Saturday, May 30, 2009

Saturday Spotlight: Pure Romance

I was so lucky to have been able to "meet" Lisa (a follower of Love, Actually) who sells Pure Romance products.
She sent me this to try...

Coochy Cream
(Hey, I didn't make up the name...It is what it is!)
Coochy is one of Pure Romance’s top-selling products and I totally understand why.

Coochy cream is perfect for use all over the body and it lives up to its "rash-free" selling point.
Pure Romance says that it "helps eliminate the red bumps that often appear in the bikini area, underarms, and legs after shaving"...and it totally does. I had my husband rub my legs after I shaved with Coochy...he was impressed.

I even had him try it while shaving his face and neck....and he has sensitive skin. Results? Pretty dang good. Do I sound like a infomerical? I feel like one. But, I promise. It worked terrific. I wouldn't lie to you!!

So, why is it better than regular shaving cream? Simple. It's silky soft, has a very nice smell (but not perfumey at all, so guys can use it, too) and it definately doesn't leave a rash behind. I haven't been able to say that about any of my other shaving creams. I love it.
It sells for $10.50 (and those 4 oz. will last you a while) If you want to order, head on over to Lisa's blog and leave her comment so she can be sure to direct you to the site where you can order directly from her!

Lisa also has a giveaway going on right now that you may be interested in, but it ENDS SUNDAY, May 31 (tomorrow). So head over there! And check out her Pure Romance site for lots of other great romance products! (click on "shop online" in pink near top of the page to see all the products).

Friday, May 29, 2009

Love Brownies

So, you know how I mentioned that this would not be turning into a food blog? Well, that's because there are people like Rhiannon in the world who I could NEVER keep up with! But, because food plays a part in romance from time to time, I have to pass this on!

Rhiannon over at Pink Sugar Desserts is one of my good blogging friends and she did a lovely post about love brownies. Now, she doesn't call them that. But I do. Why? Because! What's not to love?! To make these extra special, she whipped up some cream and put some berries on the side of her heart-shaped brownies. (the best part....they were from a box. no real baking necessary) :)

Wow, huh!? How about you go stop by Pink Sugar Desserts to see how Rhiannon did it. Your love will thank you later...

PS - sorry, I didn't do an MHR post today. These love brownies captured my attention and there was no turning back. If you did a post and would like me to come check it out, leave a comment and let me know!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Bookstore Date

Bookworm or not, this date is a must-do for all couples. It can be done at your local Barnes & Nobles, Borders, or even your local library! Either way, it's totally cheap and surprisingly fun.

Here's how it works:
There are sets of challenges (see below) in which each of you will have a certain amount of time to find books, magazines, etc. which provide the information you are looking for. The sets break it up so you don't have a gazillion books in hand when you finally meet to share what you found with your date. This way, you get to do a set of challenges, meet up to share, return those books, then go back out for the next set of challenges.

After each set, meet up in the comfy couch area where you will take turns sharing what you found for your challenges. Try to learn something new about that person (even if you've been married for 20 years!) Talk about each challenge and why you picked what you did (tell memories of it if applicable). Try to choose the least-busy night at that store so you will have free reign of the lounge area.

Make sure if you see each other on the hunt for your challenges that you shoot each other a wink and brush up against each other flirtatiously (once initiated, it will continue…) ;)

You can use this as a guide:

{Click on image and then save. Print two copies of this so each of you have your own!}
(Please do not post or duplicate this image without permission)

If you decide to forgo Set Four, don't forgo the Starbucks in the bookstore! Grab a hot chocolate and a pastry as you sit on the couch and talk about all the things you discovered about each other during the date.

Check out Kylee 's post about her bookstore date with her hubby--looks like they had a blast!
~ Submit your photos/post links to ccloveactually AT gmail DOT com if you've done this date! ~

PS - thanks for all your comments on my MIA post. I appreciate all of your thoughts and prayers. My family is doing well and we had enjoyable time together, celebrating the life of my grandpa. I'm going to be a little slow on posts the rest of the week...haven't had time to prepare any! So, make sure you become a follower if you haven't already to receive noticed when I post next (I anticipate it will be Saturday for a special Saturday Spotlight!)

