Sunday, December 11, 2011

Life. Design. and the Pursuit of Craftiness

Well, HELLO, my friends! My, has been a while. ...sorry about that.

I've been super busy, but I had to pop in and tell you about my latest ventures...oh, and to let you know that.....

my husband and I are still married!! (and still very much happily married). It might seem silly to some that I had to post that, but you'd be surprised with how many emails I've received from concerned readers wondering where I went? if I'm okay? if my marriage is okay? if I want help posting? the list goes on.


So, to you concerned readers, a sincere Thank you! Your concern was really thoughtful and touching.

I kinda had to just up and leave the blog for a while with so many things going on in my life...I didn't want to do a "goodbye" post because... honestly, I HATE goodbyes... AND I wasn't ever sure I was really done for good. So, by leaving it open, the possibility was still there.

With that said, it's no secret that Love Actually is more an archive of ideas than an active posting site these days... I intend to keep it that way for now. (until I decide to come back and make something more of it!) The ideas are still free for you to use for personal use, unless written permission is given from me.

If you still want to follow along with me and be first in line when I post new romance or date ideas, plus lots of other good stuff (non-love related), I'd LOVE to have you join me over at my new place....

I'm expanding my blogging vision to include a little more of what I'm pursuing besides just the lovey-dovey stuff!

But, you'll be glad to know that I just put up two fun ideas (under the Date Night & Romance Label) over there that you'll enjoy: for date night! for a fun Anniversary Date/Gift idea!

Here's a sneak peak: c'mon over and check it out...

Love Always,

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Marry Beauty or Else....

A businessman enters a tavern, sits down at the bar, and orders a double martini on
the rocks.

After he finishes the drink, he peeks inside his shirt pocket, and orders another
double martini. After he finishes that one, he peeks inside his shirt pocket again and
orders yet another double martini.

The bartender says, "Look, buddy, I'll bring ya' martinis all night long - but you gotta
tell me why you look inside your shirt pocket before you order a refill."

The customer replies, "I'm peeking at a photo of my wife. When she starts to look
good, I know it's time to go home."

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Are Certain Types Destined To Date?

Your eyes meet across a crowded room. You feel it, the other person feels it. But what is “it,” exactly? In other words, what gets sparks flying between two people but not others? That’s a question that continues to boggle the minds of scientists, poets, and real people the world over. But if you want to increase your chances of choosing the right partner ‘til death do you part, modern research does have some answers. Read on to find out which personality types you’re most likely to click with — and stick with — for the long haul.

Familiarity breeds…a bond?
While fairytales are full of twosomes from very different walks of life, Cinderella-style stories rarely exist in real life for good reason. People are generally attracted to those who are similar in terms of education, intelligence, religion, and financial status. “Often, ‘like’ attracts ‘like,’ what anthropologists call ‘positive assortive mating’ and ‘fitness matching,’” says Helen Fisher, Ph.D., anthropologist and author of Why We Love. The reason it’s important is pretty obvious: When people don’t see eye-to-eye on many levels, they just simply don’t ‘get’ each other, and that can be tough for any couple to overcome. “I think the most important thing you can ask yourself about a prospective mate is: If this person were not a romantic interest, would they be one of your very best friends?” says Sam Hamburg, Ph.D., a marital therapist and author of Will Our Love Last?

What’s ‘familiar’ about a mate may not always be immediately evident, however. “People may feel chemistry with someone who treats them in a way that’s familiar because it’s a dynamic they know,” says Lisa Firestone, a clinical psychologist and author of Sex and Love in Intimate Relationships. A woman who grew up with an alcoholic father, for example, may end up with a wild-man artist, who’s similarly unpredictable but (hopefully) in more positive ways. So, don’t be surprised if your relationship echoes some dynamic from your past.

Why complementary types connect
She’s super-organized; he’s a constant mess. He’s a quiet couch potato; she’s the life of the party. We’ve all seen couples whose personalities seem light years apart. Is it true that opposites attract? Not exactly. “There’s a lot of chemistry between opposites and the relationship has a lot of passion,” says Firestone. “But eventually they may end up hating each other for the very things that drew them together in the first place.”

A better match, say experts, are people whose personalities are complementary but not complete contradictions. “Sometimes a really high-strung person will calm down around someone who’s laid-back, or maybe the person who has a lot of energy is a motivating influence on the person who’s mellow, and it’s really good for them both,” says Firestone. Likewise, personalities that are too similar can miss out on new experiences. “If two people are very risk-averse, they might never pursue opportunities that they should,” points out Hamburg. “And on the flip side, two people who are high risk-takers might get themselves into trouble. But if you have one who’s more risky and one who’s cautious, then through a dialogue the couple might be able to make better decisions than they would if they were the same.”

