have led to an inhibition of sexual response.

Some women are able to enjoy sexual activity in spite of reaching orgasm only some or even none of the time. FOD is a problem only if it has a negative effect on the satisfaction of a woman or her partner.

Treatment and prevention
On-going research has suggested the anti-impotence drug for men, ‘Viagra’, may help to treat sexual disorders in women by increasing blood flow to the sexual organs and thereby increasing physical stimulation in the area. However, the scientific community is still waiting for firm evidence to be published that the drug that the drug can work on women. A small study published recently found no positive impact on postmenopausal women.

Testosterone has been looked at as a treatment also but again, results have not been as positive as hoped. For the moment, doctors concentrate, where possible, on eliminating medications that might have a negative effect on sexual performance. They also review contraceptive methods to ascertain whether this is a factor.

Women who suffer from vaginal dryness may also be recommended to use lubricants during intercourse. Some doctors recommend that women use Kegel exercises, which help to develop the muscles around the outer portion of the vagina that are involved in pleasurable sensations. Psychological counselling can also play an important part in treating women with sexual problems, as can coaching in sexual foreplay and stimulation techniques.

His & Hers Bedding

I’m always a little puzzled when watching TV and the couples on the show have beds with perfectly pressed bedding, sheets that are neatly tucked in and perfectly fluffed pillows. The couple gets into their bed. The husband reads the paper, while the wife rubs lotion on her arms. Then, the light goes as they are cozily tucked in. aww..

Then the TV goes off and it’s time for me and hubby to go to bed. We’re lucky to even FIND the top sheet on my bed. And shared blankets? What is that? We don’t share blankets. We each have our own side. And, like 5 year olds, there IS a line which divides each side of our bed. If it gets crossed in the middle of the night, you better believe there will be elbow throwing, kicking, and all manner of nastiness to get HIS leg back over to HIS side!

Annnnyway…. As I was thinking about that, I thought that these bedding sets seemed very appropriate.

{haha} from

Maybe our night time routine might be sweeter if we had bedding like any of these:

From: Creature Comforts w/ FREE Iron-on Download

From: Room To Inspire
From: Personal Creations

From: Personalization Mall

From: Cute Valentine's

From: The Nest

From: Brassy Apple

From: Cute Valentine's
(twister sheets? hehe...) From:

From: BoldLoft

I thought these could be useful as well...

The reverse says: "In Your Dreams"
From: Little Birdie Secrets

You can find versions of this all over the web.

And, right along with this theme is this lovely quilted love letter. What a treasure this would be!

So, I've been collecting these for some time now and just wanted to share them with you...for a laugh or a gift idea or a bit of inspiration... enjoy.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

ScribbleIt Giveaway

Remember the post where I had pictures of a few different wall photo displays? A few of them used vinyl lettering... Don't remember? Here's a reminder!

I LOVE vinyl lettering and think it adds a great decorative touch to any home...

Today, ScribbleIt is offering a lucky follower a $25 gift card to shop their website (vinyl only)! Fun, right?

Here are a few of the lovey-dovey vinyl options they offer:

I love these...and her kits to make these are SOO inexpensive! even better!

There are plenty of other vinyl lettering options, craft kits, and one of my favorite features of their website is the Photo Idea Gallery. You can also check out the ScribbleIt blog for deals and promotions they are running!

Okay, let's get to it!

To qualify for the giveaway:

1. Be a public follower of Love Actually
2. Tell me what you'd get if you won by browsing the site
3. Leave ONE COMMENT telling me you qualify by completing #1 & #2

(Leave ONE additional comment)
Post my button on your blog (if you already have it, make sure it's the new one!)

GOOD LUCK! Giveaway ends Wednesday, April 28th at midnight EST.

Monday, April 19, 2010

The Laundry Lottery

Hubby and I both agree that folding the laundry is THE worst household chore. Ever. And, I, being the wife, usually get stuck with it. Not lately. I've recently adopted a new way of getting my husband to help with the laundry.

I created something I like to call "The Laundry Lottery".

