Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Body Shop Date Night & Roleplay

Ladies, start your engines!!

This is an idea that your guy just might love. The hubs and I created this idea from scratch and both agree that there are just a few small things that take it from mediocre to great (or "freakin' awesome" as my husband so delicately put it).

Obviously this is a roleplay idea and is intended to be sexy. But, for obvious reasons, I've tried to keep the suggestiveness to a minimum for this post. However, when it comes time for you to use this idea, you're gonna need to rev it up a little bit. Luckily, there are about a MILLION connotations/twists you can put on vehicle maintenance terminology. (google 'vehicle maintenance services' if you need ideas based off actual services). You'll find out why you need to do this in a bit..

Here's how it all goes down:

Stick a little "maintenance notice" in his car as early as you'd like prior to this date night. (could be the same day or a few days prior).

In preparation for the date,

- Wear some jean or khaki overalls...or anything that looks "auto shop technician-y"
- smudge some grease (mascara works great) on your cheek
- wear your hair up in a loose raggy ponytail (if applicable)
- brush up on your "car talk" and just spout stuff off like you know what you're talking about (this is useful during the "inspection" portion of the night)
- Gather some Gadgets: clipboard, tire pressure gauge, flashlight, a shop rag, (anything that could be useful during your "inspection")
- Put up some door plaques on your bathroom/bedroom doors. You may have to
change the inspection garage and maintenance shop mid-date if you're using your bedroom as both of these).

When it comes time for the date, welcome your customer to your Body Shop and invite him to "drive his vehicle into the inspection garage". You'll then explain that you, an experienced technician, will do a comprehensive inspection to identify any problems with his vehicle.

This is where you get creative. Use your gadgets (examples above) to measure, inspect, and do whatever the heck you want to do. You can make him stand a certain way, make him flex his muscles for you to measure, etc etc. (sounds corny, but seriously...this can be hilariously fun). Take notes on your clipboard during the inspection, without letting him see.

Then, when the inspection phase is through, prepare your invoice. This is where you want to write the "good stuff" using sexy connotations of auto shop lingo. (My example is boring, so don't copy it!!) Get creative!

Then give him the invoice and have him sign and date the bottom. (Put this in a secret'll laugh about it years from now!)

The rest doesn't require much help from me.

Maintenance Shop comes next... (have him leave and re-enter if you need just for the effect) and then do your thing. After, the Car Wash (showering or bathing together...) is the perfect conclusion!

Oh, and, lastly...these might come in handy:

Download HERE (zipped file must be extracted before use)
*download fixed*

Remember, if you download, I think it's safe to say that you owe me a comment! :)

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