Complementary couples do run the risk, though, of falling even deeper into their differences. “When a person dates someone who plays a balancing role, he or she tends to polarize: The quiet person gets quieter, and the talkative person becomes the spokesperson for the relationship,” points out Firestone. “He may start to think that he’s a whole person only when he’s with her, and vice versa. And when people do that, the quality of relating tends to deteriorate.” So, couples should be careful to treat their partner’s strengths not as a crutch, but as an opportunity to watch and learn new habits and skills to move outside their comfort zones on occasion.

The chemistry behind chemistry
Scientific breakthroughs in the areas of genetics, biology, and neurology are also helping experts piece together the mystery of romantic attraction. Fisher, for example, has used her knowledge of body chemistry to come up with a new theory on who’s likely to click with whom—and why.

“Certain genes, hormones and neurotransmitters have been associated with specific personality traits,” she explains. “For instance, testosterone is associated with independence. All of us have these chemicals, but some of us have more activity in one of these chemical systems than another.”

The upshot? After reviewing the data, Fisher found that based on the activity levels of four key chemicals (serotonin, estrogen, dopamine, and testosterone), people largely fall into one of four “temperaments”: Builder, Negotiator, Explorer, and Director. Here’s a rundown:

The Builder
Chemical in charge: Serotonin (associated with sociability and feelings of calm)
Personality: Calm, managerial, conscientious, home-oriented but social
Best match: The Explorer
Worst match: The Director

The Negotiator
Chemical in charge: Estrogen (associated with intuition and creativity)
Personality: Imaginative, sympathetic, socially skilled, idealistic
Best match: Good with all types!
Worst match: None

The Explorer
Chemical in charge: dopamine (associated with curiosity and spontaneity)
Personality: Risk-taking, spontaneous, curious, adaptable
Best match: The Builder
Worst match: The Director

The Director
Chemical in charge: testosterone (associated with independence and rational thinking)
Personality: focused, inventive, daring, logical, direct
Best match: The Negotiator
Worst match: The Builder

While these four temperaments can be used as a guideline to find a compatible match, Fisher cautions that the mystery of romance doesn’t boil down entirely to a few neurotransmitters. “There is magic to love, no question about that,” she says. “But culture and biology play important roles. In short, when you are ready to fall in love and you meet someone who has a complementary chemical profile, you can feel attraction to him or her—which instantly or eventually can turn into deep feelings of romantic love.”

Kimberly Dawn Neumann is a New York City-based writer whose work has appeared in Marie Claire, Prevention, and other magazines.

Monday, June 13, 2011

How To Undo Her Bra With One Hand

Expand the description and view the text of the steps for this how-to video.

Check out Howcast for other do-it-yourself videos from heroicarts and more videos in the General Sex category.

You can contribute too! Create your own DIY guide at or produce your own Howcast spots with the Howcast Filmmakers Program at

There'll be no awkward fumbling to spoil the mood if you master this smooth move.

To complete this How-To you will need:

A willing partner
The location of the clasp
A free, warm hand
An agreeable friend for practice (optional)

Step 1: Continue kissing and stroking

Continue kissing and stroking her face or hair with one hand while using your free hand to feel for the clasp to determine whether it is in the front or back.

Step 2: Determine clasp location

Place your hand on her breast, over the shirt, and feel for a plastic clasp between the breasts. If you don't feel anything, it's probably a back clasp.

Tip: She may be wearing a sports bra, which has no clasp and can't be removed with this method, or no bra at all.

Step 3: Feel under the shirt

Slip your hand underneath the back of her shirt and feel for a thicker piece of fabric about three to five inches long in the center of the bra. This is the back clasp.

Tip: Before going underneath the shirt, make sure your hand is warm. A cold hand on the back is never welcome.

Step 4: Remove tension

Remove tension from either a front or back clasp by grasping the fabric on either side of the clasp between two fingers. Then squeeze your fingers together toward the middle to release.

Step 5: Practice

Practice the squeeze and release technique with a willing friend to ensure quick and smooth removal when it counts.

Thanks for watching How To Undo Her Bra With One Hand! If you enjoyed this video subscribe to the Howcast YouTube channel!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Music That Enhances Sex

When it comes to sex, you need to make sure you set the scene for the session. And what better way to do so than by using music to enhance the sexual experience?

