Thursday, April 30, 2009

Gratitude & Zombie Chickens

Okay, today's a filler day because I got my 2nd and 3rd blog award! I'm pretty stoked about it, and, of course, I must pass it on! the attitude of gratitude award that I received from Brittany over at her wonderfully fabulous blog, Food For Thought. Brittany, Thank you, Thank you!

This time, I am passing this award on to some of my wonderful followers! I am so grateful for their loyal commenting...I feel it is their way of thanking me for posting and it makes me want to continue in this obsession of posting creative, romantic ideas. Their attitudes of gratitude are truly appreciated!

1. Courtney from The Weiffenbachs
2. Krista at The Neil Family
3. The Cook Crib
4. Janssen at Everyday Reading
5. Gina at Lane-Gina-Olivia
6. Dede at EnjoyLife
7. Katie at My First Year as a Wallace
8. Jenn from Schwendimania - (my sweet cousin! a private blog)
9. The Perfect Palette
10. Connie from The Young and The Relentless

I hate choosing only 10 because I have so many other dedicated followers...please know that I love you all! (It makes me feel like a 3rd grader playing dodgeball choosing my team...and leaving out tons of cool kids, hoping I'm not hurting their feelings...)

So, to accept the award, girls, you'll need to:
1. Put the logo on your blog and post.
2. Nominate at least 10 blogs that show an Attitude of Gratitude.
3. Link to your nominees within your post.
4. Comment on their blogs to let them know they've received this award.
5. Share the love and link to this post and the person who nominated you for this award.
6. Tell us how you've come to have an Attitude of Gratitude.

Second is... The Zombie Chicken Award from my friend, Anna Rose over at The How-To Gal. Thanks soooo much!

About the Award: "The blogger who receives this award believes in the Tao of the zombie chicken - excellence, grace and persistence in all situations, even in the midst of a zombie apocalypse. These amazing blogger's regularly produce content so remarkable that their readers would brave a raving pack of zombie chickens just to be able to read their inspiring words. As a recipient of this world-renowned award, you now have the task of passing it on to at least 5 other worthy blogger's. Do not risk the wrath of the zombie chickens by choosing unwisely or not choosing at all…"

And, I nominate these incredible blogs that I LOVE:
Shannon at Creative Holidays and Parties
Jill at Homemade by Jill
Sarah at Mrs. Dlightful
Rhiannon at Pink Sugar Desserts
Kari at U Create
Not Too Sticky

I wanted to remind everyone to enter my GIVEAWAY which is ending on Saturday at 5 pm EST. It's super easy to enter (and kinda fun, too) and you could win an awesome Vegas-Night Package!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Candy Carvings

When's the last time that you brought your hubby home a treat? If you have to think about it, then it's been too long...

Here's your quick and easy midweek romance tip!

1. Buy a package of a treat he likes (Reeses definately work best...)

2. Open it carefully.

3. With a toothpick, carve your sentiments.

4. Glue the package shut.

When he gets it, I'm sure he'll think, "Oh. Peanut Butter Cups. Nice." But when he decides to eat them, he'll have a surprise waiting for him!

Sometimes, its the little things that hold a relationship together--so don't discount these simple midweek romance tips! Enjoy!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Kiss Your Mate Day

Today is "Kiss Your Mate Day". And just so you know, this day is legit..I didn't make it up! Google it! Anyway---KYM Day sounds simple enough, but I have a few suggestions to make your kisses just a little bit better!

Favorite Products:

1. French Kiss Gum - Be sure you're kissably fresh next time you kiss! This gum is really strong and really good tasting. It's designed to obliterate odors in your mouth... Supposedly it is used by hollywood celebrities before kissing on camera. Order online HERE. Put a pack of these bad-breath-busters in your Romance Kit!

2. SoftLips - this stuff. I have a history a biting my lips so this stuff saves me!'s CHEAP!

3. I am a huge fan of MaryKay when it comes to SatinLips or SatinHands. They can be a bit pricey, but host a party and maybe the consultant can hook you up with a good deal!

Kisses, Kisses Galore!

So, I compiled a list of kisses for you...I'll bet you never knew there so many types!! Some you may be familiar with and others....not so much. These ought to keep you busy for a while!

(I know...the quality is bad. I don't know why..BUT, click on them to view larger and it is clear)

That's all I've got! Now, go Kiss Your Mate!!!

