Saturday, April 25, 2009

Vegas-Night Package Giveaway!!

As promised, our 107th has joined the ranks which means a giveaway for all my followers! This blog has seriously been the funnest (and yes, where I'm from, that IS a word) hobby/adventure/time-killer/excitement-producing thing ever! So, again...
thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU!

Here's what you could win:

**A "Vegas-Night" at Home Package **

{These items were seen in one my previous posts and made my Vegas Night a hit! You can see how I used them HERE. These are brande new items from iParty.}

Here's how to qualify:
1. Become a follower (if you're not already)
2. Leave a comment guessing how many mini m&ms are in both of these glasses combined. The person to guess the correct number (or closest to) of m&ms is the winner! Fun, right?

{Note: These are MINI m&ms, there might be more than you'd think!}

Saturday, May 2, 2009

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