The kind of music you opt for is entirely up to you, but most guys (and women) will agree that death metal is out of the question. So, depending on the kind of sex you'd like to have, choose your music accordingly.

But rather than opt for an album by a single artist, I recommend opting for compilation albums -- i.e. soundtracks and what have you. For now, here are some suggestions you might want to keep in mind the next time you happen into a music store.

The great thing about R&B music is that it usually comes with lyrics, so if there's something you want to tell her without actually saying it, you can say it with song. And if not, then let the men and women of this genre help you seduce her.

My suggestions:
Tha Down Low
Let's Get It OnElectronica
If you like to chill out and go through various speeds and tempos while doing the deed, then this music will serve to give you and your girl exactly what you're looking for. This music, along with a good bottle of wine, can turn your session into something hypnotic.

My suggestions:
Cafe Del Mar Volumen OnceParis Under A Groove - Stylistique Vol. 1

Considering you're doing your own horizontal dance, listening to some soft, original dance music will serve to make her sway her hips more so on your penis. Personally, I think this is the best kind of music to have sex to.

My suggestions:
Beautiful Tomorrow - Blue Six
Nude Tempo 1 - Muguel Migs
Penetrate Deeper (Reis) - Deep Dish
Addictive Beats - Saeed & Palash

If you're the type of guy (or couple, rather) who enjoys trying out new things every so often, why not put on some bellydancing beats or soft Greek rhythms and let her show you what she's made of? If the music makes her feel sexy, she will proceed to show you exactly how sexy. Not to mention, penetration will definitely feel a little spicier.

You can always start out the foreplay by dancing together and then you can, oops!, accidentally end up inside her.

My suggestions:
Immortal Egypt - Phil Thornton, Hossam Ramzy
Buddha Bar VI

If you're in the mood to take things slowly up the foreplay department and move into penetration with ease, then jazz is the kind of music you might want to try out.

My suggestion:
Better Sex Video Series: Indulgence - Sensual RhythmsVerve RemixedBossa Nova
If there's one kind of music that can get any woman in the mood, it's bossa nova. The Brazilian voices and eclectic music will leave any woman feeling happy and perhaps horny, and she'll be enjoying her orgasm in no time. As will you.

My suggestions:
Bossa Nova For LoversGetz/Gilberto - Joao Gilberto, Stan Getz, Antonio Carlos Jobim

play that funky music

And there you have it; enough music to keep you sexually satisfied for at least a couple of months.

Remember that although music can enhance sex and all its surrounding activities, you should try to adapt the beat to whatever you're doing with your girl. What I like to do is turn the volume up to make a woman comfortable enough to moan a little louder.

Add some lighting and take your time, and before you know it, your woman will start turning on the stereo to give you the hint.

Until next time, let the beat take over.

By David Strovny Sex Education Correspondent

Online Dating Do's and Don'ts

What You Can Do Here are some basic rules for interacting online. Don't give out any personally identifiable information (like your screenname, email address or phone number) If you're under 18, check with a parent or guardian before using an online dating service.Seriously – if you think your parents are gonna be P.O.'d about you being there, talk to them about it first, 'cause they're gonna be way angrier if they find out the hard way. Watch what you say! It's fun to flirt, but take it easy. Don't ever type anything that you'd be embarrassed to say in a public place. Speak up! If someone makes you feel uncomfortable,contact the servce customer support and tell them about it right away.

Trust your instincts: if you think someone is lying, they probably are.Again Email customer support about it. If someone makes you uncomfortable, stop talking to them. You don't owe them an explanation. Just stop. You can use their BLOCK feature to make sure that you never hear from them again. Do you think that this is a good assesment of how to conduct oneself on an online dating service?

Friday, April 22, 2011

Asian Love & Dating - Asian Dating And Singles Site

Asian Singles Dating is a premier Asian dating social networking site helping thousands of Asian singles find their true love. Sign up for a free membership and start browsing through our Asian personals to find the Asian woman of your dreams! Make friends, find a date or fall in love. Meet Asian singles in your local area or from around the world.

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Thursday, March 31, 2011

The New Rules Of Attraction

When it comes to finding love, there are certain truths that seem so irrefutable that any single person would be a fool to not follow them. Maybe you’re a firm believer that you can tell within seconds if you’re attracted to someone. Or, maybe you adhere to the idea that a first kiss says it all: If you feel fireworks, your date’s a keeper; if it bombs, cut your losses. While these romantic maxims have their fans, experts insist that these laws no longer hold true in today’s dating world. In short, many rules single people follow need a little revamping. To that end, we’ve consulted authorities in the field to bring you the most up-to-date tactics for finding someone you’ll click with.