When it's time to fold the laundry, I transform my dryer into the Lottery Machine by placing these Laundry Lottery cards in it.

One card, in my favor, says: "Folding Duty"

The other, in his favor, says: "Lucky You" (which could be anything you designate prior to the draw...whatever you think might lure him in the best!)

Then, I summon him back to the laundry room with: "Hey huuuunny....wanna play the laundry lotto?!" You've gotta make sure he knows what's at stake and what's to be gained from playing. Showing him the cards go INTO the dryer might be reassuring. When you've got him lured in, give the dryer a little tumble and let him open it up to pick the card.

Wanna give it a try? I've included some free downloads for you!

Download "Laundry Lottery" Shirt HERE
Download "Lottery Cards" HERE

And to some of you who are thinking, "What is she, stupid?!" ... I realize that this could be lose-lose for me (being that I'd have to offer his lottery winnings AND fold the laundry alone)...but it introduces a bit of spontaneity into the relationship that I know he enjoys...

(If you're lucky, maybe after he collects his winnings, he'll help with the laundry after all... win-win!)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

It's About You

So often, my husband finds me working on Love Actually and he always says, "Cher, you put so much time into that blog! You could be making so much money if you just sold your ideas."

The ideas of turning this blog into a "money maker" have been tossed around again and again....but somehow I'm always led back to just continuing the way I am going.

Maybe it's lack of ambition, maybe it's fear of no recognition, maybe it's just a fun hobby that I can't seem to let go of. Or maybe I'm concerned that those who really need the ideas need them to be free! I don't know.

I do know that the real reason behind keeping up on this blog becomes very clear when I read something like this.

{posted with permission from Brittney Collado}

What is the real reason?

It isn't about the money.
It isn't lack of ambition.
It's not about the recognition.
And, I have plenty of other hobbies to keep my attention.
It's about you.

You, who want to love your spouse more. You, who have a desire to make them happy forever. It's such a simple and yet such a significant desire. It's a hard thing to do at times. And that brings you back here to get inspired and motivated.

I'm both proud and grateful for all that has come out of this blog. It is a lot of work, but worth it in every way after reading sweet comments like Brittney's and so many others of you who have sent emails and left comments.

So, thank you for being here, reading, commenting, and spreading the word about Love Actually. I hope I'll be able to continue it until ideas no longer come to mind...or at least until I get more ambitious, need some spending money, or discover a hobby more rewarding than enriching the love lives of others... :)

Monday, April 12, 2010

April Showers bring...ROMANCE!

Sometimes, I think our guys just need a little anticipation. I don't say that because I read their's just that my husband told me so. And, to me, he IS the expert. In fact, today's post is HIS clever idea.

Playing off the theme of "April Showers", this idea will have you giving your husband a very interesting weather forecast...

I took a clip of a weather forecast online (I used the 7-day forecast from and photoshopped it to my heart's content! This was the result (look closely...this isn't just any normal forecast).

{click to enlarge}

I placed it in an envelope with a note, "Thought you might be interested in the forecast for Monday."

Custom Options: How to Create Your Own

(Okay, people... I'm not a digital design expert or teacher, so I'm going to give this my best shot...)

*If you have Windows 7, use your "Snip Tool" to copy the screen image of your forecast.
*If you have Windows XP or older, click shift+PrintScreen button and then open Microsoft Word and click paste or CTRL V. Your forecast image should appear.
*You can edit the image in Word and then print.
*If you pasted the image into Word, but want to edit it in Photoshop, save the document as a PDF, and then open that file in Photoshop for editing.

Here is a Before & After of my forecast:

{click to enlarge}

If you really want to play up this idea, you can pair THIS (Starry Night) date night to match your evening forecast perfectly!

Hey, maybe these April Showers will bring some flowers after all...

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Giveaway Winners!

Oh, I'm sad to see "Then Comes Baby" Week over already! (* just grew up too fast!) hehe... anyway... I want to give a special THANKS to all of the sponsors who donated this week's giveaways. It wouldn't have been NEARLY as much fun without all these fun things to give away.