Monday, April 27, 2009


Have you ever sent your love a ransom note? If not, put this on the top of your to-do list.

This is an idea that can be designed a million different ways to get out of it what you want. It gives the every-day just a touch of mystery and spontaneity (which is a big thing in marriage).

Here's how my original idea goes:

I designed my "ransom night" as a way to get out of the house for a night out at a restaurant and movie. And, believe was a lot more fun than the typical, “Hey Hunny, wanna go out to eat and catch a flick?” I made all the arrangements (restaurant reservations, movie tickets, etc.) so it'd be a fun night out….

And then, I prepared my ransom note:

I think he got the hint that this was a PLEA from me to get out of the house!

Here's another (simpler) idea:

This website allows you to type in your message and it prepares a ransom letter for you like this one. Cool, huh?!

This is a good one for right before bed... "If you ever want to see your pillow again, you must pay the ransom. I demand at least 5 kisses. If you want it back in one piece…I suggest being a little more generous!" {Hide his pillow, and put this note in its place}

OR, if you're looking for something a little bigger....

Use the ransom for a weekend getaway to a hotel or bed&breakfast. (This could work for a big event (birthday or anniversary--I think it's okay to splurge on these kind of things once in a while).

Leave them a ransom note that says something like this:
"I have taken your ______ hostage. To get it back, follow these instructions. Pack a bag with everything you'll need for 2 days. There will be a tan car waiting for you in front of your house at 6:30. Put your suitcase in the trunk and get in the car. The keys will be there. Drive to 247 Charter Street where someone will be waiting for you."

If I were doing this, I'd already have our room set up with candles, etc. and would meet him outside the hotel/b&b. I'd ask, "Did you bring the suitcase?" And then, just to add to the effect, I'd be holding a watergun to his side while I escorted him to the room and would say "don't try anything...if you cooperate, you will get your _______ back."

And then, at the end of our getaway---I'd give him back the object of the ransom (which could be anything {remote, briefcase, etc.}

OR, if you're looking for something a little quicker....
Forget the ransom note, try a ransom phone call! Disguise your voice (they'll know it's you by caller ID) and say, "No one gets hurts if you do exactly as I say...."

Happy Ransoming!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

A few items of business....

Number One: I've decided that I've got to have room on this blog for something more than just creative romance ideas everyday...(cuz honestly, it's wearing me out!) Plus, there are so many awesome things out there I'd like to spotlight (all having to do with romance and love, of course). Don't worry, I won't be filling you with crap...there are still gazillions of creative ideas to come...That will still be my main focus!

So, to make room, I have figured out a "posting schedule" of sorts to keep me on track and so that you (my followers) know what to expect from me.

Monday: Creative Romance Idea
Tuesday: Romance-Themed Giveaway (I will be posting a giveaway that I found on another blog which pertains to romance, love, date-nights, etc.) {Let me know if you have a romance-themed giveaway that you would like promoted!}
Wednesday: Midweek Romance Tip (quick and easy)
Thursday: Creative Romance Idea
Friday: "My Husband Rocks" Friday
Saturday: Saturday Spotlight (I will be spotlighting a romance idea found on another blog, a romance-themed product/website/article that deserves a little attention. {I could promote your blog if you have something related to this!}
Sunday: "And on the 7th day, she rested..."

Of course, I'd love your input....if there's something you'd like me to touch on, please let me know. I'd be happy to consider any suggestions!

So, that's the plan for now, let's take it one day at a time!

NUMBER TWO: I've received a blog award! My first ever! Thanks to Nikki Cogg for this friendship blogging award! Nikki has been married about 9 months...(and you can tell she is loving married life!), has a super cute blog, and I'm so glad to have her as one of my followers!

About the Award: "These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbon of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award."

Here are the 8 Deserving Bloggers I would like to pass the award on to:
1. Rocksee - At the Porch Swing
2. Anna Rose - The How-to-Gal
3. Katy Lin - The Great Adventure
4. Ashley - A Daily Dose of Dieting
5. Michele - The Professional Family Manager
6. Heather & Tiffany - The Secret is in the Sauce
7. cherscrap23 - Favor-able Events
8. Chelsea -

{Thanks, girls--for being a part of my blogosphere!}

NUMBER THREE: Don't forget the giveaway going on until Sat, May 2nd. See the previous post for details!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Vegas-Night Package Giveaway!!

