Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Booty Camp - Your Soldier Has Been Drafted

Okay, girls....this will be a fun one. Whether you have military roots or not, enrolling your men in Booty Camp will be the best thing you could ever do to him! I've put a lot of thought into this...hope you enjoy!

First things first. You need a few things:
Green/brown balloons (2 or 3)
Plastic army guys (like the ones from Monday's post)
Dog-tag necklace (real or homemade, see below)
Cardtable or any kind of little table
Downloads from this post
Camoflage scrapbook paper/gift wrap, etc. Optional
"I Want You" for Booty Camp (like the uncle sam poster) Optional
Camouflage apparel/lingerie for you and him - *MUST HAVE*
Something like this is what I have in mind.... (search ebay)

And, seriously, you've got to look at this a different way. SOME of you are thinking..."There's no way I'm spending 20-30-40 bucks on some army lingerie…" But, think for just a moment. If you were to go out for a date, you'd spend $25 eating out, $20 at the movie…but this is a date that you'll both remember and enjoy...it will be well worth it. Don't short change your themed date/romance nights. Budgeting is good, so plan for this and make it possible!

So, here's how it goes:

1. Invitation/Draft: First, you'll want to give him this invitation in an envelope marked CLASSIFIED. TOP SECRET.


2. Military Apparel: Next, you need to round up some camo gear for BOTH of you. (you may recall Monday's post with a picture of a military girl outfit...this is what I recommend). When he gets home, have his camo attire (boxers, tshirt, whatever you can find) by the door, with a note that says,
"Soldier, report to your barracks to change out of your civilian attire into this Booty Camp issued uniform. Then, report promptly to the enlistment desk."
Have arrows pointing from the bathroom/bedroom (er, barracks) to where the enlistment desk is at (where you'll be waiting for him).

3. Enlistment Desk: Third, you need to have your "Enlistment Desk" set up. I suggest a cardtable with camo wrapping paper on it (or the closest thing to it). Have some green and brown balloons taped to it and maybe a poster on a mini easle which says "I WANT YOU...for Booty Camp" (like the Uncle Sam ones...you could even take a pic of yourself pointing like Sam does). You also need to have a dog-tag necklace for him to wear. (You can order these online for cheap from army surplus stores) or make your own with string and two cutouts from grey cardstock. Make sure there are 2 tags (you'll see why as you read on...) AND, you'll want to have him sign the Booty Camp Waiver Form.


4. Mess Hall: If he hasn't already eaten dinner, provide him some military mush in the mess hall (kitchen) Plop some mashed potatoes and gravy onto a plate (or tray if you have it) along with a slab of meat. If he has eaten already…then you can forgo this part of the night.

5. Script & Missions: After he's been "enlisted" at the desk and has eaten his mush in the mess hall, you'll want to have him "line up" and stand at attention while you pace back and forth giving instructions with your clipboard in hand. (This way you can use the script!)


You'll want these instructions for Mission #4:


7. Booty Call: After all his missions are completed and he's wiped out (ya, right) then you need to announce. "Soldier, your missions are over. Congratulations at successfully completing Booty Camp. You will now receive the highest rank, the Booty Call. Please follow me…"

The rest is up to you!
Remember, if use my downloads (which you know I slaved away on), please leave a comment! Thanks!

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