Friday, May 22, 2009


...for all those wondering where the heck my posts are...
My grandpa passed away and I am in Utah for his funeral. I'll be back to it on Tuesday.
So, instead of getting new ideas, look through my archived categories to get some ideas and tell any friends that need a few ideas of their own to kick up the romance!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Booty Camp - Your Soldier Has Been Drafted

Okay, girls....this will be a fun one. Whether you have military roots or not, enrolling your men in Booty Camp will be the best thing you could ever do to him! I've put a lot of thought into this...hope you enjoy!

First things first. You need a few things:
Green/brown balloons (2 or 3)
Plastic army guys (like the ones from Monday's post)
Dog-tag necklace (real or homemade, see below)
Cardtable or any kind of little table
Downloads from this post
Camoflage scrapbook paper/gift wrap, etc. Optional
"I Want You" for Booty Camp (like the uncle sam poster) Optional
Camouflage apparel/lingerie for you and him - *MUST HAVE*
Something like this is what I have in mind.... (search ebay)

And, seriously, you've got to look at this a different way. SOME of you are thinking..."There's no way I'm spending 20-30-40 bucks on some army lingerie…" But, think for just a moment. If you were to go out for a date, you'd spend $25 eating out, $20 at the movie…but this is a date that you'll both remember and will be well worth it. Don't short change your themed date/romance nights. Budgeting is good, so plan for this and make it possible!

So, here's how it goes:

1. Invitation/Draft: First, you'll want to give him this invitation in an envelope marked CLASSIFIED. TOP SECRET.


2. Military Apparel: Next, you need to round up some camo gear for BOTH of you. (you may recall Monday's post with a picture of a military girl outfit...this is what I recommend). When he gets home, have his camo attire (boxers, tshirt, whatever you can find) by the door, with a note that says,
"Soldier, report to your barracks to change out of your civilian attire into this Booty Camp issued uniform. Then, report promptly to the enlistment desk."
Have arrows pointing from the bathroom/bedroom (er, barracks) to where the enlistment desk is at (where you'll be waiting for him).

3. Enlistment Desk: Third, you need to have your "Enlistment Desk" set up. I suggest a cardtable with camo wrapping paper on it (or the closest thing to it). Have some green and brown balloons taped to it and maybe a poster on a mini easle which says "I WANT YOU...for Booty Camp" (like the Uncle Sam could even take a pic of yourself pointing like Sam does). You also need to have a dog-tag necklace for him to wear. (You can order these online for cheap from army surplus stores) or make your own with string and two cutouts from grey cardstock. Make sure there are 2 tags (you'll see why as you read on...) AND, you'll want to have him sign the Booty Camp Waiver Form.


4. Mess Hall: If he hasn't already eaten dinner, provide him some military mush in the mess hall (kitchen) Plop some mashed potatoes and gravy onto a plate (or tray if you have it) along with a slab of meat. If he has eaten already…then you can forgo this part of the night.

5. Script & Missions: After he's been "enlisted" at the desk and has eaten his mush in the mess hall, you'll want to have him "line up" and stand at attention while you pace back and forth giving instructions with your clipboard in hand. (This way you can use the script!)


You'll want these instructions for Mission #4:


7. Booty Call: After all his missions are completed and he's wiped out (ya, right) then you need to announce. "Soldier, your missions are over. Congratulations at successfully completing Booty Camp. You will now receive the highest rank, the Booty Call. Please follow me…"

The rest is up to you!
Remember, if use my downloads (which you know I slaved away on), please leave a comment! Thanks!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Military Romance

Saturday, May 23rd is National Military Spouse Day and I couldn't let another day go by without doing a post for you military wives!
I have a great admiration for those who serve or have a spouse serving in the military...especially those who have spouses gone for long periods of time. They truly are the strength behind the strong. If you are a military member or spouse, you deserve an award...a really, really big one. However, all I have to offer you are some fun ideas to keep the romance alive in your relationships...even when the military may keep you apart.