As promised, our 107th has joined the ranks which means a giveaway for all my followers! This blog has seriously been the funnest (and yes, where I'm from, that IS a word) hobby/adventure/time-killer/excitement-producing thing ever! So, again...
thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU!

Here's what you could win:

**A "Vegas-Night" at Home Package **

{These items were seen in one my previous posts and made my Vegas Night a hit! You can see how I used them HERE. These are brande new items from iParty.}

Here's how to qualify:
1. Become a follower (if you're not already)
2. Leave a comment guessing how many mini m&ms are in both of these glasses combined. The person to guess the correct number (or closest to) of m&ms is the winner! Fun, right?

{Note: These are MINI m&ms, there might be more than you'd think!}

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Friday, April 24, 2009

"My Husband Rocks" Friday - A Tradition Begins

Today begins a new tradition for Love, Actually. I have decided to participate in "My Husband Rocks" Friday hosted by Katy Lin at the Great Adventure. This is such a fabulous idea and a great way to express our love for our husbands! (although my husband might enjoy this expression better in the form of a massage!) Regardless, I am doing it anyway!

Katy started this blogging tradition because of her belief that "one of the great and wonderful mysteries of life is that loving each other in action--what we do and say--produces romance."

I love that!
Here is what I am going to do with it. I will do my post each Friday and email the link to my hubby. Then, every Friday (or as often as I can on Fridays) he will get this "love letter" of sorts... Plus, it's good for me to sit down and think about the reasons why I love him and actually put them into writing. It does a marriage good! I will try to make these posts interesting to read for you as know, not too sappy all the time.

To participate in MHR Friday, leave a comment on this post with the link to your MHR Friday Post and then head on over to Katy Lin's blog and let her know! You can join her MHR Blogroll as I have!

So, without further ado, this is why My Husband Rocks!


Lately, my life has been consumed with this blog. I figure by now that everyone who reads my blog thinks, "Wow, Cher's hubby really has it made..." But honestly, lately, he has been seriously neglected. I try to make up for it a little, but when it comes down to it, we haven't spend a lot of quality time together the past few weeks. I fully intend to make up for that, but for now, I wanted to express how much I appreciate his support for my creation of this blog. At night, when my eyes can no longer squint at my computer screen and I'm done preparing my post for the next day, I get up and say, "Hunny, will you come cuddle with me?" {In a fairly high-pitched whiny voice..} Even though he knows that we won't actually cuddle and I'll end up babbling about my blog until my words come out as incoherent mumbo-jumbo as I fall asleep, he still gets up and follows me to bed every night. And then, as I'm about to drift off, he "tucks me in" and kisses me goodnight on the forehead. So, really, you all have it wrong.
I am the one who has it made...

PS - My 107th Follower just joined up! YAY! GIVEAWAY begins tomorrow! (Saturday)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Romance Kit

Hey everyone! Before I get to my post for today, I wanted to mention that I am quickly approaching my 100th follower...but I've never been big on #100. I have, however, always been a #7 kind of girl. SO, upon the addition of my 107th follower, I will be hosting another giveaway, so be watching the next few days...I'm feeling lucky!


I always know when my husband is
up to something because he'll ask,
"Um...hun, where are the candles?"

Great. Whatever he was planning to surprise me with has now lost its element of surprise...

So, we created a romance kit---which is in a box that fits nicely under our bed. Now, we both know where all the "romance" items are without having to search or ask for them.

Here are some typical items you may want to put in your kit:
- fake rose petals
- massage oils/lotions
- wine glasses
- a bottle or martinellis or wine (restock this after it's been used)
- tea light candles
- lighter or matches
- romantic music CD
- strand of white Christmas lights

Thanks for the comments yesterday! Everytime I see that little number (of comments) go up, I do a little happy dance...inside my head. Ya, I'm a little crazy...whatdya gonna do?
Enjoy your's almost FRIDAY! Hope you're planning a fun date for the weekend!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Sexy Text Messages

I'm surprised I'm even recommending this as a quick-and-easy Midweek Romance, because honestly, texting is the farthest thing from quick-and-easy to me! But, I think I'm behind the times and most everyone else will find this a simple romance idea.

We usually did this once a month as part of our romance the time, we made up our own. I didn't have this fun list of pick-up lines/sexy messages that I have found for you!