Old rule: You can tell if you’re truly attracted to someone in three seconds New rule: You can’t tell if you’re truly attracted to someone until you’ve had three dates

“Love at first sight” is a familiar romantic notion. And in our increasingly fast-paced world, it’s darn convenient to think you can tell if you click with someone that quickly. But experts recommend cultivating a bit more patience, sticking to a three-date minimum to know for sure whether you’re a match (or not). The reason: People are a bundle of nerves on date #1, begin to unwind on date #2, but only by date #3 can people truly relax and maybe build some rapport. And while sparks early on are nice and all, they say nothing about someone’s long-term potential. “An important part of a compatible relationship is assuring that each partner’s values coincide, and to learn that takes time, discussion, observation, and interpersonal interaction, not an initial impression based on superficial cues,” says James C. Piers, Ph.D., professor and program director of social work, at Hope College in Holland, MI. So, don’t write someone off — or fall head over heels — until you’ve done due diligence.

Old rule: Your mate must meet all the criteria on your “must list” New rule: A “must list” looks great on paper, but paper won’t keep you warm at night

You can check off the attributes you want — appearance, background, education, career, salary — but unless you’re building your lover in a lab, you’re missing out. Of course, you should have standards and not settle for a two-pack-a-day smoker who doesn’t want kids when you’re allergic to smoke and eager to start a family. But settling for nothing less than perfection is unrealistic. “Must lists are a classic recipe for unsuccessful dating,” says Fleming. “They’re too limiting and don’t allow for chemistry, which is more intangible and valuable.” Try to be flexible, especially when it comes to physical or material attributes like someone’s height, salary, or hair color. After all, just because someone’s 6’2”, blonde, or makes six figures doesn’t mean he or she will make you happy, so do yourself a favor and treat your ideal-mate wish list as just one factor in deciding who’s right for you.

Old rule: Opposites attract New rule: Opposites distract

Dating your diametric opposite might mean the surprise of someone really new and different, lots of challenging banter and scintillating make-up sex—but sustaining a partnership with your polar opposite may ultimately prove unfulfilling. “The classic couple with nothing in common except their on-fire fights plays well in the movies, but in real life that attraction fizzles quickly,” says Alyssa Wodtke, co-author of Truth, Lies, and Online Dating: Secrets to Finding Romance on the Internet. “If you don’t like to do the same things, there will be nothing for you to do outside of the bedroom. And if you don’t want the same things for the future, what kind of future can you have?” We’re not saying you should end up with your clone, but ideally it should be someone who complements your personality (see the next rule for more details).

Old rule: Your date’s record collection (or DVD library, or bookshelf) mirrors yours—so you must be soul matesNew rule: You want a person, not an iPod playlist

Sometimes you meet someone and have so much in common, you know it must be love: Each of you saw Phish perform at least a dozen times and know the works of David Sedaris inside out. But don’t confuse mirror-image taste with chemistry. In fact, it’s probably better if your interests don’t match up exactly. Not only does that leave room for you to expand your boundaries and dabble in something new that your partner digs, it also means you two will probably have little trouble maintaining some healthy independence. “Some of the best relationships are those where both parties have completely independent hobbies and allow for the concept of ‘his, her, and our’ time,” notes relationship coach Hu Fleming, Ph.D. So, take it as a good sign if you spend the occasional Saturday night apart—you doing dips at ballroom dancing class, your date doing the wave at an NBA game.

Old rule: Your first kiss should be a toe-curling experienceNew rule: Your first kiss is inconsequential

In fairytales, an amazing first kiss leads to happily ever after—no wonder we place such importance on that primary pucker! But there are ample reasons why a first kiss from a potentially great partner can go awry (nervousness or a less-than-ideal setting) and just as many to explain why a first kiss from Mr./Ms. Wrong can feel so right (you’ve exceeded the two-drink minimum, perhaps). “ A kiss can be a romantic, erotic experience with someone you find physically attractive, but a relationship will crumble without more complex attributes like shared values,” points out Piers. So rather than write someone off following a less-than-mind-blowing kiss, smile and move in slowly for smooch number two, either at that moment or on a subsequent date. Trust us, you owe it to yourselves.