Idea #1: Care Packages
Send him a few of his favorite snacks, a momento from home, and a new picture of you... This site has good tips on sending a care package.

(Red, White & You - Wouldn't these be fun to pop in a care package? I found these at my local iParty store.)

Idea #2: An Army of Love
Buy a package of green, plastic army men (usually you can find them at the dollar store, walmart, etc.) Attach little notes to each of them (do as many as you want). Each note contains why you love them or something special about them. Then, he'll have his own private army of love...which may be all the protection he needs.

Idea #3: Mail Love Coupons with a Love Letter
Don't make this one a "things are fine here, how are they there?" letter...make it a true-blue love letter! Send some love coupons with it that he can look forward to using when he gets home OR that he can use while on the phone or skype with you (think creatively on that one). I recommend my downloadable camo coupons...

Idea #4: Support Your Soldier in Style has a ton (63 pages, in fact) of apparel (from sexy to funny to touching) designed to show off your military spouse status. I think it's a fun way to show your support, too. Because they haven't offered me anything to recommend them, I can honestly say that I think they are a little pricey. But, you can get the idea and make your own if money is tight! Here are a few of my favorite items (that I feel comfortable sharing, anyway...)

I didn't want to post this picture, but this is actually my favorite of all. haha! I cracked up!

If bracelets are more your thing, get a load of these. They say, "Love Knows No Distance". Loving From a Distance sells them for $4.50! You can't beat that!

Idea #5: Catchy Phrases
I don't really know how to categorize this, but you never know when phrases like this may be useful....perhaps a sexy text message? Whatever the reason, I'm sure he'd love to hear (or read):

You think Iraq is hot?....just wait until you get home...
I love a man in uniform. I love him even better out of it.
Some heroes wear capes, mine wears combat boots.
I've decided to do my best in helping the economy--save a gun, bang a soldier.
My whole heart is on deployment.

Idea #6: Booty Camp
Enroll him in "Booty Camp" before he goes out or after he gets back--trust me, he'll never look at boot camp the same way again. CHECK BACK TOMMORROW for complete details on how to set up "Booty Camp"! (it's gonna be good...)

Any other suggestions are greatly welcomed...leave a comment and check the comments for other ideas left by readers.

Friday, May 15, 2009

MHR Friday: Jimmy-Rig Master

My husband rocks. Does yours? Find out what MHR Friday is all about here. Join Katy Lin's blogroll, then leave a comment for me below if you participated. I'd love to come see why your hubby rocks!

Yesterday, I was reminded me of a reason why my husband rocks. He was about to go out for a run and wanted to take his I-touch with him to listen to music as he ran. However, he had no pockets in his workout clothes and he didn't want to carry it. So, he cut up old duffle bag, used some of that stick-iron-on glue stuff (the no-stitch way to sew) and created a pocket on the inside of his shirt sleeve to hold his i-touch. brilliant. I'm supposed to be the domestic goddess of this house...he's got me beat..(in a very masculine, macho way) :)

I have long considered him the "Jimmy-Rig Master". Here's a few examples of why he deserves the title:

- He once jimmy-rigged our car's emergency break light so that it would light up when pulled up so that we could pass our safety inspection in Utah (we failed the 1st round because of this). Savings: $200 (cost of fixing at car shop)

- He jimmy-rigged ski-racks to fit the top of our car (which didn't before). Using wood, lots of duct tape and little rubber things he found in the garbage, we successfully traveled from Utah to Massachussetts with a 150 lb bag atop our rigged ski racks.
Savings: $125 (cost of ski racks that actually fit the car)

- He jimmy-rigged our old 1981 Honda Passport Scooter when the headlight stopped working. He rewired it several times and it eventually always went out again. So, he finally duct-taped a flashlight to the front so he could still drive it at night.
Savings: -$45 (he got a ticket for driving with no headlight..I still think it was genious)

- He jimmy-rigged (err.."constructed") a personal driving range when we couldn't afford to pay for balls at the golfcourse driving range. A picture explains it all:
(PS--that's not our house in the backround, it's a playhouse)
Savings: $30/for all the balls he would have had to pay for at the real range
And...the list goes on. He sure is a handy guy to have around...and he saves us a lot of money!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

"Rough Day" Treatment

Ready for some Midweek Romance?