Here is a website with 101 ideas, but I picked out a few favorites. {These are pickup lines, but can double as sexy or romantic messages for texting}

  • Milk does the body good, but dang, how much did you drink?
  • I'm feeling a little off today. Would you like to turn me on?
  • Is your dad a baker? ...Cause you have some nice buns.
  • I don't speak in tongues, but I kiss that way.
  • You had better phone the firefighters in advance, cause when I'm done with you, we'll be on fire!
  • You've been a bad boy! Now get home and go to MY room!
  • It's time I told you what people are saying behind your back. Nice butt.

    And...I KNOW you have some little message you've just been waiting to use but thought you had no reason to. NOW you do! But first, share it with the rest of us....

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Spa Package Giveaway

Congrats to the winner, Amy from "TJ & Amy" - one of Love, Actually's followers!!
Hey! I'm not posting a new idea today but wanted to pass along a giveaway that could go perfectly with your Spa Night at home (which I provide all the details for if you click the words)

There are a couple of things you can do to enter. Go check it out HERE on April's Little Family blog. Good luck!

Monday, April 20, 2009

An Evening Under the Stars

Here's a cosmic experience you can easily arrange for your love...

Get some glow-in-the-dark stars (I recommend the ones from my "indoor camping" post). And plaster them all over your ceiling...

Then, see if you can't get you and him/her to bed early (but if must be dark). (Here's a tip: turn all yours clocks ahead so the kiddos bedtime comes earlier this night. Ruthless, I know.) Before you two walk into your bedroom, hand them this little invite:

Download HERE

As soon as the invite has been read, flip off the lights to reveal the glow of your stars! (and if the adhesive wears out, you'll see falling stars!)

Here are a few star-related ideas to compliment your evening under the stars:

1. Name a Star after them: You've probably heard of the International Star Registry where you can pay $200 for a certificate showing a star named in your love's honor. Personally, I think that's a rediculous waste of money. So, make your own certificate and write their name on one of stars on your ceiling. Voila--a star named after them!
2. Star-related snacks/dessert: Starbursts, Magic Stars cereal, Jello Jigglers in shape of stars, star fruit, star sugar cookies, cake, brownies (using star shaped cookie cutter)
3. Star-themed (romantic) music: I found these that you can listen to online for FREE.
When You Wish Upon A Star - by N'Sync
Stardust - by Harry Connick, Jr
Starbright - by Jim Brickman (piano/vocal arrangement of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star)
4. Cuddle Up as you watch a movie like Star Wars or Stardust.

After this night, your love will be thanking their lucky stars that they have you!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

{Love is in the Air}

This weekend, my hubby and I went to the dollar store, bought some cheap kites, and drove to
the beach. We took off our shoes and ran around with our kites. I can't even tell you how much fun we had....but I can tell you that LOVE was in the air.

I was really hoping to take pictures of us flying--but my battery died right before it was time to fly them! But, I did snap this shot of my husband preparing the kite on the beach....

Here's what I suggest for a Kite-Flying Date:
1. Buy kites from the dollar store if you don't already have them.
2. Go to a nearby beach or park.
3. Pack a mini-picnic and put a blanket in your trunk. Pull them out when you're done flying kites.
4. At all times possible hold hands, flirt, and kiss---pretend you are newlyweds again! And don't you dare say, we don't have time or we aren't into that sort of thing! Get out of the house, do something adventurous, and enjoy playing together!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Starving Students: How to Score an "A" in Romance 101

This post is meant especially for those starving students...and I don't mean that in a derogatory me, I still am one! (well, my hubby is anyway). I chose to do this post this week because he is in the middle of a huge dental school test block---it makes for a stressful week!

I know what it's like being seperated by the stresses of school, part-time jobs, extracurricular activites, study groups.... and not having a lot of time to celebrate each other, your accomplishments, and your new relationship!

I tried as often as possible to use those stresses as a time to celebrate.
Here are a few ideas to keep your love growing for couples in school together or for those of you wives who still have husbands in school.
  • When my hubs was preparing for the DAT (dental school admission exam), I left him a note on the door each day for a week leading up to the exam day. (He was studying hardcore each day that week on campus). These were just simple little print-outs with a clip-art image and an encouraging thought.
    Day One: "Blast Off! You're gonna ROCK the DAT!" - image of rocket
    Day Two: "You're my star, baby! Good Luck on the DAT!" - image of star
    Day Three: "You're gonna BULLDOZE right over the DAT, babe!" - image of bulldozer
    Day Four: 'I know you can.. I know you can.. I know you can smoke that DAT... [kinda like the little train that could]" - image of a smoking train engine
    Day Five: "You're so beary smart and I am beary proud of you! Ace the test, hunny!" - image of clipart bear
    Day Six: "Shred that test to pieces! GOOD LUCK! I love you always." - image of shredder
    After he got home from the test: "Don't be crabby! A red face and crampy hands don't mean a thing cuz you're DONE!" - image of a red crab