Old rule: When it’s true love, you think about this person constantlyNew rule: When it’s true love, thinking about this person makes you feel good

Hmm, has Willie Nelson’s “You’re Always on My Mind” become the theme song for how you feel about your sweetie? That may not be for the best. “Constantly thinking about another person isn’t love, it’s infatuation, and infatuation has no correlation with being a good match,” says Fleming. Ultimately, it’s a better gauge to assess thequality of your thoughts rather than the quantity. “If you have warm and comfortable feelings when you think about your date, that indicates a relationship built on stability, trust, and a strong ‘friendship’ factor, denoting a relationship that will more likely wear well over time,” says Piers. If, on the other hand, your relationship keeps you up all night as you analyze this person’s emails for hidden messages that reveal his or her true feelings, you may be chasing down someone who doesn’t really want to be yours.


When asked why all of her marriages failed, anthropologist Margaret Mead replied, I beg your pardon, I have had three marriages and NONE of them was a failure.

Why do Americans believe that one life long marriage is the only real road to happiness and success?

Marriage has changed more in the last 50 years than in the past 5,000. Yet many cling to traditions that evolved among our farming ancestors.

When our forebears began to settle permanently to the land, they began to need to cement their social ties. What better way than to wed your daughter with my son? One married someone with the right social, economic and political connections. Virginity at marriage, strictly arranged marriages, till death do us part, the belief that women are less sexual than men, and many other traditional beliefs about women, men and marriage arose.

The Greek, Roman, Chinese and early Christian philosophers and theologians regarded ones love of kin, God and civil duty as far more important than love for a spouse. Strong marital commitments were not regarded as the foundation stone of society until the 20th century.

Today love, communication and companionship have become central to a partnership. We are shedding many of our past agrarian beliefs and returning to patterns of sex, love and marriage that our ancestors practiced a million years ago traditions that are highly compatible with our ancient human spirit.

Forward to the past: this trend began with the Industrial Revolution. As men and women began to leave the farm for city work, they no longer needed to marry to maintain time honored social ties. And by 1800 more and more had begun to choose their spouses for themselves, live together before wedding, and divorce and remarry to make happier partnerships.

This Marriage Revolution continues. Today some 91% of American women and 86% of American men would not marry someone unless they were in love with him or her, even if this person had every trait they were looking for in a spouse. People in 37 other cultures agree; they want the chemistry of passionate romantic love.

Divorce is also becoming common. The American divorce rate is currently 43%, much like that of several other Western countries. But people are changing their attitude about marital separation, seeing it less as failure and more as the first step toward finding true happiness.

Romantic love within marriage, divorce, remarriage: these trends are not new. For millions of years in ancient Africa both men and women commuted to work to hunt or gather fruits and vegetables. The double income family was the rule. The sexes were economic, social and sexual equals. And men and women married and remarried whom they chose. As women re-enter the paid labor force in droves, we are reassuming these ancient life ways.

Today, for example, most men and women experiment with sex and love long before they wed. Many live together before they tie the knot. Some have children first, then marry. And many have two or three spouses across their lives. All are traditions from prehistory.

In fact, we no longer live in a traditional marriage culture. Older women are marrying younger men. Inter-racial marriages have increased dramatically. Homosexuals can now form legal bonds in several states. Older people are remarrying rather than settling with their children. Living together, commuter marriages, visiting marriages, polyamorous marriages, childless marriages, singlehood, bearing children out of wedlock, registered domestic partners, divorce, remarriage, step families: In short, we can no longer expect most people to spend most of their lives in one traditional style marriage.

But are we happy? The New York Times recently reported that 51% of American women are currently living without a spouse. Is this reason to panic? On the contrary, it may be reason to celebrate.

Take the widows. In past centuries most women died young; today they are enjoying their senior years. What's wrong with that? Others are still young. Unchained from the narrow routines of farm life, they can finally postpone an early marriage to explore their opportunities in a wider world. What's wrong with that? Last are those who have divorced. Finally, these women have the economic means to leave bad marriages to make good ones.

In fact, demographers and historians say that women in the western world are experiencing happier marriages today than at any time in history probably for two reasons. Foremost, many women (and men) can afford to walk out of bad marriages to make better ones. Second, with the current emphasis on companionship within marriage, people today expect more from their partnerships and are working harder on their relationships than at any time in history.

Despite these obvious, largely beneficial, and largely worldwide changes, Americans cling to their outmoded beliefs about traditional marriage. I wonder if they know what they espouse?

In historical times, most husbands had the sole responsibility for the family's economic worth, while most wives were uneducated and confined to kitchen, church and nursery. Virginity at marriage was required; divorce was almost impossible; and a double standard for adultery prevailed; even rape within marriage was excused.

I think it is time to practice the democracy we preach. Prince Charming. happily ever after. till death do us part. The belief that there is only one true love for each of us. These fantastical beliefs may be as damaging as the fantasy of the perfect female body. Most of us cant live up. So lets embrace what we see around us men and women following their own paths in their primordial drive to love.

