Thursday, November 18, 2010

The 12 Lays of Christmas

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As promised, I have a fun new idea for you with a free download. And, it's just in time for Christmas. Now, for all you who don't like any mention of anything intimate (even within marriage), then you'll probably wanna mosey away from this blog right now.

With that said, I love this idea and find it so very clever! I don't think it's dirty in the least bit, rather an exciting Christmas present that any husband would die for!

A friend of mine came up with this and asked that I keep her anonymous. But I asked if I could share the inspiration behind her idea and she agreed to let me post her words:

"Around Christmas time it's easy to forget what it's all about, and I tend to get stressed out about the presents and money, and the never ending to-do list of shopping, cooking, wrapping, mailing, etc.
And my husband gets a crazy, frazzled wife to deal with through the holidays.

Well, the other day I was (already) stressing about what to get everyone for Christmas with a very low bank account, and I asked my husband what our budget was and what he wanted. He replied, "You KNOW what I want." I just laughed at him and said, "No really, what do you want?" He just looked at me and said, "Why can't I want that? I just want you." Anyway, we kept talking and he said he really just wanted to use the little money we had to get the kids some presents- and he didn't need anything- just me.

Afterward, I started thinking and realized- you know, I don't think he's just being nice- I think that's REALLY all he wants. Of course, I'm probably going to make him a couple of other small presents- but I'm excited to surprise him with the 12 Lays of Christmas. Because I know he's going to love it- and I know it's going to help me remember what it's all about. So this year I'm giving my husband a happy, stress-free wife- and a lot of lovin'. :) There's nothing better than giving yourself!!!"

Amen! Here's the idea:

The night before the 12 Lays of Christmas starts (Dec. 13th) leave this note for your husband, explaining how it will work (basically that you two are going to be making love every night for 12 days straight leading up to Christmas):

Along with the note, you can also leave a pocket advent calendar to count down the 12 Lays of Christmas. It’s really easy- you just get a pack of Dentyne gum (or any brand that has 12 pieces of gum in a pack) On the back of each square of gum, use a sharpie to label the numbers 1-12. That way, they can eat a piece of gum each day of the 12 Lays of Christmas. (If you want, you can also replace the Dentyne label with your own decorative label) Attach this note to the gum…

And remember what I say,
It must be done every day.
Just so you won’t forget-
Grab this pack and your set.
You can’t chew your piece of gum,
Until the deed is really done.

Then, leave a small present (the idea for each present is in bold text at the end of the post) each day for your spouse to find along with the accompanying note, to remind them that “the deed must be done every day.”

Here are the notes I made to go along with each day's little gift.
{click to enlarge}

You can download the entire set of Notes & Gum Pack Label HERE!

For those of you who want to design your own, here is the text so you can adjust the wording but not retype the whole thing!

(Pear scented body scrub)

LAY 1: December 14

Tonight calls for a partridge in a pear tree,

But that’s just not romantic, you see.

So how about some pear body scrub in a tub

Then you and me can rub a dub dub!!

(Chocolate turtles or Dove chocolate)

LAY 2: December 15

Tonight calls for two turtle doves

But birds are still not cutting it, love

So instead, how about the chocolate kind

It’s an aphrodisiac- I don’t think you’ll mind

(Hershey’s kisses)

LAY 3: December 16

Tonight calls for three French hens

(Here we go with the darn birds again)

So I’m replacing them with French kisses instead

But I’ll give more, not three like they said

(A whistle)

LAY 4: December 17

Tonight calls for four calling birds

But a call from you would be much preferred

So use this whistle to give me a call

When you’re ready for a little bedroom brawl

(5 gold rings from the dollar store with a piece of lingerie rolled inside each one)

LAY 5: December 18

Tonight calls for five golden rings

But my golden rings come with sexy things

So pick the outfit that you like best

And I will go get ready and dressed

(Rolo candies)

LAY 6: December 19

Tonight calls for six geese a-laying

But it’s not the geese that will be laying and playing

So just ROLO-ver, okie dokie?

It’s time for the horizontal hokey pokey!

(Bubble Bath)

LAY 7: December 20

Tonight calls for seven swans a-swimming

But I’m thinking you & me- with the lights a-dimming

Here’s some bubble bath for our private swim party

Meet me by the tub at bedtime- don’t be tardy!

(Milk duds)

LAY 8: December 21

Tonight calls for eight milking maids

But I was hoping that you’d consider a trade

Instead, how about just milk duds & me?

I promise I’m worth it- just wait and you’ll see!

(CD of Romantic songs)

LAY 9: December 22

Tonight calls for nine ladies dancing

But you just need me for some dancing, romancing

So let’s put on some slow songs and waltz ‘round the bed

Tonight it won’t be sugarplums dancing in your head

(Red Hots and Mountain Dew)

LAY 10: December 23

Tonight calls for ten lords a leaping

But you’re the only man I care about keeping

I know what’ll get you leaping, (you gotta admit)

We’re red hot- so let’s just DEW it!

(Party Blowers)

LAY 11: December 24

Tonight calls for eleven pipers piping

But, I confess, I have done some swiping

I stole their pipes to give to you

Just blow one when you’re ready for some- yabbadabbadoo!

(Paper Ticket)

LAY 12: December 25

Tonight calls for twelve drummers drumming

But you are the man who’s got me succumbing

So take this ticket for a private concert, you see,

Instead of a drum, you can bang on me!

The day after Christmas, leave your husband this note:

The 12 Lays of Christmas is over already,

But we don’t need an excuse to get hot and heavy!

So just let me know, whenever the mood hits…

And we’ll find our way back to toe-curling bliss!

You give me a thrill that nothing can beat.

So let’s keep staying tangled up in the sheets.

Thanks for being so charming and cavalier

You were my very favorite present this year!

oh, I love it!
May all your "lays" be Merry and Bright!

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