Monday, March 30, 2009

April Fooling!!

Any holiday can be turned into a lover's holiday...April Fool's Day is no exception!

Here's how:
1. Cover a regular sized envelope with a piece of orange cardstock (print the words right on the cardstock and cut out to envelope size).

2. If your spouse drives to work, make a visit to the lot where they park the car. (best case scenario: about an hour before they get off work).

3. Place the ticket under the wiper or in the gap of the driver's side window.

He may have a second or two of anxiety until he realizes what's inside:

Today's the 30th--you've got 2 days! Happy Fooling!

{If you read this post too late, and you don't want to save this one until next April 1, then do the same thing...just leave out the whole part about April Fool's. Who needs a reason to give your spouse a heart attack and a love note all at the same time?!}

Here's some other ideas:
Tip Junkie: April Fools Prank Ideas

Sunday, March 29, 2009

What Happens in Vegas....

...doesn't always stay in Vegas, especially in my case since I'm about to tell you all about our night in "Vegas".

My husband is from Las Vegas so, naturally, a great many of our vacations have led us there. Lately, going to Vegas is all he talks about! ...but, living on the East Coast doesn't make that very easy. So, with a little help from my local iParty store, Vegas came to us!

Who needs Vegas? We've got it all right here:



Don't forget the sun and the swimsuits!
...and blue food coloring for the water.


above: for the pool
below: for the casino


strip poker or lover's gambling anyone? see below for details.



(Our bed was enclosed in this "cabana" with candles all around)

Looks fun, right? It was.

If you're still curious about how to do a Vegas Night, here's some options:

1. Fine Dining: splurge a little on a fancy home-cooked meal...don't forget dessert
2. Pool - check the $store or party store; put BLUE food coloring drops in the tub
3. Cocktails - Martinellis Sparkling Cider is our favorite; grocery store, $store, party store for umbrella toothpicks; wine glasses = $store
4. Casino/gambling:
*play strip poker - whoever loses the round, loses their piece at a time! this link is semi-useful in teaching you how to play 5-card's really quite simple, but instructions always seem to complicate things!
*play 'lover's gambling': basically, poker minus the money. Establish some reward for whoever wins (our was a 15 minute massage). Play with pennies, poker chips, m&ms, etc.)
*Put up Christmas lights in your "casino" area for the bright lights of Vegas
5. Cabana/Suite - Get some white sheets, use tall lamps, or whatever to make yourself a cabana. Use lots of tealights (be sure to put a square of wax paper under each one)!
6. Theatre/Shows:
* I suggest one with a Vegas theme. Here are some examples:
- 21
- What Happens in Vegas
- Oceans 11, Oceans 12, Oceans 13 (ooh..i like them all!)
- Lucky You - with Drew Barrymore
- Vegas Vacation - 1997
- Rat Race - 2001
- Honeymoon in Vegas - 1992
6. Other husband-approved options: pole dancing, lap dance.... If you dare. I did not.

How much did all this cost me? Including the food, about $20. Now, before you go runnning to the store, be sure to ask friends to borrow items (movies, beach stuff, props. etc)! A few bucks here and there really add up!

And that's it. No gambling to're guarenteed to hit the jackpot on Vegas Night!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Crime & Punishment: Court in Session

I always enjoyed playing "Court" as a kid, and even now as a adult. Before moving to Boston, I taught 7th grade health and for a unit activity about "making good decisions", I set my classroom up like a court room. Each student had a role and a script, and they had a BLAST acting it out. As I was driving home, I thought about how fun it would be to make an adult version for me and the hubby.

Here's what I came up with in 3 easy steps:

1. Prepare a court summons. Give it to him in an envelope (that looks like it really came in the mail) JUST as he's leaving the house for the day. You don't want him to open it at home.
(Download the Court Summons Letter HERE)

(As he was walking out the door, I said, "Oh, hey--this came in the mail for you yesterday. Looked important so I didn't open it.")

2. Read the script to know how it's all gonna go down.

(Download the Script HERE)

3. Adapt it and Snazz it up the way that works for you!

Court Adjourned!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

A Few Items of Business

Hello! Just a couple of things...

1. If you download, leave me a comment and let me know! I'd love to know how the idea worked for you.... (I've just got to know if I should keep this going!)

2. I am constantly thinking of fun ideas to post and would LOVE LOVE LOVE any ideas that you would like to submit. Please email to

3. If you use my ideas, please don't distribute them to others (without permission). Instead, direct them to my site! Thank you! You're more than welcome, though, to use my button, link, or post about this blog on your blog.

4. If you haven't already, be sure to become a follower!

Thank you for your support so far--I get more and more excited about this blog everyday!

Turn ME On, Instead

This one's a no brainer. When he leaves for a bathroom break or kitchen run, turn the TV off, place the note, and run to the bedroom! You won't be waiting long..., you might want to wait until AFTER March Madness to try this one! Just a suggestion...

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Build Him A Cake or Something...

I get a lot of my inspiration from movies. Today's idea comes from the one and only, Pedro, from Napoleon Dynamite.