And love is a drive. Deep in the human brain lie three circuits that evolved to foster reproduction: the sex drive, romantic love, and attachment to a partner. Each is associated with different brain chemicals and each interacts with the others. This, for example, is why casual sex is often not casual. Any sort of sexual stimulation activates dopamine systems in the brain and can trigger feelings of romantic love. And with orgasm comes a flood of oxytocin and vasopressin, chemicals the can create deep feelings of attachment to a partner. These brain systems will never be extinguished.

And marriage is not dead. In fact, United Nations data on 97 societies indicates that over 90% of men and women in most societies wed by age 45. But it is metamorphosing into many supple, varied patterns. Most important is the rise of the 21st century marriage form, what sociologists call the symmetrical, companionate or peer marriage: marriage between equals.

Its time to enjoy our freedom to be ourselves.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

"The Bachelor" Finale Party

So, the Bachelor proposed last night...did anyone watch?! eeee. (that was a squeal, by the way.)

You shoulda heard the screaming in my house the moment that Chantal's limo pulled up first. We all knew that meant that she'd be the first to go...and that left Emily there with Brad. She was the one. Bittersweet moment, really. Chantal seemed to really have her heart set on Brad and as great as she was, Emily was just, well, Emily. That's hard to top.

THEN..... the "after the rose" special was heart-breaking! They are finding out that love isn't as easy as receiving the Final Rose. I guess it's a good lesson to learn, but I hope they can keep it together!

A few girlfriends and I have rotated houses most every Monday this Bachelor season.. I thought we'd end it with a big affair.

I'm sharing my party details mainly because I searched the internet high and low for "The Bachelor" themed parties and found nothing! So, here it is for you to adapt for future Bachelor seasons.

It started with invites to the ladies....

(PS...the word "suite" reads like "sweet".... I know, if I had to explain it's just not as cool. oh well.)
*also, if you'd like the Photoshop file of this invite, feel free to leave a comment with your email and I'll get it to you!

...That was shortly followed by 2 favors asked of the husbands (without the wives knowing!)

1. To plan a date for their wives in the near future and tell me what he's planning (so I could make a "date card" for each girl).

2. To show up that night in a suit right before the Final Rose Ceremony to give his wife a rose.

If you'd like an example of my email/letter to each husband, you can download it HERE.

Our guys were such good sports and the night was so fun because of them!


The girls brought the "suites" and I had chips, salsa, and dip along with punch.

You can download the food table label/photo for the
Cocktail Party Punch HERE
Fantasy "suites" HERE


Prior to the Finale starting, I had the girls split into teams and each team had strips of paper which had facts about both Chantal and Emily. They had to determine which fact belonged to each girl. The team with the most correct won. (I found these facts from just google searching each contestant).

...and the prize?
Yup. {seriously} They are about that big, too. I found these ginormous rings at the Christmas Tree Shops for 3 bucks a pop! ....(they are actually napkin ring holders, but just for that night they played the part of giant diamond rings).

Commercial Breaks

I quizzed the group with trivia about The Bachelor and the contestants, but the funnest part of our commercial breaks were "knocks" at my door when a DATE CARD arrived for each girl. (They came at random times all throughout the night. By "came" I mean, I tried to sneakily set them by the door and then I'd pretend to hear a knock)

Some of my favorite lines during the reading of our date cards that night:
"My card doesn't say anything about LOVE!" (quoting Michelle from this season)
"I hope I don't get on a group date...I'm not here to make friends." (quoting Michelle again)
"There's a date card, girls...eeeee! I hope it's me!" (quoting every girl in Bachelor history)

These were dates the husbands actually had planned for their wives!

And then, the time came for the Final Rose Ceremony. During the final commercial break, in came our Bachelors with roses. The girls were surprised and so excited to their suited "bachelors"!

We all graciously accepted our roses...especially considering that we were the ONLY ones getting a rose from OUR man. :)

I sent each couple home with this little item from my table decor... (found these at the Dollar Tree 10/$1) that had 2 Ring Pops (heart-shaped, in fact) in them.

We are missing a few Bachelors in this shot, but all of them were there!

What a fun night! We got two for one.... a Girls Night turned Group Date. Who's ready for next season?! (The Bachelorette premiers in May with Ashley H...)

Oh. PS. I went searching to see if anyone else had done a Finale party last night, and found printables from Emilie Handmade! sweet...wish I had found them sooner!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Lucky Hubby Card *free printable!