Here are the winners:

From Bailey's Blossoms - Congrats to Roxanne!

From EZ Nursing Cover - Congrats to Seguita!

(Email Carli at eznursingcover @ for 10% off any order OR free shipping)

From Bella Blanket - Congrats to Marie!

From Peace.Love.Mom - Congrats to Nisha!

From EZ Nursing Cover - Congrats to Gena!

**Winners: Please EMAIL ME at loveactuallyblog @ to claim your prize.

Have a great weekend, everybody!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Baby Giveaway 5 - EZ Wrap

Carli from wanted to sponsor two giveaways this weekend and I was happy to have her on board---twice!

Just in case you missed Tuesday's giveaway, Carli (a mother of two CUTE little girls) specializes in creating trendy nursing covers at a great low price...which is wonderful for mothers on a budget! She also offers fabric organizers, baby wraps, and aprons. Check out all her options on her website HERE.

Today, she is giving away this gorgeous paisley baby wrap:

To qualify for the givewaway:

1. Follow Love Actually
2. Check out Carli's website
3. Vote for me on TopMommyBlogs HERE
(Submit a comment on FRIDAY to qualify!)

All winners for this week's giveaways will be announced on Saturday, April 10.

For You Future Mommas: Live it Up!

So, you're looking forward to becoming a threesome (some of you hoping that those days will hurry up and get here) but it's absolutely crucial that you enjoy and put your focus on your twosome!
I found this great article from WhatToExpect.Com about preparing for your life with a baby, while still enjoying life now (I know it's easier said than done, but read on, my friends...)

Live It Up

{Sure, you're a little preoccupied with getting pregnant. But don't forget to celebrate life as a couple (while you still can)! Here's how.}
Experienced moms will tell you (perhaps with a glint of envy in their eyes) that now's the time for you and your partner to get out and live it up. Once you're pregnant — and certainly once your beautiful baby arrives — you'll be more housebound than ever. (Maternity leave? More like maternity stay!) So what to do now with your current (baby-) free evenings and weekends? Here are some ideas to spur you to action and to enjoy — while it's still just the two of you:

Be adventurous.
Once you've got baby on board, you'll need to play it safe where exercise and outdoor activities are concerned. So be adventurous now, and try something new. Call a local stable and arrange for a trail ride through the woods, or go on a bike tour through a neighborhood you've wanted to check out. Try kayaking or white-water rafting, or, for something more tepid, join a walking group or sign up for swimming lessons (both of which might transition nicely into an enjoyable pregnancy workout).

Try a romantic getaway.
Who says it ruins the romance to be the one to plan a weekend away? Take the reins and find something that speaks to both of your interests: museum, country inn, movies, and brunch? Mountain biking, kitschy motel, ice cream, and live music? Get creative — use your lunch hour to brainstorm all the possibilities, and then ask around for destinations within a few hours' drive. If you're actively trying to conceive, plan your trip around your ovulation time. Go on a late-night escapade. Being out and about into the wee hours is something few pregnant women can abide (and new parents are up at 4 a.m. for an entirely different reason!). So whoop it up before that first-trimester fatigue has you curled up like a cat! Catch a midnight movie, grab a bite at an all-night diner, or visit an observatory to gaze at the stars. And that nightclub you've always been curious about? Slip into that little black dress (you may not be wearing it again for a while) and go.

Be spontaneous.
Once you're a new mom, spur-of-the-moment plans may become a thing of the past: Between baby's nap and feeding times, you may feel like a slave to your little one's schedule. So feel free to hop from one activity to another, letting your whims dictate your next move. Browse in a bookstore, stop by a friend's, or take a drive in the country and check into a bed-and-breakfast for the night…anything that strikes your fancy. Now's the time to leave the day planner behind and have some free-flowing fun.