Do you remember the part where Pedro tells Napoleon that he's going to ask Summer (the most popular girl in school) to prom. Here's how the dialogue plays out:

Napoleon: "How the heck are you gonna do that?"
Pedro: "Build her a cake or something."

Ha! Perfect. Although that didn't work out too well for Pedro, it may have a better effect on your man.

So, BUILD him a cake--for no occasion at all. He'll think this is really something. After all, the way to a guy's heart is through his stomach!

There are only about a gazillion options for cakes you could make, but when in doubt, keep it simple! Don't slave away in the kitchen all day for something that will be eaten in 10 minutes!
Here's some inspiration: Cool Cakes

I'm not a big cake maker/decorator, but after seeing the idea for this, I couldn't resist. So, on went my apron, and out came the cake knife. I was up to my elbows in frosting, and ended up throwing out my first attempt. But, in the end, this was the result:

A Hershey Kiss Cake
(yes, I made this myself...but it's shameful compared to this one)
Click on "this one" for recipe and directions.

But, my husband loved it! He gave me a big hug and then we sat down and enjoyed some yummy cake together.

Thanks, Pedro.

What kind of no-occassion cake would you make or have made in the past?

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Envelope Day Date

So, you finally get a chance to hang out together... You think about what you want to do and three hours later, you're still brainstorming and the day is half gone. This used to be hubby and I all the time.

Hence, I introduce you the "Envelope Day". I love this--I really do. It is perfect for a day of fun. And you can do so much to play up or play down this idea.

Here's the original idea before I throw out the twists:

This date is best planned for a weekend or a day you both have the day free. You'll need to have 12 envelopes labeled as in the picture below:

Inside each envelope will be an option for that category. Like this:
These are ideas just to start you out--there are many more ideas that may work for you.

1. In the morning, allow your spouse to select ONE of the breakfast envelopes.
(Make sure you have options for bringing breakfast in bed or making breakfast together already planned ahead of time). (But, secretly, you're probably hoping for Breakfast Diner, so you can go to IHOP...or Denny's.)
2. Then, get ready for the day...and when it's time, allow them to select ONE of the event envelopes.
3. After the event, you may have some time until dinner (or you could make this lunch). But when it's time...they can choose ONE dinner envelope.
4. And of course, when the time is right, they can choose one of the lovin envelopes.

It makes for a fun, somewhat-spontaneous day that you just spent together, not planning, not moping because you didn't get done what you wanted to do...... simply being together without a lot of effort!

- If you only have an hour or two to spare, just pick from one set of envelopes (which set depends on the situation (time of day, hunger, need for fun, etc.)
- Create more categories or change the categories if it's for a full-day date and you really want to pack a lot in.
- For an anniversary, use the number of your years together as the number of envelopes in each category.

- Take turns replacing the options in each envelope (so you can reuse the envelopes for years and years!) Pick things you'll both enjoy...or at least tolerate for the sake of each other.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Bad Day Box

I wish I had a picture of the box that hubby had made for me a couple of years ago...I had recently discussed with him how I didn't feel loved enough...(It was probably just a rough day). The next day, he had decorated the top of a plastic container box with scrapbook paper, bows, and had written on it "Cher's Box of Love". Inside the box were my favorite Lindor chocolates and lovey-dovey sentiments that he wrote for me. He also had some fun things that might lift my spirits. My directions were to take out only one or two items each time I needed a little extra love...this way it would last. And when it got low, he would refill it. I was touched by his thoughtfulness and even just by the fact that he used my scrapbook supplies!

Since, I don't have a picture of that, I made a box for him and created a poem for the top.

I bought this cardboard-type box at Michael's for $1 and covered it with scrapbook paper, and painted the sides of the box-top.

Here's some ideas for what to put inside:
- notes of encouragement (for a rough day)
- write the things you love the most about them
- write about a favorite memory you share together
- fun little trinkets/objects that will make them laugh (my hubby put little temporary tattoos in mine...I have no idea why...but they were fun!)
- If they are really close with their family, ask their mom/dad/siblings to write them a little note to contribute to the box
- their favorite candy/treat
- love coupon(s) (see "love coupon" post)

Make sure they know that they can take out only 1 or 2 items each time they open it---not the whole box at once! (unless you REALLY REALLY made them mad...then, let them have at it!)

Cheap, Cute, Romantic.

PS--I have linked this post over to ManicMother as my "Manic Martha Moment" contribution and to Today's Creative Blog's "Get Your Craft On Tuesday" Check them both out!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Keeping the Relationship "Steamy"

I've found that sometimes it's the small and simple things that make a big difference! Not that planning a huge romantic evening isn't a hit with my husband, but I honestly believe that sometimes, he's just as happy when I do something like this:

Write an "invisible" message on the bathroom mirror, which only shows up when the mirror gets foggy.

Dab your finger or a Q-tip in just a little bit of clear soap and write a message on the mirror. After it gets steamed up from the shower, it will display your message.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Redeemable Kisses!

Here's a fun and simple thing to do...perhaps when it's been a while since you've done anything "lovey-dovey"...