    I think my little notes worked because he did ace the DAT and was accepted to dental school. Without those notes, who KNOWS where we'd be... :)
  • On his first Exam Block of dental school, I put some cutsie little notes and goodies in his backpack each day which he discovered once he got to school.
    * No matter what grade they give you, you'll always be an A+ in my gradebook!
    * I know you're beat, so here's a treat!
    * You're still my star! Good luck on your test today. When you come home, expect a super relaxing massage! (with starbursts)
    * You're on a roll...You're almost done. Soon it's time to have some fun! (with tootside rolls) *I know you're working hard and soon you'll be making 100 Grand (with 100 Grand bar)
    *Don't worry, you're no Dum-Dum--you're going to do great! (with dum-dum sucker)
    *I know you have MOUNDS of studying to do, just wanted you to know that I appreciate all your hardwork! (with MOUNDS candybar)
    *The SKOR on your test doesn't really matter, it's how well you SKOR with me! (with Skor bar)

  • If you are both students, try to meet up once a week for a lunch date (we used to meet at the "CougarEat"....aww, fond memories!)

  • Set up a mini scavenger hunt for your love on campus. Make sure you know their schedule so you know what would be a good time/day to do it. Leave love notes hidden in not-so-obvious areas (but give them really good instructions.) You can make a riddle out of their instructions (and secretly follow them on their search!)

  • Report Card REWARDS aren't just for grade schoolers! Develop an appropriate reward system for when your student brings home the grades!

  • Kissing in the back corner of the library isn't just for the movies! Try it once! You won't regret it...and the memory of trying not to get caught will have you giggling for years!

  • GET OUT of the house. Take advantage of free or inexpensive activities your campus offers--get out and do DIFFERENT things together often. Sitting at home is boring. Going to movies every weekend is boring. There are few memories to be made in doing those things. So...get out!

  • Give your love a little somethin-somethin from time to time.
    “You are one smart cookie” - tag with wrapped cookies
    "Thanks for making my life so bright” - tag with a package of highlighters
    “You are just 'write' for me!” package of nice pencils or pens in a case or container
    “You are gonna rock that test!” tag with pop rocks, rock candy, Rock Star soft drink
    “When you get home, I’m gonna give you a ‘pat’ on the back for doing such a great job!” - tag attached to a gift certificate for a massage

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

On-Screen Love Messages

Here's your quick-and-easy Midweek Romance tip.

Change the computer screen to some type of love message/funny picture/etc.

If you get onto a computer that ONLY they use (maybe even at work), this could be even better. Otherwise, the one at home is fine, too.

My husband edited a picture of us one day--by making himself look funny (devil horns, crazy mustache, etc.) I turned on the computer when I got home that day and immediately got a laugh out of it. It totally made my day.

Okay, I know...this one's totally lame! It's just to give you a visual....
Here are 2 tid-bits of inspiration for you:
*Photoshop his face into a doghouse image...and write "Unless you come and give me a smooch right now, you're gonna be a pooch in the doghouse!"
*A picture of the two of you outside in the snow... that says: "As long as you love me so, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!"

Remember: this is meant to be a quick & easy midweek romance--not something that takes a lot of effort. Keep it simple!

If you have other ideas, please leave a comment...we could all benefit from reader ideas!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Spice it Up: Grocery Store Style

If you are anything like me, grocery shopping with your hubby can be a mental health hazard!
It begins by you asking him to go grab a can of cream of chicken soup that you forgot.
....He comes back 10 minutes later empty-handed.

It continues by you specifically detailing which kind of crackers you want.
....He returns with the wrong kind of crackers, a bag of chips, oreos, and a piece of raw steak.

It ends by you saying..."Go to the car. I'll be out in a minute."

I think men must have blurred vision in the store, but the vision breaks as soon as they see junk food. Perhaps this isn't the case for your husband. If not, congratulations!

But, if this sounds like your man, read on ladies...I have a solution!