Be sure to click on HOME on the menu bar above to see all the posts from "Then Comes Baby" week and today's giveaway!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Baby Giveaway 4 - PeaceLoveBaby

PeaceLoveMom is made up of a team of Moms with one common goal – to create “a celebration of motherhood” for all types of mothers. PeaceLoveMom, a lifestyle brand company was designed to share life’s many moments of motherhood. At PeaceLoveMom, they cut/sew/dye all of their own products and they are exclusively made for PeaceLoveMom in America.

They have all sorts of fun, chic designs for mom and baby, and today, they are offering this really cute baby girl onesie to one lucky winner.

You can see a full size image of the onesie here.

To qualify for the giveaway:

1. Follow Love Actually
2. Vote for me on TopMommyBlogs HERE
3. Check out PeaceLoveMom's website
(Submit a comment on THURSDAY to qualify!)

*Link up your applicable post on today's "Mother's Tell All" post for an extra entry!

All winners for this week's giveaways will be announced on Saturday, April 10.
Come back tomorrow for another giveaway!

Mother's Tell All

Okay, Okay...I know how you mom bloggers are! You want to share your experiences, find out if others feel the same way, maybe vent a little, even laugh a little from reading other's experiences.

Here's your chance to share and read experiences of mommyhood (and don't doesn't necessarily have to relate to romance...)

Please link up one of your favorite posts which highlights a fun story, moment, or experience involving having or raising a baby.

The best part of linking up: You'll receive an extra entry in today's giveaway! Please link up below and then go leave a comment on the GIVEAWAY post (not this one).

Be sure to click on HOME on the menu bar above to see today's giveaway and previous posts from "Then Comes Baby" week!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Baby Giveaway 3 - Bella Blanket

Sarah from Bella Blanket creates the most beautiful rag quilts I've ever seen and I'm so excited to show her off on Love Actually during "Then Comes Baby" Week!

Her handcrafted, boutique-quality rag quilts are created from flannel, minkee dot, chenille, terry cloth, and other soft and beautiful fabrics and are the perfect size for on-the-go or to wrap your baby in for snuggling!

Her creations don't stop at rag quilts, she also makes gorgeous baby jewelry and rag burp cloths, Bella Rag Burpies.

Today, she is offering one lucky follower this "To the Rescue" Bella Rag Burpie. I love the cute fabric she has used and hope it will come to the rescue one of you moms soon!

To qualify for the giveaway:

1. Follow Love Actually
2. Check out Sarah's etsy shop
3. Vote for me on TopMommyBlogs HERE
(Submit a comment on WEDNESDAY to qualify!)

All winners for this week's giveaways will be announced on Saturday, April 10.
Come back tomorrow for another giveaway!

Taking Care of Hubby after Baby

This is an excellent little reading from The Mommy Files ...

When you’re a new mom there is so much to do every day with your precious new bundle that it is easy to forget where that baby came from, the love of your husband and yourself! A marriage is just as important after baby, and perhaps even more so. In my house, the daddy goes to work and mommy stays home to care for the babies. But babies go to bed and it’s at that time that I turn my attention to my husband and marriage.

(Disclaimer: I know that it’s politically incorrect to refer to “spouse”, but that’s the way I’m heading since I firmly believe that kids do best with both a married mommy AND a daddy.)

But I’m so TIRED! you say. Not to worry, you don’t have to do acrobatics to pay attention to your husband. Working on your marriage (and I will not be addressing the intimate side) can be as simple as sitting together when baby is asleep (in bed, in the swing, in your arms, whatever it takes) and talking about inconsequential things, cuddling together and talking before bed, showering together and talking, just plain spending time together. Finding the few odd minutes and bits together can be more fun than several long hours.

Did you notice what was all the same about those suggestions? Talking. Talking is an essential part of this formula, and not only about baby. Daddy will have more on his mind than just diapers and spit-up. He needs to talk about his thoughts, needs, ideas, too. Men often seem so stoic and solid that we too often expect our men to act like the rock we see him as.

Try to remember all the talking you did when dating, remember how you couldn’t spend more than 10 minutes apart without wanting to call him and tell him this or that? Try to recapture that feeling now, a phone call during the day with nothing more than a love expression in mind really brightens the day!