...a great little idea to celebrate St. Pat's Day with your lucky man!

Click HERE to go to her site to download the image!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

An a-MAZE-ing Valentine's Day

You may have noticed that I don't share a lot of the personal day-to-day details with you of my life. This isn't a personal blog (although it can get a little "personal" at times!). I think my biggest reason for choosing to write this way is to eliminate one other person that you need to keep track of or have to read about. I try to leave me and hubs out of the imagery of my posts as much as possible so that YOU, my lovely readers, can imagine you and yours in the date and romantic ideas I have created.

By not filling you in on my day-to-day marriage experiences, however, it has occurred to me that many of you think that my marriage is lovey-dovey 24/7.

Despite anyone's perception, our life is not the stage play of this blog. We have our struggles like any other couple. We have great moments and other moments we can't stand to be in the same room with one another. Our marriage is no where near perfect.

I really wanted you to know that. In times when you struggle and wish for something different, or as you read this blog and think I might have the perfect marriage or even when you wonder how your neighbors across the street really have it together.... just know this. The grass isn't always greener in someone else's marriage. You don't know what goes on behind closed doors... (and thank goodness for that!) They might actually have a great marriage...but I'll bet you anything that it isn't perfect. And even if it is great, there was something which brought it to greatness.

What's important is that you focus on making YOUR marriage the best it can be and
remember that it takes work. Really. Hard. Work. I think it's probably the hardest work in the world.

On that note, I thought I'd allow you a glimpse into my marriage...just for today. Hubs and I have been at odds for the past little while (nothing serious...but little stresses from school and work have seem to put us at odds!). I didn't want Valentine's Day to pass by without showing him how much I still loved him and still wanted to be with him!

So this is what I did.

I related our "being at odds" to being in a maze of sorts (so I put a lovey-dovey spin on a "maze" theme to introduce our Valentine's Day plans.)

(PS: The cute paper design for the back of my card is from the "Dance with Me" kit, FREE at Summertime Designs.)

I'm embarrassed to admit how corny I am, but I had "Amazed" by Lonestar playing as he read his card. (That was our wedding it worked for us.)

Then, after that lovey-dovey mush, I'm sure hubs was delighted to solve this maze.

(of course, the bottom portion was covered up....)

And then, our Valentine's Day plans were revealed at last... A weekend getaway to Cape Cod!

I promise I'm not turning into the TripAdvisor Review website, but if you live in the New England area or plan to travel to Cape Cod, this is a must-stay!! I'll tell you why:

We stayed at the lovely and romantic bed and breakfast, Ashley Manor in Barnstable. What a perfect choice! We had an amazing suite complete with a 2-person jacuzzi tub and fireplace. We felt at home instantly as our innkeepers greeted us at the door. They served a 3 course breakfast each morning (my favorite menu item was a baked pear with a dab of vanilla bean ice cream and drizzled with the best caramel sauce ever. {} Luckily, Vince filled me in on his caramel "recipe".

The whole stay was just perfect. They had taken care of even the smallest details for us, right down to the bottle opener which I had forgotten. A small detail...but without it, there would have been no sparkling cider as we cuddled up next to the fireplace!

Because of that, I was inspired to never again forget such a detail, and to help you {not} do the same. How?

Many thanks to Karen's Scraps and Graphics for allowing me to use elements from her Valentine Room freebie kit!

You can download the checklist HERE!

Here's an example of how to put your romance package portion of the checklist to work. Just look at these romantic little additions that made our suite complete at Ashley Manor...

Lovely. Now, back to us. :)

We did have an aMAZEing Valentine's which just allowed us to leave the little stresses that were bringing us down behind us! Everyone needs that every once in a while. We hope that you all got to spend a little quality time with your spouse and that those loving feelings will continue all throughout the year. And when they get interrupted, keep working and keep loving! You'll be aMAZEd at the results!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Valentine for Hubby - Can't go wrong with food!

It's almost time...
Do you have your Vday plans in order yet? If not, here's a fun little {saucy} idea to your rescue from Nap Time Journal.

PLUS, she'll send you the card if you'd like it for FREE. Just leave her a comment with your email HERE

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Vday Winner Times 3

I'm here with the winner results of the giveaway of these super cute "Love Quote Notes" from My Computer Is My Canvas

Winner #1

Winner #2

Winner #3

You should see your cute little prize in your email box SOON (be sure to check your junk mail). They will be coming from Collette with My Computer is My Canvas.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Inspiring Creations: Valentine Crafts

I am so excited to be blog swapping with Cher today!!