Of course you are! And, today's tip is even easier than most in this category. It just requires a tiny bit of reading.

Here's the scenario:
I come home from work and my husband is already home.
He rushes over to the door, grabs my bag, and says, "Hunny, I know you've had a really rough day..."
Confused, I begin to mutter, " wasn't a rough..."
He cuts me off mid-sentence,"Hun, you just need to relax and forget all about it. Go lay down on the bed and I'll give you a massage."
Suddenly, I realize he's just doing this to be nice! I concede. Now that I think about it, it was a pretty rough day...I do need to relax and I DO need a massage. :)

{by the way, this is right out of my husband's playbook. he's good.}

So, here is your assignment for tonight:
DO THIS! When he (or she) gets home tonight, greet them at the door, acknowledge their "rough day", and give them a nice little massage (it doesn't have to be long). I put my personal stamp of approval on this one. Guaranteed....or your money back! (Wait, what money?)

AND, as your Personal Love Assistant, I'd like you all to check back in with me tomorrow and let me know how it went...with these questions in mind. SERIOUSLY.
  • How did it make you feel? How do you think it made him/her feel?
  • Were there lasting effects throughout the rest of the evening?
  • Will you do it again someday when they expect it least?
  • Do you see differences in your marriage/relationship when you use ideas from this blog and put a little effort into romance?!

    I am looking forward to your comment today....AND tomorrow! Don't let me down! :)

Monday, May 11, 2009

Romantic Camping

Camping is a great way to smoke some fire into a relationship. Sitting by a crackling campfire, exploring nature’s wonders, or snuggling together on a cool evening...aww, you can’t beat camping for low cost, big fun, and great romance!

Now, you may not be a camper...but chances are, your spouse is. Or...vice versa. So, plan this adventure (if even for just one night). Camping forces you to get away from everything--there are no computers (no blogs to read! *gasp*), tvs, or children to distract you. (I'm not discouraging family campouts...just encouraging one "husband and wife only" campout) ...where you truly get to be alone together.

Plan it together, or make it a surprise...But whatever you do, try to throw in a few details that will make this campout as romantic as is possible....for camping, anyway.

Make yourself a checklist to plan your campout, but these things I consider most important:
  • Tent
  • Queen size air mattress
  • Queen size sleeping bag (fits two) - this is a must-have. We got ours as a wedding gift and love it! If you don't have one, maybe this could be a gift to tell your spouse of your upcoming camping date...
  • Pillows
  • Flashlights
  • Food (if you choose to build a fire, get all the goods...)
  • Wet Wipes, Towel (and other necessary items)
  • Camoflage Lingerie (or atleast something green, brown, and cute)
  • Ghost stories--there's nothing like being a little creeped out that can bring a girl closer to her man

    Here are some links to ghost stories to print out:
    (be warned: some of these are creepy and maybe a little gross... but that's the point-- I was trying to pick out the stories that I'd be scared to listen to and would make me hide my face in my husband's chest)

  • Death Waltz

    Other stories: HERE and HERE

    If ghost stories are not your thing, then I suggest watching a movie on a laptop in the tent (make sure the battery is charged!)

    The best advice I have for romantic camping is not to worry about getting dirty...(you can do the laundry when you get home!)

After all, this may be the only campout when you'll allow fire IN the tent. :)

If outdoor camping just isn't your about a little indoor camping with the one you love?

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Saturday Spotlight: Union28 Apparel

Okay, people--you've seriously got to read this ALL the way through today. (or you may miss an important message about a *discount*)

Today I am kicking off my Saturday Spotlight series with Union28. I am soo impressed with this company and I think it is fitting that they are the first to be spotlighted on Love, Actually.
Union28 believes that you should celebrate your spouse in style! So, they created designer t-shirts for husbands and wives that display a positive image of marriage.