Does your husband purchase his lunch every day? Have you considered packing him a lunch instead? Not only will this save you some much needed moolah, but it gives your husband a feeling of being special enough that you cared about something as small as lunch. My hubbers takes his lunch to work every day and receives envious looks from the other workers because HIS wife cared enough to pack his lunch (and it doesn’t matter that it’s just leftovers from last night). Try slipping a little note in telling him how much you love and appreciate him.

And don’t forget to praise his efforts in everything from changing diapers to working so hard to support you and baby! Men need to feel appreciated just as much as women do.

BUT WHAT ABOUT ME!! you wail. Not to worry. The better you take care of your husband and thereby your marriage, the better he will take care of you. When I put the examples here into practice at my own house, I saw a one hundred percent improvement in how my hubbers treated me. This is not to say I was treated badly to begin with, but that the amount of romance that I craved was increased dramatically.

Try to remember the feelings you had for your husband before you were so tired from your babies. They are still there, down deep, and implementing some of these techniques will help bring them up again AND help improve your marriage.

Good Luck!

Be sure to click on HOME on the menu bar above to see today's giveaway and previous posts from "Then Comes Baby" week!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Baby Giveaway 2 - EZ Nursing Cover

Carli from EZ Nursing Cover is today's "Then Comes Baby" giveaway sponsor! She specializes in creating trendy nursing covers at a great low price...which is wonderful for mothers on a budget! She also sells fabric organizers, baby wraps, and aprons. Check out all her options on her website HERE.

The winner of this giveaway will receive this super cute nursing cover! (I LOVE this fabric!)

To qualify for the givewaway:

1. Follow Love Actually
2. Check out Carli's website
3. Vote for me on TopMommyBlogs HERE
(Submit a comment on TUESDAY to qualify!)

All winners for this week's giveaways will be announced on Saturday, April 10.
Come back tomorrow for another giveaway!

Pleasure Being Married To You: 6 Week Checkup

So, the baby has arrived. Your house is filled with this new little bundle...lots of tears, little sleep, and lots of new items that you're just figuring out how to use! One thing you probably haven't been thinking about is the one thing that hubby is missing most out of this whole "having a baby" experience...

So, when you get the okay to "resume all activities" as my friend, Chelsea, worded it...there ought to be some sort of mini celebration. (usually this falls around the 6 week checkup time). This is a big event for your hubby!

Here's what Chelsea did for her husband:

I made a card that said, “This is no ordinary house wife you’re dealing with” on the front and on the inside, I wrote a love note about what a “pleasure” it was to be married to him and put a condom inside! I have never seen him laugh so hard or blush so fast when he opened that card!

I thought it was a very simple and thoughtful idea that let's your husband know you're still thinking about him...even though that new little baby is the main focus! (and...for those of you that sit there with your jaws open, close em! This is a perfectly appropriate idea for continuing a healthy relationship after the baby comes!....just sayin'...)

Be sure to click on HOME on the menu bar above to see today's giveaway and yesterday's post from "Then Comes Baby" week!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Creative Ways to Announce Pregnancy

A while ago, I announced that Love Actually would be hosting a very special week-long event: "Then Comes Baby" Week. Well, the time has come and as promised, I have it packed with fun stuff!

***There's something you'll want to know though: You have to stop in EACH DAY this week to enter each day's catching up later in the week! And, there will be two posts each day. One for the idea/tip of the day, and another for the giveaway.
Be sure to invite your friends/family over to join in the fun!

{Creative Ways to Announce Pregnancy}

You've been waiting weeks, months, or maybe even years to see this result! You could run to him and break the news abruptly... or you could take a few extra steps to announce your exciting news with a bit of creativity!

Here's a whole bunch of fun ideas that I've collected for you mommas and someday-mommas to announce your pregnancy to the daddy-to-be!