My name is Lindsey and I blog over at Inspiring Creations. I am a wife, mother, and student. I love creating and inspiring others to create too!

When Cher asked me to do a blog swap I was so excited to share some of my love crafts and ideas with you. I love celebrating Valentine's Day! Which is funny because I'm not a very romantic person---but my husband is VERY romantic! I think that's why I like it so much, because I know he always has something fun and romantic planned for me each year!

Right now we are "poor college students" :) and we can't always afford to go all out like we used to for Valentine's Day. So I came up with a solution this year. I am making my hubby these love coupons!

Aren't they fun? I can't wait to use them! You can be as romantic as you want or you can just have fun with them! I thought I would make them into a PDF so that anyone that wants to use these can for free. You can print them here.

If you are looking to make your sweet someone something personal to put your love coupons in my next idea would be perfect. I made this album for my hubby's birthday last year and he LOVED it!

For the second page, I made a pocket that holds "love coupons"

On every page I tried to put a love quote on it and I tried to keep it simple.

If you want a fun craft to make for Valentine's Day I have a ton of great and inexpensive crafts that will make your home look so fun and festive for Valentine's Day! You can check out all of them here.

I love conversation hearts, they are a must for Valentine's day. I made my own version of the popular candy, but mine are not edible! :) You can find the tutorial here.


Every Valentine's Day we make sugar cookies in our house. These are not just any sugar cookie, these are the BEST sugar cookies EVER! :) You will be surprised to find out that these are Wheat Sugar Cookies...but they are extremely soft and super yummy.

This is a great way to spend time with your kids and a great way to celebrate Valentine's Day. You can find the recipe here.

I hope you found some fun ideas you can use for this Valentine's Day! If you ever need some crafting or cooking inspiration, head on over to my blog! Inspiring Creations

Thanks Cher for letting me take over your blog today! :)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Romantic Marriages: {Sponsor}

Who's up for another great website feature? The ladies at Romantic Marriages are once again sponsoring Love Actually and I'm delighted to have them on board!

The ladies at Romantic Marriages don't mind working overtime to dish you up the hottest date nights and relationship advice to bring that sassy little spark back into your marriage. They've created the Loving Wives Club - a national organization that can take your marriage from blah to oh la la! Going three years strong, the Loving Wives club believes you strengthen families, one marriage at a time AND you strengthen marriages with each and every date.

…how the Loving Wives Club works: Each month they provide you with the basic set-up for a super fun date, then YOU get to choose any of the add-ons to “design your date” just the way you want!

There are 13 add-on categories, that match each month¹s theme for you to choose from. Each digital date kit is loaded with ideas so you can carry that date¹s theme throughout the month for several other dates or just for some little romancing
rendezvous, all when its convenient for you. So whether you are sneaking in a date at home after the little ones are asleep or you are squeezing in a little romance between car pools, our date ideas will work for you!
It¹s your date, your way, on your schedule!

If your relationship is feeling a bit disconnected, {like maybe sometimes it feels as if you¹re dorm mates instead of lovers} Romantic Marriages offers a little needed shot of date therapy with their smart date ideas. Each date night kit has them and these ideas will add that extra closeness you've been looking for. Based on the science of keeping a man emotionally connected, these ideas really do make a difference in how close you and your husband feel. If you are close now just wait, with smart dates it gets even better!

April, Roslyn, Marilyn and Tara are the “marriage mavens” behind Romantic Marriages.

“With a combined total of 15 kids, holding down four jobs, volunteering in
our communities and at our kid¹s schools, and serving at church, we are busy
women, just like so many of you. We get how hard it is to step out of mommy
mode, disengage from work, and put aside our domestic goddess roles to be
“wonder wife” on the weekend! We founded the Loving Wives Club as an easy
way for busy women to refocus on their men and their marriage. In the
process of creating fun date nights we stumbled across studies that showed
how smart it is to give your man specific things if you are wanting more of
your own needs met. When you invest a little energy each date night to keep
your man emotionally connected it means ­ a more committed husband who meets
more of his wife¹s needs. And if that means more housework and homework
help, what woman doesn¹t want that? Now you know why we call them

…and now for some V buzz for Valentines! This year Romantic Marriages offers four Holi-DATE kits to make your Valentine’s date funtastic. The Opposites Attract Date, the Tech Date, Prince of Persian Passion {three nights of HOT Arabian dates} and the very popular “This Year I¹m Giving You The Chocolates” all-inclusive kit.

With this kit your marriage mavens have done the shopping and printing for you so you can just focus on the playing!

Be sure to stop by RomanticMarriages for all the details!