The mission behind Union28 is what really captivated me. I hope that on my blog, I can convey even half of what they do in their Mission Reflection (take a few minutes and read this (the WHOLE thing)--it's AWESOME!) Here was my favorite part:
"On our wedding day, we publicly declared that divorce would not be an option for us. We made a decision to love and we're sticking by it! Perfect love which requires no effort or skill is impossible..." *Ahem--here's where "Love, Actually" comes in!

So, you've got to go to their website to check out ALL of their awesome apparel...not just t-shirts. Here's some previews to give the idea:

(There is a variety of apparel items for your husband, too!)

Of course...there are MANY more styles, colors, sizes, etc. etc. You've got to go check it out for yourself. Click HERE to see their products. UNION28 Marriage Apparel is perfect for Wedding gifts, Honeymoons, Bridal Showers, Anniversaries, Christmas, Valentine's Day, Birthdays, or “I Love You” gifts.

AND....all of my followers get a *DISCOUNT* for 2 weeks only!

Here's the Deal:
Buy 2 or more items, and get free shipping! At checkout, to receive the discount, you will need to type in: Love Actually Blog-Free Shipping
Offer Valid Until: May 23rd

Oh, I can't forget... (this is so cool)
WHY is it named: "Union28"?

Union: Marriage is a sacred union. 2: Marriage is an exclusive relationship between 2 - a husband and his wife.8: Marriage is marked by an on-going covenant; steadfastness. (“8” symbolizes “forever; on-going.”)

Happy Shopping!

Friday, May 8, 2009

My Husband Still Rocks...

Hey, Hey! Just wanted to let everyone know that I am not doing a MHR (My Husband Rocks) Friday post today.... (NOT because he doesn't rock...but because I've had a hecka-busy week and the weekend won't be much better).
BUT, if you are participating this today, leave me a comment so I can come check out your post!

Check back tomorrow for a SATURDAY SPOTLIGHT post! I have an will be able to get a discount off a really cool product! I'll leave you hangin with that...

Au Revoir!

Thursday, May 7, 2009


It's time to "piece" together how you feel about your spouse! This may take a little planning depending on what you choose to do:

If you want to do it the easy way, you can upload a picture online and have a real puzzle printed for you (This could be a fun date night). sells these easy personalized puzzles for $12.84 sells an 8x10 puzzle (110 pieces) for $14.99.
Or, I found this site which sells an 8x10 puzzle in either 110 pieces or 30 jumbo pieces for $11.70


Now, in keeping with my romance ideas on a budget... I recommend these ideas that cost $1.00 or less!

  • Michael's (or any other craft store) and dollar stores usually sell cardboard or wooden puzzles that you can paint or write a message on, mod-podge and exacto-knife, etc. (see my example below)
  • Buy a large posterboard (the thin paper style) that you can write, paint, etc. your message on, then cut out into your own puzzle pieces. Hide each piece around the house (in semi-obvious places) for him to find and then put together.

Here are some message/theme ideas for your puzzle:

  • You complete me.
  • I go to pieces when I think about you…
  • You’re the missing piece to my puzzle.
  • I love you to pieces. You keep me together.
  • You keep me from falling to pieces.
  • We fit together…you’re my missing piece!
  • You puzzle me.
  • I’m puzzled by you…

    Here is what I did with my wooden puzzle from Michael's:

I bought this for $1....

Painted it with acrylic paint and wrote on it with permanent marker.
Front side looks like this (obviously yours will look MUCH better than my lamo demo version)

Back side:

Puzzle Pieces

Once again, you've got a CHEAP idea that took little effort and will leave your love puzzled as to how they ever found a love as good as yours! (hehe--I do try hard to make up these corny ending messages!)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Today is Wednesday!
....time for a little Midweek Romance....

Remember the days of e-cards? They used to be big, not so much anymore... But, I think they are perfect for a midweek surprise to let your spouse know you are thinking of them... is my favorite e-greetings site because it's totally free, I get to see previews of all the e-cards, and it doesn't require me to register.

Go check it out, find your card, and send it today! I know you can do that.