Bun in the Oven
When he gets home from work, tell him there's something sweet in the oven. When he opens it up, he'll find large bun on a plate. As he stands there puzzled, announce, "Honey, there's a bun in our oven!" sweeten this idea a tad: Sneak out of bed early one morning and put a batch of cinnamon buns in the oven to bake. The pre-prepared refrigerated ones from your grocery store will do just fine. When your husband wakes up and smells the irresistible aroma announce, "Honey, we've got a bun in the oven!"

Spell It Out
Play Scrabble for date night. Share the news by spelling it out for him on the board. (even if you have to rig your pieces somehow to make sure you have the letters necessary).

Baby Food
Plan a theme dinner for him. Make baby corn and carrots, baby back ribs, (anything involving baby sized food). For dessert, a small bowl of Sugar Babies could work. Be sure to slip in that you're having a sweet little baby!

The Secret's in the Sauce
Creat a label that says "Husband's Name and Wife's Name Are Prego" and place it on a jar of pasta sauce. Suggest that he help you make spaghetti for dinner that night. Hand him the jar. If he doesn't get it or see the label, you made need to say something like, " that the right kind? What kind of prego is that? What does the label say?"

Daddy's Caddy
If your husband is into golf, give him a mini plastic set of golf clubs (check party stores, Walmart, or dollar stores) along with a onesie that says "Daddy's Future Caddy".

What's in the Bottle?
Make dinner plans at a favorite restaurant. Earlier in the day, drop off a baby bottle that you decorate to say "It's a Baby!". Ask the manager to serve his beverage in that baby bottle.

Baby on Board
Buy one of those yellow “baby-on-board” stickers or suctions for your car. Place it an obvious spot in your car where he'll see it. Hopefully he’ll get the idea...

Happy Father's Day
Even if it's not close to Father's Day when you get pregnant, give him a card that says... “I know it’s a couple of month's early (or late)… but just wanted you to know, you’re going to make the best father in the world! I’m pregnant!”

Home Expansion
Find a picture of a blueprint/floorplan online and print it out in grayscale. Write over top, "I wanted to see the plans for our home expansion... Our home will be expanding by two feet…two very tiny feet.”

Baby Book
Buy a classic children's book and on the inside cover, write "Baby (your last name)". Then, leave it in a bush, grass, etc. next to your house (where you don't think it will get picked up by someone else). Suggest that you both go for a walk. "Accidentally" stumble upon the book. Let him pick it up and ask if it has a name in it? Hopefully there are too many other kids on your block with the same last name as you... :)

Diaper Drawer
Fill his drawer's with newborn baby diapers. Place a note on top of the diapers that says "Make room daddy... I'm moving in!"

Go to a nice restaurant and after your husband has sat down, let him know you need to use the restroom. Tell a waiter or waitress that you need a high chair. When they bring it over to the table tell them to say, "We heard you'll be needing this." When your husband says, "No, we don't have any children" jump in and say, "Thank you, you can leave it, we will be needing that in about 9 months or so..."

Piggy Bank
If your husband in charge of the family finances, buy him a piggy bank and put a note around it's neck that says, "Our Baby's College Fund -- Only 18 years and 9 months to save." Put this on his dresser and wait for him to find it. A new household budget may result.

Pick up your husband's favorite Chinese take out or go out to Chinese. Bring your own homemade fortune cookie (or even a paper fortune cookie) with your own message that says, "You will be a dad on xx/xx/xxxx (your due date)."

Propose Fatherhood
Recreate how your husband proposed marriage to you, but propose fatherhood instead. Instead of a ring box, hand him a bracelet box with your positive pregnancy test inside and ask, "Will you be a father?"

Crossword Puzzle
a crossword puzzle using things about your relationship. Link to previous post. Include this clue: Day you found out you were expecting your first (or 2nd or 3rd…) child. Make sure it fits the day he’ll be doing the puzzle.

Play Guesstures and pretend "pregnant" is one of your words.

I hope you don't think I made these up myself! No way! I may have put my own twist on a few of them, but all the original ideas came from:
American Baby magazine, May 2005

Be sure to scroll down to see today's giveaway!