Friday, May 15, 2009

MHR Friday: Jimmy-Rig Master

My husband rocks. Does yours? Find out what MHR Friday is all about here. Join Katy Lin's blogroll, then leave a comment for me below if you participated. I'd love to come see why your hubby rocks!

Yesterday, I was reminded me of a reason why my husband rocks. He was about to go out for a run and wanted to take his I-touch with him to listen to music as he ran. However, he had no pockets in his workout clothes and he didn't want to carry it. So, he cut up old duffle bag, used some of that stick-iron-on glue stuff (the no-stitch way to sew) and created a pocket on the inside of his shirt sleeve to hold his i-touch. brilliant. I'm supposed to be the domestic goddess of this house...he's got me beat..(in a very masculine, macho way) :)

I have long considered him the "Jimmy-Rig Master". Here's a few examples of why he deserves the title:

- He once jimmy-rigged our car's emergency break light so that it would light up when pulled up so that we could pass our safety inspection in Utah (we failed the 1st round because of this). Savings: $200 (cost of fixing at car shop)

- He jimmy-rigged ski-racks to fit the top of our car (which didn't before). Using wood, lots of duct tape and little rubber things he found in the garbage, we successfully traveled from Utah to Massachussetts with a 150 lb bag atop our rigged ski racks.
Savings: $125 (cost of ski racks that actually fit the car)

- He jimmy-rigged our old 1981 Honda Passport Scooter when the headlight stopped working. He rewired it several times and it eventually always went out again. So, he finally duct-taped a flashlight to the front so he could still drive it at night.
Savings: -$45 (he got a ticket for driving with no headlight..I still think it was genious)

- He jimmy-rigged (err.."constructed") a personal driving range when we couldn't afford to pay for balls at the golfcourse driving range. A picture explains it all:
(PS--that's not our house in the backround, it's a playhouse)
Savings: $30/for all the balls he would have had to pay for at the real range
And...the list goes on. He sure is a handy guy to have around...and he saves us a lot of money!

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