This one is my favorite...good for when you are missing him:

Just a Bug Without You

Here's a good (for e-cards, anyway) one, too: U & ME

Okay, off you go to send your e-greeting! It just might make his (or her) day!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Romance-Related Giveaways

It's Tuesday, which means I've found a couple of great giveaways that you may want to enter (...perhaps for the benefit of your romantic life)
  • Prissy Green - Eclipse Spa product - her review says this is "the diggity of all things diggity" (this could be useful for your Spa Night at home) Ends May 6 - hurry!

  • Simply FaBOWlous - LanoLip Vanilla Lip Scrub, Dreamsickle Lip Balm, Retractable Lip Brush (this would be perfect for getting those lips in shape for these kind of kisses)
    Ends May 11

If you know of any other great giveaways (that in some way can be related to romance {you can stretch it, I don't mind..}) or are hosting one yourself, link up so the rest of us can check it out!

In other news,
I got an award from Miss at Bloggin'It. (Thank's Miss!) It's called the Splash Award, which I get to pass on.

Here are three blogs that I find: alluring, amusing, bewitching, impressive and inspiring:

1. Becca at Happiness is Homemade - (probably one of the coolest moms/wives ever...she does lots of really cool things for/with her family. I'm so impressed with her!)
2. Melody at Cheat Day Cafe - (this girl knows her food, and I think I found my most favoritest {it's my new word, okay?} recipe on there recently...but I won't tell you what it is yet!)
3. Samantha at Two Hearts Together - (she does all that fun crafty stuff that I love and posts ideas from around the blogosphere--saves me the time and effort of blog-hopping)

Monday, May 4, 2009

Think Outside the Box: Romantic Breakfast In Bed Recipes

Boxed cereal is definately the main food staple around our house. And occasionally, (usually on Saturday or Sunday mornings) it's fun to have a home-cooked breakfast. I've found that I can't go wrong with pancakes, eggs and bacon, but every now and then, I like to make something new... I have found some very tasty (and easy) recipes from some of my favorite cooking blogs and I thought I'd share them with you.

This won't be turning into a cooking blog, but good food goes hand-in-hand with romance. These recipes would be perfect for a romantic breakfast in bed on a lazy morning (if you can arrange for such a thing...).

For all of you who have lost touch with your lazy morning side (for some reason having to do with children), set your clocks early and enjoy breakfast in bed BEFORE the kids wake up.

Caramel French Toast
{It really is a sugar bomb, but sooo worth it!}

Recipe from: Mmm Cafe
(You can right click all the recipe images to save to your files)

Creamy Cinnamon Squares
{Don't those just look scrumptious? How can you resist?}

Recipe from: Gourmet Mom On The Go

Hashbrown Bacon Quiche
{Delicious!! ...breaks away from the sugary stuff. Serve with a tall glass of OJ.}

This is actually my recipe that I adapted from a ham and hashbrown casserole recipe.
The picture of it, however, is borrowed...mine doesn't have 2 layers like that one, but it looks just like it otherwise.

Strawberry French Toast
{Whoa, I think I'm drooling! This is about as romantic as you're gonna get for breakfast!}

Recipe from: My First Kitchen --with awesome instructions for even a novice french toast maker.

Below are not necessarily recipes, but ideas to spice up breakfast basics. By the way, heart-shaped food isn't just for Valentine's Day...just as your love isn't just for that day either!
So, whip out that heart cookie cutter, you're gonna need it for these:

{ Eggs In a Heart }
Just cut out a heart shape in the middle of the bread, pour in egg, and fry!

{ Fried Heart Eggs }
Click to get her instructions...they are helpful.

{ Heart-Shaped Strawberries }
This one's easy...but sometimes a visual reminder helps!

{ Heart Pancakes }
Make the pancakes like normal, then cut them out...

Bon Appetit! Oh, and don't forget to remind your love to

PS--I have linked this post to My Chihuahua Bites for her Tuesdays at the Table series to spread the bed-and-breakfast recipe love! Join in if you have a fun recipe to share!