When you go to the store together, take with you three or more little cards in your purse. On each one, write something creative that will motivate your husband to help you and not complain about being at the store.


- Get me some green chiles and a 5-minute back rub is all yours tonight!
- Guess what I'm not wearing? You can find out later if you get me six apples.
- Get yourself some salsa so that we can fiesta tonight!
- We are out of whipped cream...we'll need it for tonight. :)

While your shopping, slip him these cards. He'll be pleasantly surprised and you'll find that the shopping gets done faster. No more blurred vision and "magically" he'll be able to find EXACTLY what you've asked for. Amazing.

What would you write on one of these cards?
**If I get a few more examples, I will create some downloadable cards for you (and you could pick and choose which ones to use)**

Saturday, April 11, 2009

and the WINNER is......

{Krista Neil}

Congrats to Krista! ...and thank you to all of you who participated in the giveaway. I enjoyed reading all of your comments soo much--it's fun to see what different people like best. I've got quite the diverse readership--I love it! You gals (and my two male readers) are the best! :)

This won't be my last giveaway! So please keep checking in, leaving comments, and telling your friends who may be interested!

OH! And, thank you for all your birthday wishes! I had such a wonderful day. My hubby spoiled me....and you! How, you ask? Well, if you hadn't noticed, all the pictures on this blog are PATHETIC! But...I thought I'd just make the best of my little defective digital camera.
Mike had another idea and bought me this:

WOW! I was stunned.
A Digital SLR.
We'll be eating top ramen for the next year, but you, my friends will be getting some decent pictures from now on...IF I can figure out how to use it! :)

Happy Easter! I'm taking a break to go read the user manual. See you back here on Monday!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Old-Fashioned Candy Grams

Editor's Note: {My Giveaway (Victoria Secret bath/body set) is ending on Saturday!} Don't forget to enter! --------->

So, you know those silly “candy grams” that are used for every occasion under the sun? Well, I think they should find their place in our relationships more often... They are simple, cheap, and fun!

Here are images I borrowed from other blogs and sites to provide some inspiration:

I love these!! So much cuter than the traditional candy-grams on a poster board. Credit/Instructions: PattieWack

How about this Candy-Gram bouquet?

If piecing together a poem isn't your thing, simply using phrases for each candy works, too!
(I don't know where I took this picture from..some super cute blog I am sure. sorry!)

Here are a few examples of simple phrases:

  • “You are out of this world” tag attached to a Milky Way or Mars candy bar
  • “You deserve an extra payday!” tag attached to a Payday candy bar
  • “You are ‘extra’ special” tag with a pack of Extra Gum
  • “I appreciate the ‘mounds’ of work you do!” tag attached to a Mounds candy bar
  • “You are a ‘treasure’ to me! tag with Treasures candy
  • “You are such a joy to me!” tag attached to an Almond Joy candy bar
  • “I am ‘nuts’ about you!” tag attached to some nuts
  • “You were ‘mint’ to be my man!” tag attached to some mint chocolate or candies
  • "I wouldn't trade you for 100 grand!" tag attached to a 100 Grand candy bar
    (I adapted most of these from SkipToMyLou's Original Ideas)

Ideas for Your Candy-Grams
Adapt for the working spouse, student, SAHD (stay-at-home-dad), or for any holiday.

No Occasion:

"To my BIG HUNK, Just be TWIX you and me, You are my SUGAR BABY (or DADDY), and worth more to me than $100 GRAND. You're always an ALMOND JOY to be around, and a LIFESAVER when it comes to making my life complete. Our GOOD & PLENTY life together is like shopping on 5TH AVE on PAY DAY, and there are more stars in my eyes for you than the MILKY WAY. In my book, you're some HOT TAMALES and I have MOUNDS of HUGS & KISSES for you. You're the best, BAR NONE!" CREDIT:


"Happy Anniversary, SWEETTART! Seven years gone by, and you are still my RIESEN for living. I really SKOR-ed by marrying you! We’ve traveled some ROCKY ROADs, but I wouldn’t trade our life together for 100 GRAND. I’m still RED HOT for you! We’ve shared GOOD AND PLENTY of SNICKERS…and those are times that I will TREASURE forever. I love that I can still ROLO-ver next to you each morning and see my SUGAR DADDY. HUGS & KISSES, Your SUGAR BABY"

Valentine's Day:

My Dearest SUGAR DADDY, I hope this brings you a SNICKER as you read my message. It will not make you CHUNKY and I am not playing TWIX on you. You are my BIT-O-HONEY, BAR NONE. I am NUTRAGEOUS about you. You are always there for me in a CRUNCH. We have a GOOD-N-PLENTY life together, and I love you from here to MARS. You will always be my BIG HUNK. I wish you MOUNDS of ALMOND JOY on this Valentines...and a little RED HOT love. HUGS and KISSES, NOW and LATER, {Your Name}


Dear, _____: Sometimes mistakes are small like CHOCOLATE COVERED RAISINS other times they seem to be as big as a MOUNTAIN (bar). I took a CHANCE and made you unhappy with me. I never MINT too! I PROMISE (dove) I won't make such a NUTRAGEOUS goof again! You are very special to me and I go to PIECES (reeses), when I know you are unhappy! I could just crawl back into a TURTLE 's shell, and pretend it doesn't matter, but it does! I have MOUNDS of affection for you, and this was nothing to SNICKER about. I could LOOK all the way from the MILKY WAY to 5TH AVENUE and not find a more wonderful person than you! Please accept my apologies and show me one of those CAREFREE (gum) smiles! Love, _____. Credit

The Executive Homemaker has other brilliant ideas for candy-or-other-small-object grams!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Hidden Love Notes

While we were college students we kept a romance calendar. On schedule for this one particular day was to hide a love note for each other. Well, I made my cute little love note and hid it in his sock drawer (clever, I know...) in the morning before I left. As I walked to campus, I thought about where he'd hide my love note. So, in class, I searched my backpack with no luck. At work, I looked around my desk. Nothing. I had an evening class that night and I was a little bummed that I had not yet found my love note! Well, my sweet husband came riding up the hill after my class to pick me up on our ghetto little scooter. As I got on the back of the scooter, I discovered this taped to his back:

(In case your wondering, he hid some favorite candy of mine at home in the lamp shade)

Seriously, I know you all love yours...but I think I love my hubby more! How many guys do you know who use scrapbooking supplies to make a card for his wife? ....or who drives 6 blocks with THAT taped to his back! Ya. Not many. :)

The Point? You can learn a lot from my hubby. Place your hidden love note(s) somewhere unexpected. Let's face it, no matter what mood you're in, it's always a delightful surprise to find a hidden love note.

Here are ideas to spark your inspiration:

Inside their towel.
Inside a book your love is currently reading.
Taped behind a cupboard.
Behind the car sun visor.
On their pillow.
Inside their shoe.
Taped to their favorite beverage.
The bottom (outside) of a clear glass.
Hanging on a doorknob.
Taped on the backside of the remote control.
Inside the microwave. (Where they'll immediately see it.)
Inside their wallet or purse.
Laminated in a bubble bath.
Tucked in a pet's collar.
Very large, taped on an outside window.
Attached to your love's key chain.
In your mailbox.
On the ceiling, above your bed.
In a dresser drawer.
Inside a CD or movie sleeve.
In their work briefcase or bag.
Tucked in a toilet paper roll.
In a box of their favorite snack.

Oh...and you don't have to go to alot of work making a cutsie card...just write it on a little slip of paper and hide it! It will have the same effect.

Okay, it's your turn.
Where else would you hide a love note?

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

...And Counting!

Okay, I know I've done a few posts lately that have to do with the running of my blog, BUT... I promise it is NOT because I am stalling! Believe you me...I have millions of creative and romantic ideas running around in my head (I don't sleep at night because of them).
JUST wanted you to know! :)

Love, Actually is exactly ONE MONTH old today and I wanted to share with you the stats as of 8:45 EST Wed., April 8. I can't believe it's done so well already and can't wait to see more and more people who also get excited about this stuff I call "lovey-dovey".
site hits


...and Counting! THANK YOU ALL!

Comments closed on this post tonight. Go hang out with your man..or woman! I'll see you back here tomorrow with a new idea!

Who says Easter is only for Kids?

I love Easter!
I love the memories of celebrating Easter as a child. I love egg hunts and planning egg hunts. I love Easter decorations and I love PEEPS (you know, those sugar-covered marshmallows. mmm....)