Give them this:

(a little bag of Hershey kisses...or a little baggie filled with kisses)

Along with the bag, attach a little note that explains that the "tag" on each hershey kiss is redeemable for a real kiss. So, they can save them, use them all at once--whatever they want.

Here's a downloadable tag, if you wish:

Download HERE

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Love Coupons..with a twist!

Okay, I know what you're thinking. Love coupons? C'mon, Cher! But hear, me out...

Although it may seem a little corny, it's super cost-effective and you KNOW your spouse is going to want what's on the coupon. You just can't beat that.

I've done a few sets of love coupons over my 3 1/2 years being married...and I thought I'd share some twists on love couponing.
  • Don't give the coupons all at once--Hide one or two each day in fun places (sock drawer, refridgerator, on their pillow, etc. (They'll have something to look forward to each day).
  • Give them one blank coupon which they can fill in themselves...(I know, that's a little scary...but do it anyway! They'll love it!)
  • Allow them to trade in 2 or 3 coupons for something else of their choice (but they can only do that once!)
  • No time to print or make coupons? Email them one "coupon" each day to redeem when they get home.
  • Make a little book out of it to give as a gift:
    - Hole-punch the stack of coupons and tie together with ribbon
    - On a blank coupon page, write the reasons why you love and appreciate them and how much they deserve these love coupons
Here are 4 sets of coupons that I made for you. Take your pick or mix-and-match! There are 6 coupons on a PDF sheet, so just download, print, and write in what the coupon is worth!

Click description below each to download that set:

Manly-Man Camouflage

Basic Blue & Brown

Blue Flower

Vintage Floral

Of, course I couldn't leave you without a million (well, at least a dozen or two) ideas to make this a little easier.. So, here you go!

Have you done these in the past? If so, I'm sure you have other great ideas...leave a comment and enlighten me...and everyone else who reads this post!

I'd love to hear from you!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Romance Calendar

Here's a fun way to renew your romance daily with a romance calendar...

We did this for about a year when we were still in college. Our lives were so filled with school and part-time jobs that we forgot about each other day-to-day. And then, we found the perfect remedy... the "Castle Fusion Calendar"...something so simple and easy to remind us daily of our love for each other and to continually "fuse" us together. (hey, it was the time.)

(note: feel free to create your own unique title for your calendar)

Together, we planned a calendar for each month and posted it in our office. Most always, the tips for each day were SUPER easy, and required little effort, time or money.
I originally got this idea from

If you hit a dry spell for daily ideas, check this website: - it has "holidays" for each month and for each day... I LOVE this site!

Here is an example image of one of our previous calendars. You can create your calendar using Microsoft Word, Publisher, or another program.

Life is SWEETER with this in it!

I wish I had a creative name for this DELICIOUS warm caramel sauce, but I don', I call it, "Warm Caramel Sauce" (other suggestions welcome!). This has become a classic recipe at our house and I use it a lot for romantic evenings, mainly because it is my husband's absolute favorite...and honestly, it is THE best caramel sauce ever. It's one of those tastes that makes you say "mmmm..." after every bite. It goes best with fresh strawberries (...but marshmallows, angel food cake, etc. go well with it, too).

Seriously...what are you still reading for? RUN to the kitchen and MAKE this!

PS--I have linked this to Tuesdays at the Table because this recipe NEEDS to be passed around. So, welcome to those of you over from "My Chihuahua Bites". Take a look around!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

{Your Title Here} Bed & Breakfast

Whenever my husband and I get into a rut, he'll say that it's time to book a night at the La Cher Bed & Breakfast. I "opened" that B&B when we were newlyweds and both "starving students" in college... Well, we're no longer newlyweds and he is now the only one STILL in college (okay, he has's Dental school this time), but even still, we keep going back to the La Cher Bed & Breakfast.

This is an idea that really has to be personalized by you, but I'll start you out. Each time I do this, I come up with a theme for the room. (I got ideas from browsing websites of real b&bs).

Here are a couple of rooms we "stayed" in:

Winter Dreams Room

I put a little sign on the door (because real b&bs usually have signs on the door--and I'm all about reality, you know...) :)

Download the text only HERE (saves your fingers a little typing while still giving you a chance to get in touch with your creative side! )

King's Lodge Room
*Since our last name is Castle, I tried this one revolving around him being king...but stay tuned because I'll be trying a new idea soon ALSO revolving around him being king (it's 3 years later...he won't know!)*(There's only so much you can do to change your bedroom on a budget, so I staged this one in the living room using the Futon!...looks pretty lame, I know, but we enjoyed it!)

Download text for this HERE

You may have noticed already that I'm a checklist kind of girl.
Here's a few things you may need:

  • tealight candles
  • finger foods (or serve dinner before)
  • sparkling cider
  • wine glasses
  • lotion or oils for massage
  • romantic music
  • Breakfast
  • Anything around the house to make the room LOOK like your themed b&b room
  • Lingerie?

The rest is up to you...may your mind wander with creativity!

And please, I live for your comments/ideas... So, take the idea, put your spin on it, and check back in and let me know how it went!