Thursday, March 12, 2009

Spa Night

When we were newlyweds, I planned a romantic night at home which has become a tradition for my husband and I. Since my name is Cher (a very French name), I created the “La Cher Bed & Breakfast”. After we had been guests in just about every room of that bed and breakfast, I decided to scale it up to the “La Cher Spa”.

I’m sure everyone has heard about a romantic spa night at home, but I’ve taken all the detail work out of it for you…You just worry about getting those hands in good shape so they can handle a night of pampering the one you love!

I planned ahead so my husband would have something to look forward to. I planned the Spa Night for Friday, but on Monday, I started giving him these “spa bucks”—which hinted at what he could expect, but still left him in suspense. After he took out the trash, or fixed something in the house, killed a spider, or did the dishes---pretty much ANYTHING good, I would give him either a $5 or $10 spa buck coupon. So, he collected and he caught on quick! He figured the more bucks, the better… so he was scrubbing the house, SEARCHING for spiders, making me laugh, and finding anything possible that could be taken to the trash!

Then, on Friday…all of his collecting paid off. I presented him with the “La Cher Spa” Brochure, which included all the spa options that he could purchase with his spa bucks. {I think when it came down to it, I said to heck with counting and redeeming the spa bucks…he got the whole spa package!}

You can download this entire document by clicking here.

{I doubt the fonts I used will convert to your computer, BUT--atleast you've got all the text and you can adjust and add your Spa name in where I have "La Cher"}'s how the night went:

1. When he first arrived at the spa, he was shown to the 2nd bathroom (not the one set up as a spa) where he could shave his face and get into his white robe. (If you want to get really fancy, put a little tag on the robe with your spa’s name/logo on it).

2. When he was ready, he came upstairs to enjoy “Dinner in the Oasis” – you can serve whatever you want.

3. I let him relax and digest his meal in a little “waiting area” that I made in our living room with a chair, a fake tree, some magazines, and some dove chocolates in a bowl. While he waited, I went to the bathroom to make sure all was ready (I had set up everything earlier). I ran a hot bubble bath, lit the candles, set up the spa sounds (see below) etc.

4. Then, we proceeded with the Spa Night…

5. While he was in the tub, I put his robe and a white towel in the dryer so they’d be toasty warm when he got out---that’s always luxurious!

Here are a few must-haves in my opinion, but you can certainly do w/o them:

*Martinellis Sparkling Cider (we don’t drink) and wine glasses

*Multiple tealights

*A clean white towel (I paid $3 to get a brand new soft one just for the occasion)

*Bubble bath Lotion or bath oils (again, get fancy and make your own labels for these bottles)

*A shower head which pulls out (this made the “hydrotherm massage” work for me)

*Mary Kay Satin Lips and Satin Hands – or something similar

*White Robe

*Spa Music: I set up my laptop in the bathroom. - has an awesome playlist on the website which will play 4 different spa songs for free!

And there you have it...a wonderfully romantic evening that is sure to be even better than the real spa itself!

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