But....I can't go any further without saying why else I love Easter. On that day, I celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. What a magnificent miracle to know that my Savior lives. I almost wish that the commercialized version of Easter which we celebrate today was known as "Spring-Day" or something (clever, I know) that we could focus on the true meaning of the Easter holiday on Easter and celebrate spring, easter bunnies, and egg hunts on a different day. But, I can't change the world---so I recommend celebrating Easter on the Friday or Saturday BEFORE Easter Sunday. That's all I have to say about that.

As with any holiday, Easter can be a fun excuse to do something for your love. I don't have kids yet, but there's no WAY I'm ever gonna let Easter go by without an egg hunt, easter candy, or something festive of the sort at my house! Even if you do have kids, there's no reason why you can't do something fun and simple for your hubby, too!

Here are some ideas:

*Determine a budget to spend on each other for your easter baskets or egg hunt.
Hubby & I did this:
We each had $10 to spend. We could choose to do either some kind of hunt or a basket (or a mix of both).
He did a full on egg hunt for me around our yard and then had yarn leading to different places where my "big items" were hidden (like a package of Oreos, a bottle of Sunkist, a biggie-pack of gum--all favorites of mine)

She did an egg hunt around the house. I tried to put unique things in his eggs (sure candy was in most of them) but, one of them had a lingerie bottom (that was tiny and folded to fit in the plastic a tease for the top). Another had a love coupon .

*If you don't want the extra candy in your house, make your hunt an egg love hunt--In the eggs, put reasons why you love them. Hide & Hunt.

*If you don't have a basket, just put some plastic "grass" in a regular envelope with a gift card hidden in the grass. Write on the envelope: "Easter hunts aren't just for kids! Hunt for your prize in the grass!"....or something like that.
*Dye eggs together---this can be a lot of fun. Be playful and wear clothes you don't mind getting stained. Make a competition out of it.

*There are plenty of places online that sell sexy easter bunny costumes--but they can be pretty pricey! Go to the dollar store, find some cute bunny ears, wear some white lingerie---and he'll get the idea. As a prop, use an easter basket filled with plastic eggs. Inside one of them, you can put one of those mini KY massage oils... Be creative.

How's that for
making romance out of a non-romantic holiday?

Don't forget to check out my giveaway in the post below!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

*Birthday Give-Away!*

Today is my birthday, and to celebrate, I wanted to give YOU a gift! This will be my first giveaway...and I wanted it to be something that could relate to my blog in someway. And if smelling good doesn't have to do with romance...I don't know what does!

I love Victoria Secret's "Secret Garden" Collection----among my favorites is Sweet Temptation. It smells oh-so-wonderful! It's a luscious citrus-floral fusion of apricot, grapefruit, and lily of the valley! Mmm...

Here's what you need to do to qualify for the giveaway!
1. JOIN my followers list ------->
{make sure you're not listed as "anonymous"}
2. Leave a comment on THIS post telling me what your favorite post has been so far.

BONUS ENTRY 1: TELL YOUR FRIENDS about my blog (and the give-away) and in your comment, let me know how many friends you referred to my site. (If they become a follower and you notice, tell me and I'll give you ANOTHER bonus entry!)

BONUS ENTRY 2: Post my Link or my Button on your site! (tell me in your comment)

I don't mind if you have to keep coming back to let me know!

I will randomly choose the winner on
Saturday, April 11!

Good Luck...and thanks for supporting my blog!


Sunday, April 5, 2009

{No-Girls Allowed Club}

I'm going to make an educated guess that my blog viewers are all girls--if I'm wrong, guys, PLEASE leave a comment to correct me. I'd be flattered to know if there was even ONE male reader.

The reason I even bring it up is because I imagine all you girls read my posts and think about how or when you might try that idea. And you think, I'll never have time to try all these on my own--I WISH my husband would read some of these and do them for ME! But, then, you DON'T actually want that because then he'll see all the ideas that YOU want to try.

Maybe I need to start a "No-Girl's-Allowed Club" where only the boys can go to get ideas for you. They'd be simple, creative, and romantic ideas that any girl would appreciate. {And, who cares that he didn't come up with the idea himself...}

How well would this work? Is it worth the time and effort I'd put into it?

I'd have to know that you'd be sending your men there to look!
Would they actually go there...? Maybe if you threatened them?
How would you tell them that they NEED to go to that site?
Would you be tempted to peak?
It's just a thought. A work in progress.

But, you know your men best. What suggestions can you offer me for how it might work? Please take the time to let me know if you're husband would look and if you'd enjoy that.

I'm going for at least 15 positive comments to fuel this club...